
Thursday, February 7, 2019

'Bate and Switch' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "Bate and Switch"

  • It’s Katie’s 18th birthday, and the family is determined to throw her a surprise party. Katie dislikes being the center of attention, and she is almost impossible to surprise. So the family gathers together on Isaiah’s birthday, under the pretense of celebrating him. When Kelly announces that it’s time to give Isaiah “birthday praises,” he stands up and Kelly shout’s “Wrong birthday! We’re really celebrating Katie!”
  • “I played a pretty crucial part in the surprising of Katie’s birthday,” says Isaiah, happy to have a chance to do something for his sister. He had gone on a birthday shopping trip with Kelly, and the family plans to celebrate him on another day.
  • Katie is shocked and can’t understand how she didn’t catch on sooner. When the family gives her birthday praise, she starts tearing up. Among other things, they say she is one of the funniest Bates, thoughtful, never asks for anything for herself, and full of personality.
  • Katie has recently started cosmetology school (following in Josie’s footsteps) and is learning to fly with Nathan.
  • Later, realtor Whitney goes apartment hunting with Josie and Kelton. The couple is leaning towards a one bedroom that is “pretty,” as Josie puts it. “I think if we have two bedrooms, we might have a little too many people wanting to spend the night,” she says.
  • “There’s going to be a huge void in the house, but I think that God’s probably been preparing us…to let go because as the wedding gets closer, Josie’s working more and more hours trying to save more and more money,” says Kelly. “So she’s really been out of the house a lot more.”
  • “I think moving out from living in a house that has like 25 people nonstop is definitely going to be a change, especially for me,” says Josie. “But I’m quite excited about it being just quiet and clean, yes clean!”
  • The second apartment that they visit is beautiful but expensive, but it’s minutes from Josie’s work.
  • Back at the house, Gil and Nathan help Jackson fix his 1993 Ford pickup. “Jackson loves his new truck,” says Callie. “He’s crazy about it.” He has been working with contractor Chad for about a year and has saved up his money. Jackson estimates that he will have about $1,500 in it by the time it’s ready to drive.
  • The guys end up discovering another problem that will require some more time to fix. “Yep, this is going to be a project,” says Gil.
  • Kelly, Josie, and three of the bridesmaids (Whitney, Carlin, and friend Courtney) drive up to Mt. Sterling, Kentucky, to visit wedding dress designer Renee so she can alter the dress that Josie bought in New York City. The other two bridesmaids are Alyssa Webster and Ariana Balka, Kelton’s sister.
  • The seam that needs to be let out has no seam allowance, so Renee has to cut some seams so she can give Josie more room to move her arms. “I’m closing my eyes,” says Josie. “I can’t handle it.”
  • The bridesmaids try on their dresses, which are floor length and in the same color family but not identical. Katie’s dress is a very different color and makes her look like a potato, as she says. “Do not let your mom order your bridesmaid dress online from China!” says Katie.
  • “Katie looks beautiful in anything, even the potato sack, but it’s probably not her 100 percent best look,” says Josie.


  1. What ever happened to Katie's dream of being a nurse? You can help so many people in nursing (more so than cosmetology, honestly)

    1. Maybe her dream changed, or maybe she didntd get accepted into the nursing program.

    2. Can't Katie live the life that she wants to rather than the life that others think she should live? It would be a mistake for her to do something that she doesn't want to do. As long as she is happy and not hurting anyone then what is the problem?

    3. Are you honestly expecting to get an answer to your question, or do you just feel better by letting your disapproval of her choice show?

  2. Time 1:43AM Fri 2/8/19
    Great recap.

  3. I wonder why Josie didn't have her dress designer make the alterations when she was there for the fitting, and then ship the dress to Josie at home. I would be surprised that the designer of the dress would be ok with someone else altering it.

    1. The designer doesn't have say over what happens to a dress after someone buys it and carries it away.

    2. The dress should have been fitted proper from the original sale. How could they even let her walk out not being able to lift her arms?

