
Thursday, February 14, 2019

'A Bride, A Groom, and a Love That's True' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "A Bride, A Groom, and a Love That's True"

  • Three days before the wedding, the Bates still have a lot to do. Renee arrives with the completed dress, and it’s time for the final fitting. “I was so excited to see Josie try on her wedding dress,” says Callie. “I was actually really sad also because your older sister’s getting married and stuff, so.”
  • Josie still thinks her hips look too big, but Kelly says they don’t. “Guys like that,” says Kelly, using her hands to emphasize big hips.
  • Ellie, Addallee, and Callie head outside to spray paint lanterns left over from Tori’s wedding. The girls are excited to be able to help with wedding preparations.
  • Gil and Lawson visit a friend who is a metal fabricator to pick up a metal hoop that will be covered in greenery and flowers and be the backdrop for the ceremony. Strapping it down in the back of the pickup truck is a challenge, so Lawson sits in the bed with it while they drive through town. “Somebody is going to have to ride back there with it, and I am not riding back there if Lawson’s driving,” says Gil.
  • “Lawson, if you fall out, just don’t let the thing fall out,” jokes Gil. “Josie can get married without you, I guess. She can’t get married without this.”
  • It’s the day before the wedding, and the Balkas as setting up for the rehearsal dinner. The Bates offer to help, but Kelton’s father assures them that he has plenty of assistance from the females in his family. “Our heart went out to Mr. Balka because with his wife being in heaven, he is left with planning this entire event,” says Kelly.
  • All the family members and close friend gather together to eat and hear speeches. Alyssa, matron of honor and Josie’s “partner” growing up, kicks it off. “Josie, I love you, and I am so proud of you,” she says.
  • Next, it’s time for best man Bobby to say a few words. For the first time, he shares what Kelton told him on the phone a few years ago afterthe Bates decided it was time for Kelton and Josie to stop talking to eachother. “Kelton called me on the phone, absolutely crushed and in tears, and I’ll never forget what he said to me. He said, ‘This hurts as bad as anything I’ve felt in my life, but if God made me get close to Josie just so you could meet Tori, that’s okay with me.’”
  • That evening, Kelton and the groomsmen hang out at Frank’s Barbershop. When Evan decides to get his nose hairs waxed, all the guys gather around to watch. Bobby and Kelton have the honor of yanking the wax sticks out. Evan says it doesn’t hurt as bad as he had imagined. Meanwhile, Kelly and the bridesmaids have their nails done.
  • On the morning of the wedding, all the bridesmaids and flower girls do their hair and makeup at a rental house. Even the little girls get all dolled up. Kelton and the guys get dressed at the Balkas’ new apartment.
  • Kelton gets a call from Kelly, who shares some bad news: traffic on the interstate is at a standstill due to a wreck, and some of the guests are going to be late. The decision is made to postpone the wedding one hour.
  • The wedding finally starts, and the family members, bridesmaids, and groomsmen begin walking down the aisle. “I had emotion building in me throughout the entire day,” says Kelton. “When I saw my father walking up to the front by himself, that was the first time that it really hit me, and I was struggling a lot with that. Bobby knew exactly what was going on, and he pulled me over and started praying with me right there."
  • When Josie and Gil begin walking towards Kelton, the groom starts bawling.
  • Gil leads the couple in their vows, which are traditional ones. “One of the sweetest things about our ceremony was that my dad could officiate it for us,” says Josie. Lawson performs an original song that he wrote for the bride and groom. “We’ve got crazy love, crazy dreams. Might not be millionaires, but you’re all I need.”
  • The ceremony is just about over, which means it’s time for the first kiss. “To kiss in front of 400 plus people is a lot of pressure, and it’s a little scary,” Josie says looking back. Kelton says he wanted a kiss that “looked sweet” and wasn’t too long because he knew he would be “fussed at” by both sides of the family if it was.
  • “You can see just the joy in both of their faces,” says Kelly. “I think that picture will be in my mind forever.”
  • Afterwards, the Bates and Balkas take family pictures, and then everyone heads inside to cool off. Even though it’s October, it’s very hot. At the reception, Josie smashes cake in Kelton’s face.
  • The couple’s getaway car is Kelton’s SUV. Next stop, the Bahamas!


  1. Ok was it just me or did it seem like that was not their first kiss?? Lovely wedding:)

  2. what a beautiful wedding! she was absolutely gorgeous! not gonna lie, when i saw kelton's father walking alone, the tears just welled up in my eyes, and when kelton cried, those tears just poured out. here i was thinking about how long it took for them to get to this point, then they had to 'postpone' it and my heart is going out to kelton and i just lost it! i am so excited for them and this new journey they're going on

  3. Kelton is THE SWEETEST AND MOST SELFLESS GUY! What he said to Bobby after the Bates put the nix on his and Josie's relationship was proof of a true friend. He is totally a stand up and godly guy. Also, I felt so bad for him - and his dad - when his dad walked down the aisle by himself. Someone could have thought that through a little more and had Kelton's oldest sister walk her dad down the aisle and then go back and get in line to walk down with her groomsman partner. Kelton didn't just marry into a good family, Josie did too! Congratulations, Josie & Kelton, on your marriage and little one too! It's true, "No good thing will He withhold from those who walk upright." All God's best to you! jmn

    1. Kelton's father may have wanted to walk alone - he may have had a deep spiritual moment with his wife - "telling" her how he felt her by his side.
      LOVELY couple, very touching wedding.

