
Thursday, February 21, 2019

'Newlyweds: Rookies vs. Pros' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "Newlyweds: Rookies vs. Pros"

  • In this episode, the married Bates couples compete to see how well they know their spouse.
  • Which of your spouse’s habits drives you a little, or a lot, crazy? When Kelton’s alarm goes off in the morning, he jumps up and is ready for the day. Josie, on the other hand, gets annoyed at this because she is not a morning person.
  • Brandon says he thinks Michael would like to get rid of the big chair in his study, but Michael corrects him and says she loves the chair but that it is her family that wants to get rid of it.
  • Zach and Whitney both say they have nothing that either person wants to get rid of. “We’ve been married for five years,” says Zach. “We’re too broke…” “Everything we have is essential,” adds Whitney.
  • Whitney’s favorite snack is Reese’s. Michael’s is veggies. Brandon’s is pretzels and soft cheese. Chad’s favorite snack is trail mix. Erin’s favorite snack changes if she’s pregnant.
  • Zach loves Chicken in a Biscuit with Nutter Butter and Easy Cheese. “Snacks are moody,” he says. “Snacks change all the time.”
  • Now here’s an odd question: What animal would your spouse choose to be? Erin says she wants to be a tiger. “If I’m a tiger, you’re going to want to be a tiger too, a man tiger,” she tells Chad. Carlin thinks her sister is more of a gerbil than a tiger.
  • Zach says his spirit animal is Pooh Bear, while Whitney thinks he would want to be a tiger.
  • How about worst fears? Some of Tori’s are storms, car wrecks, being outside in the dark, being alone, tornadoes, and action movies.
  • And now for the question that is arguably the most important out of all of them: How many children do the newlyweds want to have?
  • Tori and Bobby always say they want to have a house full, but Bobby admits they don’t really know. “We’re basically saying, till we give up,” he says.
  • Kelton says: “Let’s see how Josie feels after the first.” Josie agrees, although she predicts they will have five or six kids.
  • What sweet things have the married Bates done for their spouses recently? Erin recovered Chad’s Bible. Brandon recently went on a seven-mile walk with Michael and gave her a love letter.


  1. So the married Bates plan to (eventually) use birth control. Interesting--they are rejecting the very thing that made their family famous!

    1. 10:57PM: Well, you've got to be real with yourself, and what you can handle. Not everybody can handle 19 kids. And not every religious family in their circle has 19 kids, and not every female body can handle that amount of births without risk.

    2. Not everyone wants to try to have 20 kids. And the Bates parents made the decision for themselves to have as many kids as they could, they don’t think everyone has to make that decision.

    3. More than likely natural family planning. Don’t be intimate with you spouse on your fertile days. It’s not hard.

    4. Chemical birth control can abort a baby there for if you're Christian you should never use it because God says he knew you in the womb. So they would practice natural family planning- try Googling how birth control works

    5. 1:34- If God knows everyone in the womb, then He must have also known all the countless people who were conceived out of wedlock. He must be ok with those circumstances!

  2. This was a funny Bates episode. :) On another note, UP really needs to stop tacking the new shows on to the BUB episodes. It is false ratings and dishonest. UP knows better because people have complained about this before. It is really bad for a "Christian" channel to do!

    1. Could you explain this more? I have no idea of what you are talking about. Thanks.

    2. I'm not the PP but also get annoyed that UP does this. UP markets BUB as an hour so that those dvring it will get the 30 minute episode and a new tv show. The network is hoping viewers will watch the new series. They did this last year with a show about a mayor of some town and then a different show about people's wedding stories. Last week, BUB was listed as a 90 minute episode when it was really UP bundling BUB with a show about twins who are designers and live together with their husbands and kids. I watched about 5 minutes of the show before turning it off.

    3. When you record the new BUB show on your dvr, it automatically records the following time slot of the new show. The network gives the guide on your cable/tv the airing information (shows/times, etc.). The guide will say that BUB is on for 1 hour. However, when you watch it, BUB is only on for 30 minutes. The other 30 minutes is the new show. But, you cannot only record BUB, you have to record the new show as well. There has previously been complaints because UP has done this before and continues to do so. When the shows are connected like this, the ratings are not accurate. BUB is already an established show with good ratings. The new show's ratings are false because its ratings are actually BUB's ratings and not it's own. This is dishonest. If the new show is good enough, it will stand on it's own. There is nothing wrong with airing right after BUB. However, the viewer needs to be able to watch/record the shows separately. This way, the real ratings for each show will be correct. Does this help?

