
Friday, March 22, 2019

Gender Announcement Coming Soon

Josie Balka is almost 22 weeks pregnant with her first baby. She and Kelton Balka found out the gender of Baby Balka and announced it to the family while everyone was in town for the big Bates Valentine's Day party last month. The expectant parents are hoping to share the news, as well as the name they have chosen, with the public next week, so stay tuned!

Josie Bates Balka, 21 weeks pregnant
Josie Balka, 21 weeks pregnant

Photo courtesy of Josie and Kelton Balka


  1. Congratulations & best wishes for you both! Can't wait to find out about the first Balka (Bates) baby:)

  2. She looks adorable!!!!!

  3. I’m not one for announcing the gender, and definitely not the name as it feels like you’re ‘opening a Christmas present before Christmas ‘ type thing, but each to their own! Hope you’re feeling much better already, Josie!

    1. A baby is not a Christmas present and there’s no reason not to find out and announce the name and gender.

    2. I love how the royal family does it. Announce gender and name after birth.

    3. I loved finding out the sex of my babies before they were born. And sharing their names with people made it special, because then we could talk about each baby as the person that he/she was, not about "it".

    4. I agree, Sara. I love having the element of surprise.

    5. I totally agree. It is so anti-climactic when people tell everything before the baby is born. So much more fun to say, baby is here then it's a boy or girl, then announce the name. Makes it exciting for everyone. Honestly so boring when I get a text, oh Jake has arrived. I've had that with several friends. But to each his or her own.

    6. 1:41, so the baby’s name is more important than the baby itself? I’m sorry but that’s just strange.

    7. Anon 1:41, yes it’s very anti-climactic. It’s very exciting to find out the gender and name after birth. Two of my friends had babies recently and one of announced the name and gender before hand and the other waited until after birth to announce. The birth of my latter friends baby was much more exciting.

    8. 5:56 & 1:41- Isn’t it a surprise no matter when you find out the sex/name of the baby? I don’t think expectant couples should concern themselves with fulfilling the expectation of excitement for other people.

    9. 7:16, of course parents get to make the decision. We're not saying they don't, just that it's more fun to have some surprises.

    10. 1:41 and 8:23. There is nothing anti-climatic about the birth of any child. Named, or not yet named, gender revealed or gender not revealed, every single birth is absolutely exciting! I’m actually sad for you both that you could be in any way be jaded by the joy of a new life just because you already know the gender and name.

    11. Actually, 7:19, I love babies. But I'm still sticking to my guns. It's more fun to learn the details when the baby is born.

  4. I'm guessing . . . boy. Everyone except Alyssa has had a boy first.

  5. Josie you're an inspiration to all young ladies. Mature beyond your years, Godly, sweet and never an unkind word to or about anyone. Our family is so happy to witness you grow from a sweet child to a beautiful wife (and momma)
    Happy pregnancy! Love you all :)

    1. Would you feel the same way about her if Josie had moved out, found her own place and started supporting herself, instead of getting married so young?

    2. I would have. You can't judge where a person is in age by years. Staying pure until marriage is a gift to be admired no matter your age. If I had girls I would love for them to look to any of the Bates girls.

    3. Elizabeth- My husband and I lived together before marriage. That was over 30 years ago. I never thought then, nor do I now, that either one of us was somehow impure.

    4. 4.42pm Elizabeth is speaking from a biblical viewpoint - it clearly says in the bible about having sex before marriage makes you impure in Gods eyes. Of course if you’re living for yourself then it’s not impure but Gods word still stands. Yes, God accepts you as you are but there are many things we do that are sinful and make us impure in heart which grieves him.

  6. Is Josie still working at a salon?

  7. MO- It's always fun to see Josie on the show... Hope everything is going well with the pregnancy. If they'd like to share the gender of their baby, I'd love to hear what they're having! God Bless! :o)

  8. I am guessing it is a little girl.

  9. i'm guessing girl and kelton's moms name will be her middle name

    1. If they do have a girl, it would be sweet to name her after Kelton's mom.

  10. Healthy and happy baby is what I'll be praying for.

  11. That will be lovely to find out...

  12. She made a public registry that made the answer a little obvious. I don't know why she would do that if she was trying to keep it a secret.

  13. I think it's a boy!

    Also, do we have any updates on Michaela? I sometimes wonder if one of her sisters (like Alyssa) who seem to have an easy time with pregnancy would be willing to be a surrogate for her. How does that work with their beliefs?

    1. 5:27, I doubt any of them would want to do that and I wouldn’t blame them. Being a surrogate is very physically and emotionally taxing, and does not always work. If Michael and Brandon want kids I think they would have to adopt, and honestly I think that would be the best thing for them to do.

    2. I never would have thought of surrogacy, but I could actually picture one of her sisters doing that. They're such a close-knit family, and I think they all hurt for Michaela.

    3. I thought Michael's problem was that her tubes were blocked-so no eggs being released to be fertilized-so for someone to be a surrogate and it be Michael's baby-need Michael's egg. So if they find a way to release Michael's egg then Michael could probably carry and bear her own child

    4. It would be better if she adopted a child. There are tons of kids in foster care that need families!

    5. I will never understand how so many Christians call themselves “prolife” but for many (obviously not all) that only extends until the baby is born, and they completely ignore the fact that there are thousands of children in foster care who are open for adoption and need loving parents.

    6. 5:22- I don't think she needs to be told by anybody, least of all strangers, what is "better" for her to do. You have no idea what steps the Keilens have taken to become parents, biologically or otherwise.

    7. I doubt a sister would donate an egg and then be a surrogate.


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