
Saturday, February 2, 2019

Dancing at a Bates Wedding?

Carlin Bates and Gil Bates
This week on Bringing Up Bates, Carlin and Evan shared a dance together right before Evan popped the question. The couple is looking forward to sharing their first dance as a married couple at their May 25th wedding. Gil and Carlin will also do a father-daughter dance to the song "I Loved Her First."

What song do you think the bride and groom should dance to?

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Photo courtesy of UPtv


  1. I Loved Her First by Heartland is the song my Dad and I danced to at my wedding. My husband and I danced to Perfect by Ed Sheeran.

  2. Butterfly kisses, is a beautiful song.

  3. My favorite father and daughter song is Butterfly kisses by Bob Carlisle. Beautiful song.

  4. I think they should dance at their wedding. Not all dancing is bad.

  5. The song by Lawson... ("One") Maybe that would be a good one.

    1. I love that song. I think that would be the perfect song for them.

    2. I agree Lawsons song. My husband bought it for me last Valentines❤️day

  6. Hi Ellie. I was just wondering how many children you have. (I forgot how many you have.)

    1. Hi F.E.S.

      I just have one. He was born at the beginning of January. :)

      Glad to have you as a reader!

  7. Thinking out loud- Ed Sheeran

  8. My wedding day - Oct. 19, 1963 - many years ago, but I remember our first dance clearly. Our song was "THAT'S ALL." A lovely old song - I think a wedding dance will be a wonderful treasured memory (forever).

  9. I really like how the Bates are more 'relaxed' with rules regarding no dancing, front on hugs , being touchy feely before marriage ! I always thought that Kelly is so natural and 'real' compared to Michelle ! Just my opinion !
    Greetings from Sydney Australia !

    1. The Bates are super cool. Love them.

    2. If the Bates were a physically unattractive family, I doubt anyone would watch them or enthusiastically call them "cool."

    3. Nope. 5:31, the viewers aren't as shallow as you think.

  10. If I Should Fall Behind by Bruce Springsteen

  11. We like "I wanna grow old with you" by Westlife

  12. My husband and I danced to “All I Have to do is Dream” by the Everly Brothers. That was 30 years ago.

  13. It's their choice! Love this show!

  14. Carlin will have a dance with her father at her wedding. They have gone on record stating that dancing is potentially sinful. It COULD bring up desire that can't be righteously fulfilled. They said that. How is it now, OK, to dance? Couldn't those desire potentially be brought up by those watching the dancing couple? How can they righteously fulfill those? This family REALLY NEEDS to explain WHY IT IS OK NOW for dancing at a wedding or an engagement? They really look so silly with all of those 'safeguards' and beliefs which are really controlling restrictions. Kelly, Gil, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar should be embarrassed and ashamed of themselves for these things. I'd like to hear the Bates parents explanation.

    1. Gracie- I don't think you're going to get an explanation from them. Maybe it's better if people don't put others up on a pedestal. It just leads to disappointment when you realize they're just contradictory and fallible human beings like everyone else. Just because they go to church every week, doesn't make them superior.

    2. I think the Bates have relaxed in a lot of their convictions now that the children are older. Tank tops on the girls, boys just in shorts during swimming for example. I think it is a dream of Carlins to have a dance at her wedding and her future husbands family seems less strict about dancing so they are making a compromise. I still think Gil and Kelly don't agree with dancing.

    3. Get off your high horse,they are doing the best they can to bring up loving,God fearing children,but they have to let their guard down sometime,watching people dance doesnt bring on those feelings,after all the Bates family does watch tv so they've seen people dancing,anyway they're getting married those feelings can be fulfilled.

    4. NO! They don't owe you or anyone an explanation!! So STOP asking for one and get a life of your own!🙄

    5. Yes, I’d love to know why the change?

    6. I think a lot of their changes in thinking happened after Zachs first courtship failed. It was incredibly hard on him and the next girl be dated (and later married) he didnt court. That's when I noticed them beginning to reevaluate topics. I believe Kelly Jo or Gale stated that their family changes with time and so does their understanding of God.

      But, as others have stated, it isnt anyones business. I think I'd be nice to hear from them more of the evolution of their family, but they dont owe it to anyone.

    7. Coming from someone who would have been shocked 10 years ago by hearing this... I am sure the Bates are going to do this in a conservative way. Probably only the married couple and Carlin and her father, not an open dance. Probably classical music instead of rock.

    8. 3:17- No, they don't owe anyone an explanation. IMO, I don't think they're doing their credibility any favors by not giving explanations as to why they've modified some of their previously strong stances on certain things.

    9. Completely agree @Gracie and 10:22. While they don't "owe" anyone an explanation, they chose to be on tv and state certain views. Those views have obviously changed, but they're still on tv, and so people would like to know the reason. If they want to have these views private, then they should stop having their lives filmed and stating their views publicaly.

    10. Did the Bates use the phrase "stirring up desires that can't righteously be fulfilled?" I don't ever remember hearing them say that? Gracie, could you reference an article or episode for verification? Honestly, I think you're confusing the Bates with the Duggars. Nathan danced with mama Jane several episodes back during a Thanksgiving visit to the farm. I think that proves that they don't think all dancing is harmful/potentially sinful. I remember Kelly mentioning (in an episode about Trace auditioning for the Dixie Stampede... where he had to dance, and they were okay with that) that they didn't dance much because often dancing involved a lot of kids in close quarters with potentially inappropriate contact. Which, if you've ever been to a high school prom is totally understandable. I'm sure a first dance and daddy daughter dance at a wedding will be sweet and uplifting. So I don't think their stance on dancing has changed much.