    4. Thank you. Yes it definitely helps! I agree that seems like false advertising and misleading, although the practice may be legal. I purchase the series from I tunes, so I don’t ever see those other shows that are tacked on although now I remember that happening last year before I bought the episodes.

    5. Maybe this is why cable companies have made UP tv more expensive to watch or dropped it from their listings completely.

  3. I love Bringing Up Bates shows no matter what... but this show on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the highest, would get a 4 because I couldn’t read all the answers or even hear all the answers because the three of them would talk over each other. I can watch it again to try and figure out the answers though because I bought a subscription .

    1. MO- I didn't watch this weeks show for that very reason- Talking over each other and being loud is SO irritating. I also find the show format boring. I like the family style show. Even then they talk over each other... It seems like a competition who can out-talk everyone else! Everyone wanting the most attention- maybe a symptom of having 19 kids? :o)

  4. This could have been a fun episode if we could have actually seen the answers. They should put the answers on a big white board or something we can see. A lot of the time we didn't even hear what they were saying for the answer. Thus, there was not much point, especially since some of them were repeats. Just a hint, love the Bates.

    1. I agree. I wish that they had written their answers larger or the "host" would have read them for us. It's a fun idea, and I love the Bates family, but this episode didn't go as well as it could have in my opinion.

    2. Yup! I could read most of the answers and Lawson did not read them for the audience!!! It would have made this format much better had we, the audience, been able to know their answers.

    3. Just a wild guess, since the quality was so lacking, I’m thinking someone other than UP tv recorded these interviews as a trial run for future episodes? If that is correct, they need to practice a bit more. It really could have been a cute, interesting episode. Don’t give up!

    4. I agree. It wasn't that fun to watch since part of the time we had no idea what their answers were. It was basically like watching people on a couch laughing over inside jokes.

  5. If Josie and Kelton don’t use birth control (which is likely because of their beliefs), I think they’ll have way more than 6 kids. Josie is having her first baby at 19. Even if she goes at a “slow rate” of kids every 2 or 3 years, she could end up with 10 kids or more.
    I personally think that if they feel overwhelmed at 6 kids then they should stop.

    1. They don’t believe in using birth controls PILLS, that’s not the only form of birth control.

    2. Jist because their parents don’t believe in something doesn’t mean they don’t. Also a woman is most fertile between the age of 20-24, after that it drops and by the time you turn 30 you only have a 20% chance of conceiving during each ovulation cycle, so she wouldn’t necessarily have a ton of kids.

    3. There's really no telling. She could develop health issues or unexplained secondary infertility. Or they could decide to limit the family size down the road. They are not her parents and could make different choices.

    4. They don't believe in any birth control. They are against pills, barrier methods, IUDs, everything. If they used non-pill BC, they would not have 19 kids. The Bates believe in no birth control at all.

    5. 10:24- Josie’s mom had 8 kids in her 30’s and had kids consistently in her 40’s until she was 45. If Josie inherits her fertility, she won’t slow down in her 30’s

    6. Exactly; which makes me believe Michaela is not the problem with that couple not conceiving...either using a form of birth control or Brandon has an issue.

    7. 6:50, the Bates parents don’t believe in BC. Josie and Kelton are their own separate couple.

    8. 6:28, fertility is not genetic

    9. 7:40. The man is tested first.

  6. A movie is her worst fear? That has to be a typo or she is confused about what a "worst fear" is. Movies are optional!

    1. I finally watched the episode, and I'm guessing you did not. On the show, the question was what scared them the most, which is what she was answering then, and then they expanded on the question to include what they're most afraid of, worst fear, etc. So her answer was to what scares her the most. Not her worst fear.

  7. Please share the recipe for dreamy chicken!

  8. Lawson mentioned a “dreamy chicken” dish that Michaela could make. I would love to know the recipe 😊

  9. How do you make Dreamy Chicken?

  10. I truly enjoy all the "Bringing Up Bates" episodes and the game show episodes are adorable. I do wish that the couples would all write their answers on a dry erase board with black marker so that the viewer is able to read the answers especially since what is written isn't always repeated. But, overall I enjoy all the episodes thus far and watching the growth of the family.


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