
Sunday, March 3, 2019

12 Weeks Until Carlin's Wedding!

Carlin Bates and Evan Stewart are just 12 weeks away from their May 25th wedding! Evan proposed in September, which means that this couple's engagement has been significantly longer than the usual three to four months that past Bates siblings have had between their engagement and wedding.

Carlin has her wedding dress, and the Bates have finally made progress on finding a wedding venue near Knoxville. The Bates recently mentioned Castleton Farms as a hopeful wedding location.

Carlin Bates and Evan Stewart
Carlin Bates and Evan Stewart

The outfit that Carlin is wearing in the photo above is the Xena Ruffle Dress from Charming Charlie.

Photo courtesy of Carlin Bates


  1. I'm sure Carlin's wedding will be a high drama event.

    1. I'm ready for it! I don't think Carlin will be a bridezilla just a little (ok, a lot) extra.

  2. Congratulations to the both of you on your wedding, Carlin looks a lot like Katie.

  3. Congrats to carlin and evan on their upcoming wedding and God Bless You Both and you both are absolutely beautiful together and iam so proud of you both

  4. How do their guests handle gifts with one wedding after another?

    1. I imagine it could be quite expensive for their guests with one wedding after the next, but on the other hand, they probably don't have to give as much as what they'd give for a conventional wedding with dinner, drinks and music. Where we give $300 to cover us as a couple, they may have to give only $50-$100 per couple/family??

    2. I mean they’re at the age where that’s the stage o life that they’re in. Last year I went to seven different weddings between some of my cousins and friends of mine getting married.

    3. If I was invited to all the Bates and Duggar wedding’s I would just give a gift card or flowers.

  5. Why wouldn't they have booked a venue already; they have had plenty of time.

    1. They’ve been looking for one.

  6. Surprise that they shared the location. I hope people are respectful and do not crash their wedding.

  7. Looks like she's going for the big southern belle wedding.

  8. That's great. lucky them!

  9. MO- The venue at Castleton Farms starts around $10,000. They charge extra $ for outside venders. (IE- The sweet Aunts who do the cake and flowers for free as a gift). Sorry folks, Evan's not a rock star and I'm still not sure how the couple makes a living. Not the Bates family I've enjoyed watching for years on TV. Just my opinion-

    1. It’s obvious that the parents are paying for this wedding. But Castleton farms seems very expensive even for an upper middle class family.

    2. UP probably pays for a lot of it

    3. I'm sure they are not doing this show for free. If being on this show allows them to afford things they could not have done on their own, why not? I'm sure they feel blessed to give their daughters nicer weddings than they could have done before. If you are going to watch the show, then you need to accept the fact that they are making money doing it. In many ways their life has not changed. They are still home schooling. Gil is still running a tree business and pastoring a church. Their older kids are still working. They do their own yard work and housework. Why do people begrudge them the fact that they take some of their TV earnings to pay for trips or buy more expensive wedding dresses? Is it jealousy? A need to control someone else's life? They are still very relatable people. My life and my bank account do not have to mirror theirs for me to enjoy watching them.

    4. Castleton Farms may have given a discount, because they will be featured on tv. It will give them a lot of exposure, so it makes sense for them to discount the rate. Also Evan’s family may be contributing to the wedding expenses as well. Carlin and Evan have had a longer engagement, so they have had more time to save up for wedding expenses too.

    5. We spent $6000 total for our wedding. That included brunch for 300 people (we each come from huge families). However, the average cost of a wedding is $35 000 and many spend $50 000 and up. Since the wedding is very important to this family, it is not surprising they would spend a lot on it.

  10. I always thought that ultra religious people like the Bates would want to get married in a church. I was surprised that Josie and maybe Carlin did not get married in a church.

    1. God is everywhere so a building doesn't mean God is not there honoring their vows. If you are placing so much value on a building to mean the marriage is more God honored than you need to revaluate what makes a marriage a building or an open view or honoring the vows you make regardless where you do it. God will be there with Carlin just like He was with every other bride

    2. 3:52- I would imagine it's easier to film for TV in a larger venue.

    3. They know that God is not confined to a building.

    4. Members make up a church. The building is just a building. There is nothing Holy about it. Plus we can worship God anywhere.. doesn't have to be a church building

    5. If a building is just a building why place such a high value on going to church?

    6. 2:23 - Because you go to be with other believers, not necessarily to be in a special building. The building is just a meet-up spot, if you will.

    7. 2:23, again, it's not the building, it's the assembled group of believers meeting together. It's just practical to have a church building.

  11. Whatever happened to the Bate’s own church building that was being added on to?

    1. I don't think it's big enough for a wedding with hundreds of people.

    2. I was wondering the same thing...seems like that sanctuary would be big enough now and they would save LOTS of money...but like someone else said already Carlin demands high drama I guess.

    3. Surely they would know if their new church building would be big enough. The high drama comment was not necessary or even necessarily applicable to this situation.

  12. I believe going to church but I don't value a building over a personal relationship with God. Going to church is also about fellowship. If you watch the show you will see the Bates live their Christian lives outside of the church thus showing a building does not make a Christian. the Bates know that God is not confined to a building but some of those writing comments don't.

  13. I thought I heard their church was almost ready and was inviting anyone to come worship with them?

  14. looking forward in seeing the wedding/photo. Enjoy the day Carlin and Evan


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