
Sunday, February 17, 2019

House of Bates

Erin Paine, Everly Paine, Brooklyn Paine, Chad Paine, Carson Paine
Erin Paine, Everly Paine, Brooklyn Paine, Chad Paine, Carson Paine

The Bates just wrapped up their annual I Love You Day celebration, and this year's festivities may have just been some of the most unique ones yet. (Anyone for a game of knock-the-apple-off-your-spouse's-head-with-a-bow-and-arrow?) You'll see all the action on an upcoming episode of Bringing Up Bates, but since Taryn Yager, the family's talented photographer friend, was on hand to capture the event, we thought we would share a few previews. The banner in the background of the photos reads "House of Bates." The theme was Renaissance/Medieval/Chivalry.

Also this weekend, the family gathered for a gender reveal party for Josie and Kelton Balka. So at this point, the Bates and Balkas all know the gender of Baby Balka, but they haven't yet shared the news. Josie is 17 weeks pregnant.

Carlin Bates and Evan Stewart
Carlin Bates and Evan Stewart

Michael and Brandon Keilen
Michael and Brandon Keilen

Gil Bates, Cadrlin Bates, Kelly Bates
Gil Bates, Carlin Bates, Kelly Bates

Lexi Webster John Webster, Zoey Webster, Alyssa Webster, Allie Webster
Lexi Webster, John Webster, Zoey Webster, Alyssa Webster, Allie Webster

Josie Balka and Alyssa Webster
Josie Balka and Alyssa Webster

Photos courtesy of Taryn Yager Photography


  1. Love the theme! Can't wait to see the episode! Erin's dress was beautiful!

  2. How fun is that! They find so many ways to make fun and unique memories.

  3. I really enjoy watching the bates and seeing what they do every year, for the I love you day! When the couples from out of town come in, where do they stay at? Is it at kelly’s and Gill house? Love the show!! Only one that is family friendly these days!!

  4. Awesome costumes! They must have rented them from somewhere.

    1. Micheal made her and Brandon’s costumes, not sure where everyone else got theirs

    2. MO- WOW, Micheal made their costumes? She's such a gifted seamstress! I bet she could have even altered Josies wedding dress too. SO talented!! :o)

  5. Looks like fun! Love Carlin's dress and Evan's costume! They sure are a creative family!

    1. However, Evan is dressed as a gladiator which does not fit in with the medieval theme.

    2. Are you the same “Kathy” who told her son he was NOT allowed to do the cake smash with his wife? I think you might be missing the point of fun😃

    3. Anon @ 1:45 Yep. I'm the old grouch who thinks that smashing cake in your new spouse's face is disrespectful, not fun. But did you note that my son's bride told him the same thing? Would you have done it even if your spouse said not to?

    4. Nope, I would not smash cake in my spouse’s face out of respect for my spouse’s wishes. Not because his Mommy said “no”. Your comments frequently bend toward the negative instead of just enjoying the obvious celebrations posted.

  6. I wonder what duchess Kate and duchess Meghan think of thier costunes.

    1. Um...seriously doubt the Royals know who the Bates are. And you do know they don’t dress like that, right?

    2. I know they don’t dress like that, it was a light-hearted question. They probably find it amusing they people think royalty dress like that.

    3. Duchess Meghan May have heard about them, she lived in the US until 2017.

    4. 2:56. Nobody thinks Royalty dress like that. It’s 2019 not 1619. Perhaps it’s time to put down those historical romance novels😊

  7. I looove Michael’s dress!! <3 beautiful!!! She looks like a real princess.

  8. Erin must have hair extensions with that costume! Her hair is not that long or full, and the bottom is a different blonde than the rest of her hair.

  9. What a clever thene!Love everyone's costumes especially Michael's since it is pink and that is my favorite color.I think for the next years I love you day they should draw names and the whole family could go as another family member. ��❤

    1. That would probably involve some cross dressing, and I do t know that the Bates would do that.

  10. May the Lord continue to bless your beautiful family. Thank you for giving us a show that we can watch as a family. Your daughters are a great role model for ours!

