
Friday, February 15, 2019

Couples Dinner 2019

The Bates' annual Valentine's Day (aka I Love You Day) celebration has begun! The family is gathered at the homestead in Rocky Top, Tennessee, and everyone is elated to spend the weekend together. Tonight is the couples' dinner.

Remember last year, when Nathan and Lawson "crashed" the couples' dinner? They said they were bringing dates, but those dates ended up being each other. Well they are joking about bringing dates again this year, but they have made it clear that they aren't in relationships. Stay tuned to find out if they try to play another joke.

Whitney Bates, Carlin Bates, Erin Paine,  Tori Smith, Alyssa Webster
Whitney Bates, Carlin Bates, Erin Paine,
Tori Smith, Alyssa Webster

Photo courtesy of Alyssa and John Webster


  1. I hope they are not allowed to stay ! No real date - no dinner ! All the other kids have waited & earned the honor of the special event...I thought it was wrong that they were allowed to stay last year. They should do something special for the younger kids...not set a bad example to them. I think they are great guys but I do not agree with them changing the rules for themselves -just not fair ! Time for mom & dad to have a talk with them boys...& set them straight on the rules of engagement or at least dating a girl !!!

    1. 7:15- Earned the honor? Is it a contest? Since when should people be rewarded for being married or having a significant other?
      I also think it would be ridiculous to continue excluding the single adults in the family, as if they don't belong to the special club.

    2. @ Feb. 16 12:35 pm. No, it's not a contest to attend the Couples dinner. It's a couples dinner and if Lawson or Nathan want to attend they should take the steps to form a relationship. Can we be honest here? If any of the girls tried to do what Lawson and Nathan did the end result would have been different.

      Everyone else respects the rules and waited so should they. I do think that if Lawson or Nathan feel left out nothing is stopping them for creating a new tradition for the singles.

    3. @2:29- It's their dinner and I guess they're free to have "rules". I just think it's unnecessarily excluding some family members for no good reason. If I were planning an adult family Valentine outing, I'd invite everyone regardless of whether or not they had a significant other. It implies that single people don't quite measure up.

    4. The married couples are in a different season of life than those still single. Some of them don’t live in the area. Having one special dinner a year without the children and unmarried siblings isn’t going to hurt anyone! It gives the couples time to talk about their experiences being married and also gives them a chance to have a nice meal without worrying about feeding their children. Getting upset because they do something once a year is ridiculous! They have plenty of family meals!

  2. I missed seeing Michaela in the sisters pic!

    1. @ 7:31 am, Alyssa said that Michaela and Josie arrived late. Once they arrive the sun was not out to take another pic. I do miss seeing Michaela we haven't seen that much of her lately. I hope things are well.

  3. All of the Bates girls are gorgeous. And wow! Tori looks great for having had a baby so recently! I really hope the guys didn't ruin the sweet romantic couples dinner again. I thought it was in poor taste. I hope they had a great Valentines day!

  4. Gorgeous ladies! That's a fun tradition.

  5. Was everyone able to attend this year? Has Michaela spoken any more about her infertility issues? And if anyone says to mind my business I am asking because there was an episode a while back where Michaela had a procedure by Dr. Vick to clear her blocked Fallopian tubes. I don’t see all the episodes and just wondering if there was an update. If not, perfectly fine!

    1. I was wondering the same thing!

    2. Well before the procedure they said they were going to just take some time for themselves if there was no change since everything they were trying was so expensive. I don’t think the Bates believe in IVF (I am not bashing it in anyway, please don’t attack my post) so if they want to grow their family they’ll probably look into adoption.

    3. i would think you're ok to ask this type of question because especially now with josie pregnant. micahella has been on everyone's mind and heart! i watch all the episodes as well as reading ellie's blog, and i dont believe any more has been mentioned about it either. last i remember they saying is they weren't going to do anything else for awhile after the hysterosalpingogram (this is where a dye is injected into the fallopian tubes to see if there is a blockage) based on those results, which was, there was no blockage. you are not the only one wondering how they're doing, even if someone else doesnt post it!

    4. They post updates when they wish to share them- it's as simple as that.

    5. It's none of your business just stop talking about Michaela. When Michaela wasn't to talk about it she will.

      It's almost like you want her to get pregnant.

    6. 10:09 - you must not have read all of the OP's comment. She was asking if there had been any updates because she doesn't always see them. No need to chastise her.

      9:30 - many of us would love for Michaella to get pregnant, because we care about her and want to see her dreams and desires come true. Your comment was very harsh.

    7. 9:30 Of course we want her to get pregnant, because that is what she and her husband want. Some of us have been praying for her for a long time. It is ok to ask if they are willing to share anything. No one demanded information.

  6. According to Alyssa, Michaella and Josie were both there but arrived after dark. They didn't take any more photos outside after yhe sun went down.

    I agree that it's ridiculous to keep the unmarried adults out of the dinner. Marriage isn't an elite or exclusive status and no State secrets are being divulged so there's no damage having an adults only dinner with both couples and singletons. It would probably be very helpful to the singles as they search for their partners.

    1. I think it's ridiculous to state that this family is not allowed to have whatever tradition they want. As someone else pointed out, the singles are free to start their own tradition or to get married if being left out of this one meal is so traumatic to them. Being at this one meal with other couples will probably do nothing to help them as they search for their partners.

  7. good picture of the girls

  8. i dont mean to answer for ellie but they did mention that they started a tradition of the married couples going out separately and having 'couples conversations'. they still do the 'i love you day' all together but the couples dinner was an offshoot specifically for couples since they are 'all scattered'

  9. It’s called I love u day . Not called couples day or married day . Always gotta be one negative Nancy in every group. Do u watch the show ? They have explained it and i thinks it’s a great thing !!! Love the Bates

    1. They have an I Love You Day, but they also have a couples-only dinner. They've explained that, too.

  10. The Bates ladies are gorgeous!!

  11. Is Carlin overly thin ? I don't remember seeing her look like that.

  12. I wonder why no one is allowed to drink alcohol? One of Jesus' miracles was turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana, and for that reason, wine is very symbolic in the Catholic Church. Jesus himself drank wine. Why can't they?

  13. They are beautiful looking for sure!!! Amazing genes, some self control (no overeating), plus they know how to put themselves together tastefully and modestly.


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