
Friday, February 8, 2019

Katie is [Finally] an Adult

Katie Bates

"I'm officially adulting. I mean, so many things come out of this. I'm adulting because I'm 18 years old."

-Katie Bates

Katie Bates is thrilled to be 18 years old. While some people say they don't feel any different when they enter adulthood, Katie thinks it's just about the best thing ever (video below). She is currently pursuing cosmetology, just like older sister Josie (Bates) Balka. Did you feel like your 18th birthday was a big milestone?

Missed yesterday's episode? Check out our recap!

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. Happy Birthday Blessings Katie💖🤗 Enjoy your special day my friend! Sending hugs from Pembroke NC home of the Lumbee Native Americans.

    1. My granddaughter is Lumbee and is the most beautiful little girl in the world.

    2. Katie's 18th birthday was back in October.

  2. I know very little about Katie since she is always so quiet. She is definitely another beautiful Bates daughter. Looking forward to learning more about her and of course Carlin’s wedding preparation. Carlin will be so very blessed with Evan as her husband, Evan adores Carlin so much. Thanks UP for this wonderful program.

  3. 18 is a big year here in my country bc it is the year you start college, you can vote, drink alcohol, go to clubs, etc.
    I did all of those and it was one of the best years yet!

    1. And those are the reasons that birthday is such a big deal for most people but the bates are not allowed to do those things apart from voting so I guess Katie is excited about that.

    2. The best years?? God help us...who wants to do alcohol, drugs, immoral clubs, premarital sex, etc and call that the best year of my life? Sounds like you were trying to fill a void in your life with some wrong things. When you have God in your life and are free from Satan’s clutch with all those vices, then that’s when you could truly have the best year of your life.

    3. 10:11- wow thanks for thinking you know all about me from a single comment. I’m still quite young, so I’m not married or have kids yet. I guess when those moments happen they will become the best years of my life but for now I am enjoying my youth. I’m not religious, never been, and I’m a very happy and content person. I’m about to graduate college now, I’m about to start my dream job, and I spent the last six months traveling through Europe. I don’t need a god in my life, but I respect you if you do. I’d appreciate if you showed me the same respect and don’t assume stuff about me.

    4. 10:11- Why do you assume the commenter was advocating experiencing a life of complete depravity? One can go to a secular college, socialize, date, and enjoy an alcholic drink once in awhile without taking it to excess and not be in "Satan's clutches." I thoroughly enjoyed my college years and never fell into some deep pit of degradation and despair. I got a good job, got married and had kids and have been very content! Now I'm enjoying my retirement. The boogey-man didn't get me, either!

    5. Amen, anonymous @ 10:11 a.m!!

    6. "Not allowed"? This family chooses not to do those things. Praise God!!The Bates have fun and remember it the next day!?

  4. Happy birthday, Katie! Some days, a lot of days, I wish I DIDN'T have to adult!

  5. If you keep saying things like officially adulting, then you just sound like a little kid who's trying to pretend they're grown up.

    1. This is brand new to her. Give her a break.

    2. “Adulting” is actually a very common phrase in today’s society. But if you’re older I guess that it would sound like a younger word to you since your peers are older and don’t talk like that.

    3. Using a generational catchphrase or quip doesn’t make someone seem like a perpetual child. But, we must find SOMETHING to tear her down for, right?


  6. katie has always been one of my absolute favorites. she's always been so humble and sweet and quiet and has a great sense of humor. i've loved watching her grow into the beautiful young lady that she is. some young man will be very lucky to catch her heart one day.
    she's so beautiful, inside and out, but i wonder if she'd do any tutorials (hair, make-up)for other young ladies?

    1. I agree. I appreciate the calmness that balances out the more "loud" sisters.

  7. I just turned 30 and have children, and I still am not sure when I became an adult.

  8. It hit me that I didn’t really feel like an adult until after both my parents died. Even though I’d technically been an adult for a long time, and had enjoyed a life of independence, a wonderful career, as well as my own family, it came over me. It was like a bad dream where you’re all alone in the world, without a compass. It was a definitely a process of finding myself all over again, in a different way and in a different world. My heart breaks for those who lose their parents at a young age. You’re forced to grow up fast.

  9. Happy birthday Katie. Love your family and your program on up all are a inspiration to others.may god richly bless you always

  10. Three big milestones for me were graduating college, getting married, and having our first child. Glad Katie is pursing a skill/trade that will help her in her adult life!

  11. Only in the eyes of the law!

  12. Happy Birthday Katie!

  13. Happy birthday Katie! you are so beautiful!

  14. It is so sweet that even in such a big family they recognize the difference and specialness of each person!

  15. What a beautiful young woman she's turning out to be!

  16. I'm 44 and still marvel at what 'adult' is supposed to feel like😂! By the way I am a wife and parent to 5 children! It should make me feel adult life!

  17. She’s adorable. However, “adulting” implies that someone is living as an adult, living on your own, supporting onself, paying bills....

    1. Not necessarily. How many college students are completely supporting themselves? Are they not adults if mom and dad are subsidizing them?

  18. Can anyone explain why 18 is considered an 'adult'? In various provinces in Canada, you can drive a car at 14-16 years, vote at 18, finish high school 17-19 years, legally drink alcohol at 18 or 19 years, rent a car at 21 years, join the armed forces at 17, etc. So how do people decide what = adult? Is it when you graduate from high school?

    1. In the US, the voting age was lowered to 18. "The Amendment was passed with overwhelming support under the slogan “old enough to fight, old enough to vote.” This was during the VietNam War era and young men were being drafted at 18. If we waiting until the human brain was fully matured before granting someone the honor of being an adult, we'd have to wait until the age of 25!

    2. In the US, the legal age of majority is 18 according to the 26th amendment, although not all states have the same age of majority. At 18 it's legal to vote, marry without permission, and have full legal rights as an adult.


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