
Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Josie and Katie

Josie (Bates) Balka and Katie Bates
With Josie Bates Balka married and gone and Carlin Bates' wedding coming up on May 25th, 18-year-old Katie Bates will soon be the oldest Bates sister at home. When Carlin ties the knot, there will be 7 Bates siblings married and 12 still living at home.

Photo courtesy of Katie Bates/


  1. Yes Katie take your time. Your future as a nurse is bright.

    1. I thought she wanted to be a nurse, but then read that she is enrolled in cosmetology school.

  2. MO- Katie seems like a sweetheart just like Josie. I'll watch Josie's wedding on February 14th and then I'm take a break from the show. 19 Kids And The Always Traveling Bates Family. The show has just became too staged for my liking. :o)

    1. I agree about the staged events. Going to a state you have never been to just because it would make a great photo backdrop is just silly. Carlin doesn't not know anything about Maine - is not a fan of the culture (losbster) - it was just really wierd. I could see traveling somewhere that held a deep and personal meaning for the couples - but this is all about photoshoots now. They are really nice people, but I can't believe this won't effect them negatively. Even the family "cooking contest" felt fake. I miss the days of showing how they taught the kids, "Train-up!" and took them to resturaunts to practice manners and social skills. I enjoyed seeing where Chad worked when he was training Bobby for his job. Just the simple, everyday normal stuff was good enough.

    2. Interesting how they're able to hold down jobs and earn college degrees when they're "Always Traveling."

    3. MO- I was wondering if anyone remembers when Kelly used to sit down with the girls to discuss the budget for the wedding? I was so impressed with what when I first started to watch the show. Now they all travel to different states for most everything- even to just to try on a dress. Fun perhaps, but things sure have changed.

    4. Have you never taken a vacation ? Why is it bad that they go places ? Also, how do you know what they like or don't like. They are not doing anything different that other folks do. Your just picking & sounding jealous. We love seeing all the adventures & how could it not be staged ? Everything on TV is set up & staged. Just enjoy it or not, but don't blubber to rest of us that do like to see the trips, please !

    5. @9:58 People are entitiled to opinions. I think some viewers are just a bit disappointed with the turn the show has taken and they don't feel like they can relate to the family. The Bates are not like most other people now in that they are TV celebrities, along with the money that goes with it. They can afford to travel a lot, or perhaps UPTV is paying when it means footage for the show. Most families I know, including my own, count themselves lucky to be able to take one trip in a year. If you enjoy the content, that's great. If you don't like to read other opinons, don't blubber about it or read the comments on this blog.

    6. @5:13. OMG absolutely!!! Elaborate weddings without a church in sight!

    7. @9:43....yes, that’s very interesting indeed.

    8. Concerning travel and budget:Kelly is very adept at finding very cheap flights and vacation rentals.
      Concerning "no church in sight": If that is in reference to Josie's wedding, God is everywhere, not just inside a church building. He made the mountains that were the background for that wedding, and He was definitely there.

  3. Ellie:
    Did Josie ever decide on nursing school?

    1. 7:20 PM: I mean Katie

    2. I believe Carlin and Josie said in a live stream back in August that Katie had just started cosmetology school. I don`t know what happened to nursing.

  4. Ooooops, I mean Katie! Sorry

  5. Just remember to keep God first in all things, pray and ask him for his guidance and he will bless you with the desires of your heart. Focus on school and just be patient, God already has plans for a bright future and all we have to do is trust in him.

    1. Those are nice sentiments, but just because we pray or trust in God is no guarantee that everything will turn out rosy in life. No one is immune from hardship or heartbreak, no matter how faithful they may be. People should never be made to feel like they're somehow at fault for not praying hard enough if bad things happen.

  6. I love the Bates. I wish it was on for a hour

  7. If you have trouble conceiving try NAPRO TECHNOLGY. They look and solve the problem. I'm no. 8 of 14. Yams cause twins....

    1. There is limited data to prove the effectiveness of this approach. Furthermore, the yam claim has never been scientifically proven.

    2. My daughter lives in Omaha, Nebraska. NAPRO Technology DOES work. Dr. Hilger's office is full of tables with photo albums filled with photos and letters from families who conveived and delivered babies when they were told they had no other options. Doctors come from around the world to learn NAPRO technology in Omaha. I don't know where you get your information - but I can tell you it is wrong.

    3. 12:48- Fertility clinics also have albums filled with photos and letters from families who have conceived and delivered babies when they were told they had no other options. However, we know they cannot guarantee anything. NAPRO may help some people, but there's no evidence to show that they wouldn't have eventually conceived on their own. We just don't know for certain. If people want to try it, fine, but It is misleading to suggest that NAPRO will solve the problems for every infertile couple. There simply has not been enough broad or impartial research to confirm its success rate.

    4. ROFL!!! Yams cannot cause twins.

  8. I cant get the UP channel on my spectrum cable:((

  9. Love this sweet family and continue to lift all of you up in prayer. Thanks for sharing your lives with all of us!

  10. We love y'all! Sending hugs from Pembroke NC home of the Lumbee Native Americans

  11. What’s going on with UP tv? So far Comcast, Spectrum, and Either Direct tv or Dish, ( I forget which one) no longer carry the station anymore! So it appears we are left waiting out the season until Demand carries it or Up Faith and Family gets Season 8 when it concludes. People are going to loose interest at this rate. Let the negotiations begin please...

    1. I still get it on Commcast in central Illinois. Perhaps it is on a different programming tier than you have.

    2. I have Comcast,but if I want to watch Bates family I will have to pay for it separately according to Comcast.

    3. Directv still offers UP but you have to pay for a larger channel package. It isn't available on the first two tier plans.

  12. You can subscribe to Up Faith and Family on your computer by the month. It's cheap.

  13. Continued: Up Faith and Family is $5.99 a month and you can watch ALL the shows, not just Bringing Up Bates

  14. @ 6:02. I subscribe to Up Faith and Family on Comcast and only get seasons 1 thru 7. Season 8 is not included. I’m in NJ.

  15. Try amazon or iTunes


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