
Saturday, March 16, 2019

Crossed Signals

Erin Bates Paine and Lawson Bates

A Bates family project is sure to involve plenty of laughs and crossed signals, and decorating Kade's nursery was no different. First, Erin must recall the lesson that Chad gave her on how to use the laser level. It also happens to be Chad's newest "toy," which means she absolutely cannot break it. And later, Erin and Tori realize that there was a misunderstanding on what it would take to paint one of the walls of the room (video below).

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. Chad does not smile anymore.

    1. MO- I agree. He looks tired and sad. I hope he's feeling well- he's so skinny. Maybe flipping houses isn't his calling in life. You're the best Chad!! :o)

    2. Um, yes he does.

    3. It’s time for Erin and the Bates family to stop treating Chad like a work horse. You will wear him out and besides you’ve watched him do all kinds of jobs, now go out and do what you have seen him do. Give the guy a break. ( He’s got a fan club on here!)

  2. I just love watching this family. They appear to love being together and are always laughing and having at great time at whatever they do.

  3. I love this family - they make me laugh; they’re so funny together.

  4. lawson cracks me up so much! i love how he obviously adores his nieces and nephews and wants to be 'favorite uncle', but he sure is a caring and respectful brother. i couldn't imagine having such a large and loving family who go out of their way to help each other like they do

  5. I’m feeling badly for Chad lately. He looks very thin and completely exhausted. Perhaps it’s time for him to stop doing the laundry (Erin stated once Chad does all the laundry), painting her toes( TMI), and being volun-told he’s going to take on all these extra projects. It appears Erin and her family has started to take advantage of Chad’s kindness.

    1. They absolutely take advantage of Chad. In South where most are poor, if someone has a talent they spread that person thin. Chad is way overworked and Erin is going to want to have the most kids

    2. I live in the South, and "most" are not poor. How do you know that Erin will want the most kids?

    3. 1. Most people in the south are not poor
      2. Most people who have a talent are not taken advantage of and spread thin
      3. Chad is is not overworked by his family
      4 There is no reason to assume that Erin would have the most kids

    4. They both agreed to have 3 kids, it takes two. Chad should learn to say no if he’s feeling wore out. Honestly, if he’s the only one working, I don’t think he should be doing laundry. It takes a few minutes to put a load in a washer or dryer. I think it’s gross that the paints her toenails, unless he’s into that.

    5. It's clear that Chad looks exhausted, has lost weight, and often seems angry. The rest is speculation. We don't know if Erin "wants the most kids" but she has said she wants more.

  6. Lawson was hysterical! And he was right I don’t think they worked smartly on this one. Would have been more efficient to pay to paint the wall. I have lived in my share of apartments and they typically allow you to paint free of charge as long as you paint the walls back to their original color before you move out.

  7. Tori,Lawson, and Trace look just like Kelly.

    1. Actually on one of the episodes they showed an old photo of Gil from his college years and he looked EXACTLY the way Lawson looks now.

  8. The idea of placing ALL those tiny black square on "rented apartment walls" was NOT a good idea at all - when they leave that space it will not be easy taking them off. . .without leaving shadows. It is not a look I would like for an infant's room . . . .perhaps a teen, but not a newborn. THUMBS down this time for Erin's decorating.
    I too noticed that Brooklyn is often missing from different scenarios/activities. I am a middle child and there are FACTS about "us" being looked over.

    1. I’m a middle child and I have never been overlooked or over shadowed by either of my sisters. That’s a fact.
      I also just had a conversation with my daughter on NOT using the term thumbs down to describe how she feels about something because it’s rude and immature and there are ways to disagree or state your opinion that don’t rip other people to shreds.

  9. Agree! Not a fan of the accent wall! Too much time to cut out, measure, paint etc. should have waited for decals to arrive.

    1. Did they say somewhere about ordering decals that they would be waiting on? I must have missed that. Sounded to me like Erin had a picture in her mind that they carried out, not that they were ordering commercial decals. It's not my decorating style either, but I still thought the room looked good when they were done.


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