  11. It looks like Erin and Micheal are attending a different party than the rest. I love Alyssa family along with Carlin and Evan looks.

    Ellie is this the second time they have dressed up? The first one was the Older theme right? If not please correct me.

    1. They did a "down on the farm" theme a couple years ago.

    2. They dressed up the year they had a farm theme.

    3. True, Erin and Michael are more of a Disney theme, where the rest of the family is medieval times themed

  12. Carlin and Evan are the best!

  13. Lovely outfits! they are sweet pix.

  14. They really try to outdo themselves each year. I suppose UPTV is behind this performance, supplying the costumes, etc. It makes for more film-worthy footage, I guess, and fun for the kids to dress up. I preferred their simple celebrations that were obviously planned and carried out by the family.

    1. I was thinking the same, it's too much. I prefer the first I love you day we saw in united Bates of America, it was just family and love.


    2. MO- Totally Agree!! Seems like now everything is "over the top" that's to having their own show. :o)

    3. I sooo agree with the over the top “ staged, scripted, unrealistic” shows of the past several years. I much prefer the simpler, honest approach
      Of earlier seasons. Contrived episodes such as the first of this season
      are a case in point. Hoping to see more reality and less can-you-top-this type of programming.

    4. I completely agree with y'all! @5:59, 2:05, 3:17 and 9:44

  15. Beautiful pictures. Praying for Brandon and Michaela for them to coveive. If not. There are so kids in foster care looking for parents. Love y'all. Sending hugs from Pembroke NC home of the Lumbee Native Americans 💖☺

  16. Josie is only 17 weeks how do they know gender already?

    1. There are blood tests you can get very early on that will tell you of any chromosomal disorders and the gender along with that.
      It’s also possible to see the “goods” around week 16 but, as someone who thought her daughter was a boy for a good 5 weeks, I personally think it’s best to wait until at least 20 weeks. It makes for a fun story though!

    2. They don't tell the gender by "the goods." It is done by bone structure. Females have a few bones in the pelvis area that are shaped like a catcher's mitt, which develops into the baby's womb. They can tell the gender as early as 12 weeks, as far as I know.

    3. 1:12, I thought they only do tests on older mothers, since they have a higher chance of conceiving a child with chromosomal abnormalities. But, I read somewhere even very young mothers have a higher chance of abnormalities, so since Josie is 19 I think she falls in the very young category.

    4. How do you know she is only 17 weeks?? They only said she was due in July but not when in July. She could be as far along as 21 weeks!
      But technology has come a long way, and apparently there’s a blood test that can be done as early as 12 weeks to determine the gender ...

  17. so much fun! They seem so authentic when on TV...

  18. Look at where Erin has placed her hand. Is #4 on the way?

    1. You can't be serious.

    2. 4:59, it’s a valid question, you never know with this family

    3. Erin looks like Elsa from frozen

    4. I think her hand is just at a natural bend from the extension of her elbow. It goes shoulder, upper arm, elbow, wrist, hand.

    5. Woah@1:34. You might be on to something! A suspiciously placed hand for sure.

    6. Excuse me???? Why are you looking for signs of pregnancy on her?? Her baby isn’t even a year old, had the 3 kiddos quite close together, AND her pregnancies are high risk ta boot!!! If she’s pregnant, then so be it! (And congratulations) But to be looking for signs of pregnancy is rediculous!!!

  19. All these posters nitpicking about Erin and Michael looking like Disney princesses or Evan looking like a gladiator and not fitting in with the medieval theme. Goodness! It’s a costume party. No real life Duchess’s actually have any thoughts about it. Evan can be a gladiator. A few girls can be Disney Princess’s. The rest can be Maid Marion, Robin Hood, or Esmeralda for all it matters. It’s just a party people!

  20. Y'all look absolutely adorable!! Seriously!

  21. Erin is gorgeous. Love her family and the rest of the Bates. Looks like they had alot of fun.


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