
Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Another 'Officer Bates'?

Trace Bates and Zach Bates
Trace Bates Goes on a Ride-Along with Zach Bates

"I think every adult can look back on their life and say, 'Man, I could have made decisions that put me on firmer footing at this point in my life,' and I've tried to pass that to all my brothers..."
-Zach Bates

Trace is following in older brother Zach's footsteps and has completed training to become a Sheriff's Deputy Officer. But rather than push Trace into a full-time law enforcement career right away, Zach's goal is to help his younger brother make decisions that will prepare him to be financially stable and provide for his future wife (video below).

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. I don't understand. If Trace went full-time as a Sheriff's Deputy, wouldn't he make money that way? And probably get benefits? Why is working part-time as a sheriff and part-time with Chad a better financial choice?

    1. I think Zach is saying that a full-time sheriff deputy job allows for almost every other week off so ALSO work for Chad. A paramedic or a firefighter or Registered Nurse work long shifts so that they have other days off. If you are single and super keen, you can then also have a part-time job. It's a great thing to work really hard in your 20s so that you save up for a house. Working 100 hrs/ wk in your 20s sets you up for life. Then you cut back in your 30s and again in your 40s etc.

    2. I didn’t understand that either...if Trace made up his mind that he wants to be a police officer full time I think that would be the best thing. If Trace was still undecided I would say work part time until he knew what he wanted to do. Is this an old video maybe??

    3. You can make good money doing construction/carpentry work. Especially if Chad is getting a lot of business right now. Great that he can use family members to help on a part-time basis. I think also that Trace is still exploring the law enforcement career. He said "if it works out". Not a bad idea to do something part-time to make sure it's what you want and have something else to fall back on if things don't work out.

    4. I agree with 8:11. Zach was in favor of Trace becoming a full-time officer and then advised him to continue to work for Chad during his off days to save as much money as possible.

    5. Working 100hrs a week in your 20’s....age is a number. I have a lot of patients who have heart attacks/strokes etc at that age so working those hours is not smart for any money. You will save $ but you can also die from overworking that your ‘fit’, ‘young’ body couldn’t do.
      Age does not equal life.

  2. Zach is a great big bro to a big clan! Good advice.

  3. My comments are sometimes not getting through and they are upbeat and positive so that isn't the problem. Don't know if its my cell?

    1. Happens to me too sometimes. I don't know why.

    2. I’ve been having the same trouble...🙁

  4. Zach is a good influence on his brothers. He gave Trace sound advice on choosing a career and planning for the future.

  5. Why do people such as Zach feel he needs to give advice that he did not take himself? Why should Trace be denied a girlfriend just because he’s not financially set to Zach’s standards? It’s so easy to tell people what they “should” do when they don’t follow it themselves.

    1. All of us have life experiences that did not go as well as we hoped when we started. We all want to see the people we love make better choices and tend to give advice a lot! If you have never given anyone what you think is great advice, your turn is coming and then you will understand.

    2. I don't think Zach wants to deny his brothers anything. Zach wants Trace to benefit from what Zach views were his own mistakes. He's offering advice because he loves Trace and wants him to be as financially stable as possible. He shared what he believes would have helped him and Whitney be more financially secure early in their marriage. Zach can't turn back time so he is trying to help someone else. What Trace does with Zach's advice is up to him since Trace isn't bound by Zach's standards.

    3. Zach loves his brother, and Trace values his words of encouragement. He is giving advice to help Trace. Trace is not being denied a girlfriend. We can all learn from the mistakes of others, and Zach is a great role model.

    4. So if someone has regrets about how they did something and advises someone else to do something differently because of it, you shouldn't learn from their mistakes?

    5. I agree with you. I’ve heard Zach (and Whitney) now “counsel” the younger ones to wait for marriage for their first kiss too.Just let these young adults forge their own paths. Besides, Trace is a reality tv star. I’m sure he’s much more financially secure than most men his age.

  6. Zach is saying he can do BOTH, that way he can save money before and relationships. Also maybe he doesn't want any of his siblings in a deadly profession.

  7. Perhaps being a deputy sheriff pays very badly. Hard to imagine that working as Chad's helper could be more lucrative!

  8. I think a girlfriend will enter Trace's life in God's timing. You really can't plan things out--it never works. Besides, having a full-time job is a great way to be ready for marriage, while working as a construction-worker-assistant is not.

  9. For the life of me, I cannot understand why Zach kissing Whitney before marriage is to be considered such a 'mistake'? Heaven's sake, that is NOT a sin, nor is it a MISTAKE. Trace should make his own decisions as Zach did since the decision to kiss someone romantically is not sinful in itself. Leave the guy alone. On another note, how could anyone think tinkering with Chad is better than a career in law enforcement which would give Trace retirement benefits and medical insurance..paid time off, etc. No comparison IMO. Moonlighting with Chad for some extra money is more likely better at this point.

    1. Zach has his reasons for regretting kissing before marriage. Maybe it made it harder for him to keep his thoughts pure before they got married? I don't know. My husband and I made the decision not to kiss before our wedding, and I really appreciated that we weren't so caught up in a physical relationship and were really able to get to know each other. After an earlier relationship that was more physical, I could really appreciate the different approach. Married 17 years now and I wouldn't have changed a thing with our pre-marriage days.

    2. Zach didn't mention kissing before marriage in the above clip.
      He also didn't advise Trace to forego law enforcement to work with Chad. Zach simply suggested Trace "moonlight" with Chad during time off when if he does go full time. You actually agree with Zach's advice.

  10. Trace let God alwayz lead you. You have the right armour which is JESUS CHRIST to be an awesome police officer. Go on to be a highwsy patrolman.


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