
Thursday, January 3, 2019

'Ultrasounds, Wedding Vows & a Bride to Be?' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "Ultrasounds, Wedding Vows & a Bride to Be?"
  • Erin, Everly, Carlin, and Josie meet at Whitney’s house to eat food and catch up. “The good thing about living close to the family is us girls can take days that we can just spend together and talk and chitchat about what’s going on in our lives,” says Whitney. “I just needed girl time…”
  • What does Erin think about life with three kids? “Eighty percent of it is amazing, and then the last 20 percent is really hard,” she says. “You’ll be wanting to pull your hair out.”
  • After eating, the ladies plant succulents and discuss the latest Bates news. Nathan is hoping to go to helicopter school, while Trace is following in Zach’s footsteps at the sheriff’s department.
  • “I always love spending time with my sisters,” says Erin. “And really, they’re more than just my sisters. They’re really my best friends.”
  • Kelly and Josie meet with friend/wedding planner Kim Nafziger to discuss the details of Josie's upcoming nuptials. As usual, there is a lot to do in a short amount of time.
  • Carlin, accompanied by Katie, visits Evan in Springfield (a town just north of Nashville) for his 23rd birthday. On a deck of cards, Carlin writes down a bunch of reason why she loves Evan.
  • The next day, they play a round of putt-putt with Evan’s family. The Stewarts are very serious about mini golf, so serious that they even bring their own putters. “I love how competitive Carlin is because I’m competitive,” says Evan. “I bug her if she misses, she bugs me if I miss. We have fun doing it.” The two lovebirds end the game in a tie.
  • Gil and Kelly meet Tori and Bobby at Over the Womb in Hendersonville (just outside Nashville) for a 4D ultrasound. Tori is 27 weeks along, and although she saw the baby at 19 weeks, she is looking forward to getting a better view. The baby is still breech, but the technician says he has plenty of time to turn.
  • “I honestly think Tori will make one of the best moms,” says Erin.
  • Tori says she really wants Kade to have hair because she had lots, but Bobby was a bald baby.
  • While Gil and Kelly are in the area, Evan takes them to El Molcajete, his favorite Mexican restaurant. “Carlin and I have been together for almost two years now,” Evan tells Gil and Kelly. “I’ve just grown to love her so much, and nothing will ever change that, and we know that we both feel that it’s God’s will for us to get married, if that be your will. So I just wanted to personally ask for your permission if I can propose to Carlin.”
  • Gil pauses for several moments to build the suspense but finally gives permission for Evan to pursue a proposal. Evan is planning to pop the question in September, before Josie’s October wedding.
  • It’s the day of Zach and Whitney’s vow renewal renewal. “I’m thinking it’s going to go smoothly, but we’ll see,” says Whitney.” The event will take place at Hunter Valley Farms, an outdoor venue in Knoxville.
  • Whitney’s parents, JC and Lynn, were unable to come to Whitney’s wedding, so this vow renewal will be very special for them, as well as for Whitney and Zach.
  • “One of my biggest regrets in life was some decisions that I made when I was younger…that just led me down a road of guilt and heartache and loneliness,” says Whitney. “I hurt myself, I hurt my family. As I got older and I married Zach and the Lord was just dealing with my heart, I knew that I had to go to home and I had to make things right. It’s just like a burden, after so many years, has just been lifted. This day is just, it’s like the start of a new life, that I can start the next chapter.”
  • On the day of the vow renewal, Josie arrives at the venue to do Whitney’s hair, and Renee Miller arrives with the gown. After the bride gets dressed, she has a first look with her parents. “It was something that I had waited on for so long,” says Whitney. “It was one of the most special things that I’ve ever experienced.”
  • Just before the ceremony, Brandon has to run out to the store to buy new sand. The family starts to arrive, and it’s go time. 
  • Zach and Whitney write their own vows for the occasion, during which they renew the commitments that they made on their wedding day four-and-a-half years ago. “Today, I want to give you my word again to love you and only you, forever and always,” says Zach. “I’m honored and grateful and excited for this chance, with our family and friends, to reaffirm my love for you once again,” echoes Whitney.
  • During the sand pouring ceremony, Zach and Whitney, Gil and Kelly, and Whitney’s parents each pour a different color of sand into a jar to symbolize the families coming together.
  • After the kiss, Whitney’s dad comes up to pray for the couple. Everyone is balling as Whitney thanks her family and friends for the prayers thanks God for the chance to be able to renew her vows with her parents present “because we never thought that it would happen.”
  • The guests enjoy food and fellowship at the reception, and Bradley makes a big announcement, “Mommy have a baby in the belly.”  