    11. People change, I know I have. I was pretty uptight when in the Army, took 6 years post retirement to “let go” a little

    12. They don't owe an explanation even if they simply changed their minds! Christians are always growing in the Lord and learning that they were wrong about things sometimes.

    13. The Duggars have spoken out about dancing. The Bates are more open then the Duggars. The Bates have said they let their kids decided on the rules of their courtship and allow them to change them thru the relationship. The Duggars keep the same rules with all of their kids. Both families believe the same but in different ways

  15. Could i have this dance for the rest of my life

    1. Another favorite for bride & groom-Anne Murray

    2. Love that song. My daughter chose Can’t Help Falling In Love by Elvis 20 years ago.

  16. I love the Bates family. They are so real. I see it now. Gil is gonna be all smiles and tears as he dances with Carlin.

    1. Oh my gosh...this dance will be something special to watch for sure!

  17. The father daughter dance is so poignant; the couples first dance is so meaningful. Happy they are doing this lovely tradition.
    My father daughter song was: “Turn Around”... still my favorite 30+ years later.

  18. My husband and I danced to "God Blessed the Broken Road" by Rascall Flatts, it was perfect for us!

  19. Not all dancing is sexual or even sensual at that. And they don’t have to explain anything, it’s obvious they’ve discussed these things with their daughter, and that should be sufficient. I’m just glad they’re listening to what SHE would like to have at HER wedding.

  20. At my son's wedding, 7/30/94 he had them play "Lullaby" by Bill Joel for the "MOTHER- SON" dance - there was not a dry eye in the room after that. VERY touching moment.

  21. Iam everything iam because you love me by celine Dion . Father and daugher iam everything iam because you love me by wynedia byum.

  22. I think it's awesome. I love how loving they are yet modest.

  23. For once in my life by stevie wonder. Love the Everly Brothers song suggested earlier as well

  24. MO- Congratulations on your new little one Ellie! I knew you were expecting but I didn't know that the baby was born already. God bless you and your family!

    1. Thank you! He arrived at the beginning of January, and we're enjoying our new life with him.


    2. Congratulations!

  25. Regardless of what song they choose, the moment will be beautiful. I love this show and this family ❤️ In a world that is corrupt, I love to see families serving the Lord. I know you don't have a perfect family. Only Jesus is perfect but you work through things together, you love being together and you love the Lord. I believe that satan's plan has always been to destroy the family because then he can destroy the church. Thank you Bates family for keeping your eyes on Jesus.

  26. Perfect by Ed Sheeran would be well....Perfect!

  27. My dad and I danced to “Gotta Let Go” by Tom Bertling and my husband and I danced to “Feels Like Home” by Bonnie Raitt...I still tear up when I hear them!

  28. Will other guests at the wedding be allowed to dance? What about unmarried people? I always wonder how the preferences of the other family in the wedding are handled. For example, if the other side sees no harm in serving wine at the reception would that be allowed? Or if one of the boys marry a girl and she wants her own minister to preside, rather than Gil, would that be allowed. Or does the Bates family get to dictate?

    1. I wonder if thats why none of the current bates boys living at home have girlfriends? Because the bates family dictates the relationship and has these strict rules. The boys haven't found someone who fits what their parents want and whose willing to conform to all the many bates rules

    2. The couple would decide together, it’s their wedding.

    3. I'm positive they would allow another minister!! Even with their daughters. Wine... I don't think so. That would be too big of an offending issue for a lot of the guests.

    4. I should not have said "dictate". That is too harsh. I should have said, "do the Bates wishes prevail?"

    5. I agree that I believe they would allow another minister. I don’t believe that wine or alcohol of any kind would ever be allowed. I don’t believe that any of their children would marry anyone who drinks. There are certain core beliefs that have to be the same to have a good marriage. Not drinking alcohol is one of them.

  29. I Loved Her First was the song that my husband and my daughter had for their father and daughter dance. We had a slideshow of them through the years while it played - it was beautiful and there was not a dry eye in the house.

  30. All lovely father/daughter songs listed here for a wedding. I highly doubt that any of these will be the 'song'. I''m sure they will opt for a classical waltz-type music with NO WORDS. Certainly, no pop songs for this bunch. I"m sure NO ONE ELSE will dance a step but the bride and her father. It would be nice, though, to have the married couples participate and dance together at the reception. It makes it so nice to have music you can dance to and it gives the attendees something special to do together.

    1. At many weddings, the bride and groom dance for a minute, they everyone else just naturally joins in. If any of their guests have been to weddings where this occurs, they might just join in automatically. I suppose Gil might make an announcement that no one else can dance, which would seem somewhat awkward and inconsiderate. And there will probably only be music for the two dances specified.

  31. We didn't have a father/daughter song, just a first dance song for my husband and me to dance to. Then part way thru the song, my father cut-in and danced with me, and my husband danced with his mother, but is was still to our song "You're the Best Thing" by Style Council, in 1987. It fit everybody.

  32. Daughters by John Mayer

  33. So excited for them!


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