
Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Scruff or No Scruff?

Tori Bates Smith Bobby Smith Bringing Up Bates

"When he went off to the barber shop, I actually had no clue whether he was going to keep the scruff or get rid of it."
-Tori Smith

When Kelton Balka and his groomsmen are presented with the opportunity to have their facial hair professionally shaved, best man Bobby must decide what he wants to do about his scruff. He makes the decision to shave it off, and Tori loves how smooth it is. What is your opinion? Do you think he looks better with or without the scruff? We are curious to hear from all the ladies out there and whether they prefer clean shaven men or men with facial hair.

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. I think Bobby looks good either way. I never wanted a man with facial hair until my husband grew a beard, and now I want him to keep it. He looks even more handsome with a beard than he did without. :)

  2. Bobby is adorable either way!

  3. I think the scruff usually looks good on men but I prefer a clean shaven man. A mustache or beard is ok if it is kept trim and clean, but the scruff is too rough for me.

  4. I totally prefer my hubby with facial hair!!! He looks so naked without and besides if he doesn’t get around to shaving every day, then it’s so very prickly!! Right now my hubby has a job though that requires shaving so I have to live with it.... at least he’s bringing the bacon home! 😊

  5. Either clean shaven or an actual beard. I personally don't like the current look of scruff and I don't think guys realize how uncomfortable it is if you hug a guy with scruff and it rubs against you (it's like getting hit with sandpaper on the side of your face).

  6. I think well groomed scruff or clean shaven looks best!

  7. I like Bobby with the 'scruff' but he is good lookin either way!. I love my husbands beard and mustache, but do prefer men trim them and not go all 'zz top' with the beards as many do nowadays.

  8. It depends on the man, there are some men who look good with a beard and others who don't or some can go either way. My husband is the either way

  9. MO- It looks like UPTV is going to do an interview style show this week. I've never liked that format so I'll find something else to watch or do. I'll check out next weeks show- hopefully it won't be a re-run. :o)

    1. If an interview type show every now and then will lengthen the series to 11 months, I’m ok with it. 3 months off like last year was entirely too long without the show though. Hope they won’t be doing that again!

    2. Thanks for the heads up - I don't like the interview shows either

    3. Next week's show is a normal episode:

  10. I like a man who is clean shaven, I don't like to be poked with a man's facial hair.

  11. I love my husbands beard!!! I don’t think I would recognize him without it!

  12. My husband has a beard and I love it! And Bobby is fine either way.

  13. I love my husband's beard. I think Bobby looks good either way, but he should heed his wife's preference.

  14. Scruff or clean shaven - both can be equally nice, as long as the man is well-groomed, either way! Fresh, clean, and a light, nice, manly scent makes either way appealing, though I prefer my husband with his scruff.

  15. Clean shaven. Men look cuter clean shaven. Men that have beards look like they are in their 70's.

    1. You haven't seen the right guys with beards. My bearded husband is a hunk!

  16. I like the look of a scruffy beard but I might not kiss my husband as much when he's scruffy as when he's clean-shaven, haha. Even our 3-year-old son doesn't like to kiss Daddy when he's scruffy and tells him, "Daddy, you need to shave."

  17. Anything but a mustache!

    My husband was clean shaven from February until September - then he grew a beard - he was a hunter and said it helped with warmth here in NW NJ.

  19. I liked the beard. My hubby grows one every winter and shaves it in the spring, so I get the best of both worlds.

  20. Scruff. I find Men with scruff incredibly sexy.

  21. I think most men look good clean shaven. But, there are some who do look better with facial hair.

  22. I definitely prefer men with a beard! I even made my former boyfriend grow one... He was skeptical at first, but when later on his mum told him that it was cool it grew on him. He was a nice guy, nice memories although it didn't work out.
    Anyway, I don't like the boyish look on men, a beard is so much better, but it has to be groomed and not crazy long.

  23. Definitely clean shaven. My son has the scruff and it just doesn't look good.

  24. SCRUFF!!! Looks Manly. Strong. Handsome. Bobby looks feminine clean shaven but like his scruff. You know it’s like comparing strong good looking Chevys to weak Fords. Ha Ha Ha

  25. I dislike clean shaven, but there are some men who can’t grow a beard or have a patchy one. I think men need to at least have a mustache or some sort of facial hair (besides a soul patch) unless their job requires them to be clean shaven.

  26. I love the look of my husband with a beard and mustache. He looks like a little boy without facial hair.

  27. Clean shaven, hands down!

  28. Clean shaven is best. but that's nice a professional job

    1. A beard can (and should!) Be well groomed and totally professional. Sometimes even more professional than being clean shaven, especially for young men. With no beard the can seem boyish, while a beard gives them often an air of maturity.

  29. I like clean-shaven or full beard and/or moustache. I don't like scruff on anyone - but I would never bash someone who likes it.


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