    3. Does the dress designer have to give permission for someone else to alter it? I would have thought the bride can decide what to do with the dress after the sale is finalized...

  4. It's disturbing to hear Katie make negative remarks about China. Doesn't she realize many of her fans are Chinese? Some of the best seamstresses in the world are in China.

    1. "Made in China" is a big red flag for me, not because of the workers (I feel sympathy for them), but because of the often poor quality I've both read about and experienced myself.

    2. She didn't make negative remarks about China.
      It's common knowledge, though, that things made in China are usually very cheap because they are of lower quality and because they pay workers less there.

    3. Unfortunately in America, things that are made in China have a well-earned reputation for being poor quality. Of course not everything, but quite a lot. There are also a lot of scams being run from China, and if you buy online, it's something to be wary of.

    4. She might mean they don't fit well because they came from China - meaning she couldn't try them on before purchasing. :)

    5. I don’t think she meant any harm. She was just saying don’t order dresses from another country that you can’t try on and see in advance.

    6. I bought a super cute dress (picture) from one of those on-line stores and when I got it, it was a mess! I even paid extra to have it "custom made" with my body measurements and I couldn't even ware it. It is that it is- My experience was terrible and I won't say it wasn't just to not offend Chinese workers. The same thing happened to Katie by the sounds of it!

    7. Chinese factories produce what Americans are willing to buy. If Americans are only willing to pay for cheap material and quality, that's what the Chinese factories produce. They want to make money, just as companies here do. They'd be happy to sell you high quality items, just no one wants to pay for it here. I've been to China several times, and they have some of the most talented craftsmen in the world. They'd be happy to sell you their quality items, but not for 99 cents.

    8. MO- Buyer be aware... Or you get what you pay for?? Haha- :o)

    9. All of the junk from dollar stores etc is from China. It is extremely rare to get anything from quality from China. Buying all the junk is supporting slavery and poor environmental standards but hard to change the American consumerism society. Americans are addicted to cheap junk and China is happy to supply it. Of course, in a country of a billion people, there are many wealthy people, many talented and skilled people, many wonderfully kind people. None of that changes the fact that the products sent over to the USA are made in factories with slave wages and destroying the environment.

    10. China sends cheap products because that's what Americans will pay for. That's what they are ordering. I've been to China several times, and I've seen fine craftsmanship and outstanding quality. These quality items can also be shipped to the US IF people ordered them. They don't.

      I think Americans are known for their love of cheap junk. The Chinese are smart enough to get rich by filling that demand.

    11. "My experience was terrible and I won't say it wasn't just to not offend Chinese workers. The same thing happened to Katie by the sounds of it!"

      You are free to say what you like. You can sound Christ-like and kind if you want to. However, it sounds like you wanted a quality item but didn't want to pay a quality price. Can't blame the Chinese for that.

    12. "All of the junk from dollar stores etc is from China."

      Sorry, did you go to the dollar store and expect to find quality items?

  5. I wonder if the New Your Bridal shop will sue UPTV for the bad publicity? It makes that Bridal Salon look terrible. And since they let Josie leave their store without the dress being perfect, maybe that store isn't the place to buy a dress. I thought it was tacky for Kelly to have Renee alter a dress that wasn't bought at her store. She should have gone to an alteration shop.

    1. It was a peculiar situation, but I'll bet Renee doesn't mind some free publicity! Renee always comes across as a fantastic person for a bride to work with.

    2. Maybe I missed something but when you buy a wedding gown the alterations are an extra cost. You can choose to have the shop you bought it from do it or pay someone else. I assumed Josie did it with Renee because it’s much closer and more convenient.

    3. Josie mentioned that the sleeves were too tight when she went to pick up her dress. Maybe the designer didn’t have time to make the alterations while they were in New York. Renee’s shop is a lot closer to where the Bates live. It makes sense to have the alteration done nearby and not go to the expense of traveling back to New York.


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