
Tuesday, March 26, 2019

2 Bates Daughters Move Home

Tori Bates and Bobby Smith moving
Tori Bates Smith and Bobby Smith move back to Knoxville

Have you heard the exciting Bates news? Michaela and Brandon Keilen are relocating to East Tennessee! (Michaela also has an announcement regarding her career plans, which you can read about in the post we published earlier today.)

And guess what? Another Bates daughter is moving home, as well. Tori, Bobby, and almost-five-month-old Kade have left Nashville. Less than one year ago, the Bates family transported all their belongings three hours west. And they just moved them back. Kelly is thrilled to have two of her daughters back in the Knoxville/Rocky Top area.

East Tennessee is home for Michaela and Tori, but it isn't where their husbands hail from. Bobby is from Florida, while Brandon's family lives in Michigan. 

Photo courtesy of


  1. What will Bobby and Tori be doing now? They were serving in a church, but now what? any news?

    1. I agree. It seemed they had a whole plan there, what is going to happen now?

    2. Yes please tell us why they are leaving Nashville.

    3. Someone mentioned in a recently deleted administrative post that Bobby was no longer at the church in Hendersonville.

    4. I was wondering the same thing. They just moved over the summer with a promising job for Bobby.

  2. kelly must be beside herself with excitement! i couldnt be any happier for her. now if alyssa comes back.....

    1. I doubt if Alyssa comes back...they are near Johns family and I can’t see him moving them back to TN.

    2. Alyssa is too independent. Not everyone has to live next door to Mommy and Daddy to be happy.

  3. Such happy news to read that Michael and Brandon and now Tori and Bobbi are moving back to Tennessee! Kelly and Gil and the rest of their family must be over the moon happy about this situation!

    1. Tori and Bobby were living in Nashville, which is in TN. Si they’re not moving back to TN, just to Knoxville

  4. Yay that's wonderful! May they all have blessings.

  5. Alright Alyssa, you’re next๐Ÿ˜„

    1. John's family is in Florida and Aylssa has said she really like it there, I doubt the Websters will go back to Tennessee.

  6. What are Bobby and Brandon going to be doing?

    1. I wonder too! They are the bread winners so I hope they have something lined up.

    2. They can always work for Gil or Chad!

    3. I doubt Chad can pay them more than minimum wage. Why is a physically demanding job that pays very little considered desirable? i'm sure Bobby can do better, as well as Brandon.

  7. How exciting to be moving back near family!

  8. I suspect that baby 2 is on the way and they are moving back to get help with the kids.

    1. Kade is only a few months old, it’s highly unlikely that they’re pregnant again, and almost impossible for them to be far enough along that they planned out a move after finding out.

  9. MO- The Keilen move doesn't surprise me- he writes children's books and she has her baby accessory business. They can live anywhere. But the Smith move really surprised me! Hendersonville is a wonderful community and I thought they'd settle in there. I'll have to watch the show to see what their new plans are. I wonder if Carlin will move to Nashville now? Maybe she'll stay in the Knoxville area to stay close to her family as well. I'm sure Kelly and Gill are thrilled- UPTV too! haha- :o)

    1. I was surprised; Brandon’s primary income cams from IBLP/ATI. Could that organization be dissolving?

  10. I thought it might have been Alyssa since the only other Bates daughter that had moved away was Tori. It seems like they just moved away. I didn't think they'd move back so soon. I bet all the Bates family are ecstatic to have them moving back how .

  11. It’s a testament to how Gil & Kelly have raised their children in a fun loving family environment that they all want to return back to put down permanent roots in Tennessee.
    I’m guessing Bobbi’ job at the church in Nashville wasn’t a long term plan - he’s only been there 9-10mths.

  12. Isaiah looks a lot older.

    1. Having seen a picture of Kelly's father (a big man) I think Isaiah resembles him. He might turn out to be the tallest and largest frame Bates? He seems like a gentle young man.

    2. I've met him. You're exactly right. He's the sweetest young man.

  13. So much for all that painstaking decorating of Cade's nursery!!!!
    All those hours it took, just to leave it all behind after 4-5 short months, awwww!!!

    1. Well, at least some commenters will be happy that he didn't get big enough to pull down the decorations on his head and stuff them in his mouth. ๐Ÿ˜„

    2. It's true. It's good those decorations are being taken down. That was a worry.

    3. Being a pastor's child I will tell you one thing, I heard that he was a youth pastor. That is one of the hardest pastoral jobs there is. Basically those jobs don't last very long. Why, we in my opinion it is because the parents start getting upset because their kids are not moving fast enough along. These poor pastors are expected yo fix their children, when the parents could even do it themselves. They may be wounded and need prayer. Living in a glass house is not an easy thing.

  14. My guess is that Bobby is taking a Pastor position at Gil’s new church facility when it is completed...or maybe it is done already.

    1. I hope he does.l would like to see the church when it's done.

  15. I thought the same thing. This move must have come unexpectedly - to move so soon after the decorating of the baby's room - bet they enjoyed taking off those black tapes.
    Hope we are kept up to date on their new homes.
    AND jobs. Bobby just started his dream job - perhaps he was "transferred." Same type job in a different church.

  16. Has Michael ever given any reason as to why they have not pursued adoption. It must be horrible for her to watch all of her sisters repeatedly getting pregnant when she has been trying for so long.


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