    2. I agree. What an amazing friend to have. A guy who thinks that way will make a great husband.

    3. Kelton's sister is not his mother. His dad is widowed. Things don't always have to "match." Having the dad walk alone reflected his reality--that he is a widower. You don't have to just insert any adult female body to create a male-female partnership for the short walk down the aisle

    4. I’m sure it was thought through for many years. Keltons Dad obviously wanted to walk alone because he is in fact alone! A daughter, a mother-in-law ( a bit weird) or anyone else is not his wife. I’m sorry it offended your sensibilities, but his Dad walking alone was very poignant and beautiful.

    5. Umm, it did not “offend my sensibilities”. I actually have always thought it looks weird even when the mother is escorted in and the father trails behind alone. It happens a lot and seems to be traditional. Just like you’re allowed to have your own opinion, so am I. My original post was a very nice one. You don’t have to only pick the part that you deem negative. I have always felt bad for Kelton and his father. They seem like wonderful and godly people. I wish them all the best. jmn

  4. Time 2:43AM Fri 2/15/19
    Great recap.

  5. Why do brides or grooms think it's funny to smash cake all over their spouses' faces? I think it's not a nice thing to do. You're supposed to love each other and care for each other by treating the other well. This is not respectful IMO.

    1. I agree! I don’t like it either...

    2. I agree! We nicely fed each other.

    3. When my daughter married I did all but beg her NOT to smash the cake into each other's face. . . .they did not listen and I was so upset. Most Everyone else cheered. I just do not get it!

    4. I hate that also. When my son married, I informed him he would NOT do that. He said his bride told him the same thing. I'm a little surprised Josie did it.

    5. I have always been against this practice! It IS disrespectful, but the younger generation just thinks it is funny. I admit I am an old fogey!

    6. To everyone above, it is not your wedding. If the bride and groom want to sweetly feed each other or smash it in each other's faces it doesn't matter. I could see y'all being upset if they did it in YOUR face but what does it matter if they do it to each other?

    7. 9:18, it's not exactly a new practice. I saw it happen as a child more than 35 years ago.

    8. I am so sad that there's a man out there who even as a married independant individual had a mother who forced her will on child should be their parent's puppet. Everyone should have free will. And why is marital cake smashing so irksome to some? It's not like they went mud wrestling and then hugged all their guests. They ate cake in a merry manner to celebrate their nuptials. Nothing wrong with that. Personally, I'm just glad he didn't stick his head up her dress to take a piece of her under adornment off with his teeth, and then throw it to the men in the room. That's a tradition I could never get behind. Yuck.

    9. Josie is 19 and Kelton not much older. They think it’s funny! No humans or animals were harmed in this tradition. Let it go.

  6. MO- I laughed, I cried... Beautiful wedding, my favorite so far. I think Kelton has gone through a lot to get to this point, more than any of us know about. Bobby is an eloquent speaker, heaven sent to Kelton. Katie looked gorgeous in her new dress. She and Josie will be the sweetest/prettiest beauticians in Knoxville! Gil and Lawson, what were you thinking?? That truck stunt could have killed Lawson! And on the expressway, oh my goodness- God was looking down on you that day for sure!! :o)

  7. Such a sweet wedding! Loved Josie's dress! And Keltons reaction to seeing Josie was so precious!

  8. Loved the episode and it was so well done by both the family and UP tv.
    Best wishes to the happy couple.

  9. Beautiful wedding. So much love with kelton and Josie, both families and what a wonderful friend Bobby is. First we love God and other love comes easy.

  10. I haven’t watched the episode, but did they say it was their first kiss or are people just assuming that? I’m just curious, not judging!

    1. When Gil pronounced them married, he simply said "You may kiss your bride, after I do". He did not say "for the very first time." like he has before. But so what if they've kissed before. That doesn't mean they have sinned or are not pure. God doesn't forbid kissing.

    2. It's not important if they've kissed or not.

    3. Gil kissed Josie before Kelton😬😬? I missed it.

  11. Watching it now . . . so sweet! I love their love story, and what a beautiful wedding party! I loved the little girls in their curlers.

  12. I would enjoy seeing pictures of all the Bates wedding dresses . . . I remember a little about Erin's, never saw Alyssa's - it would make a lovely thread.
    Josie's dress was so angelic - perfect, absolutely perfect.

  13. Beautiful wedding but Kallie was not in the family photos. Where was she?


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