  1. Is that the baby she lost earlier?

    1. What’s the deal with Whitney and her biological dad? Zach mentioned that she hurt him.

    2. It has to be. Recent Christmas photos don't show her a pregnant.

    3. This was taped in June 2018.

  2. omg i'm so happy for zack & whitney! i did not see that coming until they had jackson, warden & isaiah together outside and jackson smiled!! they must be due soon as the vow renewal was 6 months ago - how exciting!

    1. Unfortunately Whitney announced a few months ago that the baby has passed away.

    2. I believe the baby they were talking about is the one they lost. The vow renewal service was beautiful. I cried during most of it. Forgiveness is a beautiful thing. Love this Godly family.

    3. No, they miscarriaged shortly after the renewal sadly. They announced it a while ago

    4. Sadly they lost that baby early on, they announced it several months ago.

    5. She lost that baby.

    6. Whitney suffered a miscarriage.

    7. 9:42PM: Very sad though, because she lost that baby pretty soon after the vow renewal.

    8. She had a miscarriage...sad.

    9. Actually, they let us know awhile ago, that the baby was a miscarriage. Praying for her family for comfort and peace!

    10. I think the baby that's referred to in this episode is the one that they lost.

  3. That was the miscarriage.

  4. Ellie, is there a post somewhere about what happened with Whitney and her parents? Thx

  5. I can understand why Whitney’s happy to her birth parents at her wedding, it must be very emotional. But I can’t help but feel sad that she ditched her adopted parents, they took her in when her parents didn’t and she didn’t invite them.. so sad

    1. We don’t know if she didn’t invite them and regardless we don’t know their situation. Don’t judge.

    2. I have to agree with this. It is sad to see the adopted parents pushed to the side and a whole ceremony done for the biological parents with no explanation to the viewers. Sure, do it privately if you don't want to share, but to do this so publicly and offer no explanation is just weird and honestly makes me have negative feelings towards Whitney.

    3. For all we know her adoptive parents don’t want to be put in the public eye at all, and that’s why they aren’t in pictures and weren’t on the show.

  6. Sad I can't watch this anymore. Don't have cable nomor

  7. Sadly she lost the baby...

  8. Finally! I love watching the Bates, however at times I find my self wondering if we only see the good time are we painting an unrealistic picture to people. Following Christ is not easy and we all have struggles, make mistakes, have great days and them those not so great, we hurt people, people hurt us.... So this episode really showed the world yes I have made mistakes, but God can heal and restore. I would love to see more of the Bates working through struggles, seeing the married couples discuss what there married life and there finding there own relationship of following Christ outside of mom and dad's house. We all have faced this we get older and have to work out are own relationship with Christ. It has been a great show. But I also want everyone to see that God is a wonderful God in good times and bad. We all struggle, fall down, get up ….

  9. My favorite Bates epsiode EVER! My whole family watched it together, and I think we were pretty much all crying when Whitney's dad prayed for her. It was such a testimony of forgiveness, and also honesty and humility on Whitney's part. She could have hidden the real reason for the vow renewal out of embarrassment, but she used it as an opportunity to show that forgiveness and unity can be a reality when we let go and make amends, even after many years. Literally the best epsiode ever!

  10. This show makes me appreciate the Bates even more! To see the love untity and forgiveness makes me so glad! Because they used the opportunity they have on TV to be a light and to spread the hope of forgiveness on TV! It was such a great testimony!!! Brought tears to my eyes! 💙

  11. Definitely brought the water works! 💧💧💧

  12. Tears, tesrs and more tears.
    Not sure if the baby announcement was (sadly) for the miscarried baby, If so how heartbreaking. If not what wonderful news.
    All the best to Zach & Whitney - and of course to all the Bates as they stand strong by each other.

  13. There is something off kilter about all this. Whitney wasn’t talking to her parents when she officially married so they were cut from the guest list. Now she feels badly and wants a do-over. So now original Dad and Mom get invited, original Dad walks Whitney down the aisle, original Mom and Dad pour sand to blend families, but adoptive parents who stepped up to the plate during family crisis is left out. It appears very ungrateful of Whitney not to include all 4 parents. Just my two cents.

