
Thursday, March 28, 2019

'A Proposal to Remember & A Baby on the Way' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "A Proposal to Remember & A Baby on the Way"

  • Chad takes Erin to Whitestone Country Inn, which is where they were engaged, to celebrate their fifth anniversary. “It’s wonderful to be back,” says Chad. They have booked the Mallard Suite. “This is like the most luxurious thing we’ve ever stayed in,” says Erin.
  • When Erin enters the room, she finds a bouquet of wildflowers and a little package of goodies from Chad. “I would take this over a million roses any day,” she says. They kick off their getaway with a private cooking lesson with the inn’s chef. They make a pan-seared chicken breast with a portabella cream gravy. The secret to the perfect pan-seared chicken breast is to sear it in a cast-iron skillet with the skin side down first. “I think Chad knows that I love cooking,” says Erin.
  • Later, they sit inside the little country church and exchange gifts. Erin presents Chad with his beloved Bible that she had rebound. She also gives him a journal because “One of my favorite things about you is that you journal,” says Erin. “I love that you take time to reflect, and I love the fact that I can go back ten, even 15 years into your life. It’s just the sweetest thing to me.”
  • Chad takes Erin on a ride in a horse-drawn carriage, just like they did before they got engaged. And then just like they did five years ago, they get off at the gazebo, where Chad has flowers waiting. “You’ve been the best mom, the best wife, and I just want to say thank you so much,” says Chad. “This is a little token of my love for you, and it’s also a little token from our three little children.” He gives her two beautiful rings that fit together. Erin is blown away.
  • “…Erin has poured her life into three little lives, and...she has poured her life into me, and so one ring was from the children, one ring was from myself,” explains Chad.
  • Gil and Kelly are back home with the Paine kids playing a game of Mother May I. “Gil says that it’s hard for him to picture himself as a grandpa because he still in his mind pictures himself as 24 and wrestling and running…but me, I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I will keep dying my hair. I don’t want the gray hair, but I love being Granny.” When Gil was Chad’s age (31), he had 7 children.
  • The East Tennessee Bates get together at a pumpkin patch to celebrate Bradley’s fourth birthday. “Wait, who’s four?!” exclaims Lawson. “I thought he was two!”
  • “He’s so full of energy, and yet he’s so sweet and sensitive,” says Kelly of Bradley. “I’m Granny’s favorite cause I am so good-looking,” Bradley tells the camera, laughing.


  1. dang ellie, you are good! i just turned off the tv and sat down at the computer and you've already got your recap up!! you're awesome!

    there was a lot of activity here at home at the beginning of the show so i must have missed the 'baby on the way' part. was this about josie's gender reveal?

    1. It was about Tori and the discussion about her having contractions and how Katie would be in charge of the kids while Kelly and Carlin traveled to be with Tori when she went into labor.

    2. It was about Tori going into labor. That segment was filmed about two weeks before Tori's due date in November.
      I'm always impressed with how fast Ellie posts the recaps too!

    3. I just watched it on DVR and didn't see anything about Josie's reveal either. I must have dreamt that it was going to be revealed. However, I saw it on another site earlier in the afternoon yesterday and knew what it was. I thought at the time than somehow it got leaked and UP would probably be ticked off that it spoiled their announcement.

  2. I think it's great that the Bates are more financially secure nowadays. But they don't have to keep pretending that they do things frugally, it's OK if they are comfortable! They live much better than most families, but they don't have to pretend to be something they're not.

    1. How do they "pretend" to be frugal? And you know what, you can still choose areas in which you can be frugal so that you have more money to splurge in other areas. I do that myself.

    2. People become and stay wealthy by being frugal. I started with nothing. To this day, I still make my own lunch, have a small wardrobe of clothes, and live a simple life. That's how I have so much money. An extreme is to look at the NFL players and read that almost all of them are bankrupt by 40 yrs old because they spend it all.

  3. This episode ( Erin/Chad's anniversary) was touching, but I would have enjoyed seeing more of the little grandchildren.

  4. I didn’t read anything about a baby on the way like the heading said...?

    1. It was referring to the discussion at the beginning of the episode about Tori. She was two weeks from her due date at that point and they were planning for who would be there.

    2. The Bateses discussed their plans for when Tori goes into labor during the first few minutes of the show. It was the clip Ellie shared of when Kelly put Katie in charge of the kids. Kelly planned to go with Erin and Carlin (who was going to take family photos for Tori) as soon as they heard Tori was in labor. They said that Katie was in charge but the older boys would help as needed.

    3. Why put the fourth youngest in charge? Was there a reason Lawson couldn't handle things?

  5. MO- I remember Erin and Chad's engagement / wedding, such a wonderful time of life. All I could think about is the show back in the days when the girls had wedding budgets!! I don't hear about that anymore! Haha- They both look very happy 5 years later. :o) God Bless-

  6. Replies
    1. The boy's remarks seemed odd. Why would he think that (on his own) about being Granny's favorite because he is the best-looking grandkid? Someone is sowing seeds of discord in this family.

    2. Did he hear that from his mother? Or from another adult? A four-year old boy doesn't know he is "goodl ooking" unless someone tells him. And is he saying he's "better looking" than his two year old sister? That's all wrong.

      Four-year olds also don't worry about who is the "favorite" unless they've overheard something an adult has said.

      Bradley is good looking but, at four, that's the last thing that should be on his mind.

    3. Or it is a 4 year old being a 4 year old... not a big deal get over it.

    4. Hey too much pride going on there aye? Somebody had to put that idea and thought into his head. Hmm wonder who that is? Lol. Just maybe he lives with that idea. Hmm what a thought 🤔

    5. Anon 6:27. A "four year old being a four year old" doesn't think about his looks. Especially not a four year old boy. They think about playing, friends, their mom, new adventures. . . but they don't compare their looks to their cousins/siblings and decide that they're the best looking.

    6. Oh, for the love of Pete, why would anybody pick on a little kid? Bradley is a sweet, innocent AND good-looking 4 year old boy. It's obvious the grandkids love their grandparents and visa-a-versa. I'm sure Kelly Jo tells all the grands that they're the favorite. He's not full of pride. The clip was funny and Bradley is adorable. Leave him alone!

    7. It could have in the script too.

  7. They obviously prepped Bradley to say that. They were just kidding around. It was just a joke. Bradley was just saying what they told him to say. I took it in a good way and thought it was funny. Our family jokes around like that all the time.

    1. This is not a joke.

    2. It is a joke to the Bates family. Zach, Katie, Lawson, and Carlin have joked around on camera that they were their parents' favorite kid. It's all in good fun.

    3. You should not "prep" a child to say things that would hurt others (like his sister and cousins, when they are older). Why is that "good fun"? There seems to be way too much focus on "looks" in the Bates family.


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