    1. I am pretty sure those were here adoptive parents at the ceremony

    2. I agree. Something felt off. I felt really bad for her having to explain to the audience how awful and sinful she used to be. I wonder does she ever struggle with the thought of not being good enough for the Bates family.

    3. 9:14 AM: I agree

    4. I wonder if Whitney didn't invite her adoptive parents in an attempted respect for her biological parents. There may be complicated feelings between the two sets of parents. Hopefully, Whitney doesn't later regret that decision. Whitney seems to be holding a lot of pain even with all talk about forgiveness and moving forward. I hope she can find peace with everything thing that has happened in her past.

    5. Sometimes we need to leave our two cents to ourselves.

    6. We know nothing about her adoptive family. For all we know they aren’t nice people.

    7. Also, it’s “biological parents”, not “original”.

    8. 10:16. No kidding. 10:14. They were kind enough to take care of Whitney when she needed them. 7:15. This is a blog where we all give our two cents.

    9. Julie Bouchard, no those are her biological parents.

    10. This is very confusing: what in the world did Whitney do to cause this rift? , why were’nt the adoptive parents there?, why was it okay for Whitney to wear a more immodest gown now? Lots of questions...but happy she is happy🤷‍♀️

    11. If her biological parents loved her, they would be happy her adoptive parents stepped up to the plate when she needed someone.

    12. 8:49, that means nothing. Just because you are a foster/adoptive parent does not mean you are a good person. Most are amazing, but there are a few awful people in the mix too, and we know nothing about Whitney’s parents. And even if they were great parents, something you need to understand is that sometimes teens who are adopted don’t WANT to be. And they don’t owe anyone anything.

    13. It was obviously something pretty serious that happened. For Whitney to be adopted in her teen years, her parents must have relinquished their parental rights. That's an enormous thing to come back from, forgive and move forward. I have no doubt that God had a hand in Whitney's ability to reconnect. A lot of praying must have been going on. How powerful God's love is for us. God is so good.

  14. Is she still in contact with her adopting parents ?

    1. I'm sure she is, but its really none of OUR business!

    2. I think so, but they likely want as much anonymity as possible, so they're not on camera

  15. Wonderful episode! The scenes centering around Zack & Whitney's vow renewal were very touching (I cried through them!). I'm thankful and happy that Whitney's relationship with her parents has been restored.

  16. Not a great episode, really. All they did was 'dance around' the issues. What is all this about guilt, forgiveness and embarrassment? I thought her parents abused HER? What's the truth here folks? With all the words Whitney used, she really said NOTHING.

    1. I was just thinking the same thing!

    2. You know what? It's really none of our business.some people are just super Snoopy. We should commend Whitney for her honesty. She shared enough without sharing too much. We aren't entitled to peoples personal background just because they are on TV.

  17. What a wonderful example of God's love for us, forgiveness and restoration! This episode was one of the best BUB episodes ever. Much respect to Whitney for being so open and honest. All God's best to all of them!

    1. But there was nothing open or honest. What did a little child do that she was taken from the biological parents. Seems very strange. A bit scary really. I hope she isn't being blamed for someone abusing her.

    2. Whitney was a teen not a little child.

  18. For me, Gil's predictable hesitation in granting Evan permission to propose is getting old. They've always said that courting is the prelude to an engagement so if they gave permission to court, why would they withhold it to get engaged? I just don't understand continuing the charade.

    1. I agree. Jim Bob does the same thing.This show is slowly morphing into "19 kids and counting".

    2. The show has changed a lot. It's so scripted now.

    3. Totally agree! His hesitations are getting too predictable!

    4. I do have to agree with you there. I cringe every time Gil does his predictable hesitation....

  19. I cannot believe that they did not edit out the pregnancy announcement! We all know that Whitney lost the pregnancy. It must have been very hard for Zach and Whitney and the rest of the Bateses to watch that part of the episode.

    1. I thought the same thing.

    2. I’m going to assume you’ve never lost a baby. If Whitney didn’t want their lost child to be mentioned, that part of the show would have been edited out.

  20. Lovely ceremony, but much too personal to be on tv.
    I wish them healing and many happy years of married life.


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