
Monday, March 11, 2019

Kade's Nursery

Decorating Kade Smith's nursery

Erin Paine: "Lawson, you carry the other dresser in here..."
Lawson Bates: "We just took it out..."
Erin: "Ya, but that's why we're so happy you're here!"
On Thursday's episode of Bringing Up Bates, Tori's due date is about a month away. But as many of you know, Kade arrived more than two weeks early, so she doesn't have much time before the birth. Tori and Bobby live in a two-bedroom apartment, and they want to set up the second room as a nursery before Kade arrives. Decorator Erin comes to Nashville to get 'er done, and she gets help from several other members of the family (video below).

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. MO- Callie is so cute! Just a little sweetie and so funny. I love hearing her take on things. :o)

    1. I agree, Callie is so cute. I must say that having these cameras around has made these little kids such proficient communicators!!!! That experience will serve them well in life, for sure!

  2. I can’t believe they took that long to do his nursery. Most people I know have it ready Months before.

    Maybe Tori was waiting for other people to do it for her, since she always seems make other people take care of her stuff for her (like her wedding planning and her first apartment’s decorations).

    1. Ouch that was unkind words about Tori!
      Kelly and crew chose to surprise Tori & Bobby with first apartment decor - Tori didn't make them do anything. Maybe Tori asked or accepted Erin's offer of help for the nursery. Let's not speculate or make unkind judgements without knowing.
      Also if you remember the time she graduated and they moved to Nashville she was already half way through pregnancy so probably was busy doing up rest of flat first.

  3. Erin has become quite the bossy boots:)

  4. I love Callie also, as I do everyone. I just have to ask, however, why can't they ever let a sibling decorate their OWN rooms? Why do multiple people have to come from another town to decorate Tori's nursery? Alyssa seemed to manage just fine by herself with her own ideas. I think it would have been more enjoyable to see Tori deciding things and shopping for herself. Just my opinion. We have already seen Erin decorating many rooms in the family. It would be fun to see someone else trying it.

    1. Perhaps they enjoy doing things for each other. Perhaps Tori values Erin's decorative insight.

    2. I have wondered about that for a looong time also... I personally wouldn’t like all that barging upon in my own house. I wouldn’t mind ideas and a little help but would mind very much the totally taking over like they do with each other. I really think michealla and Alyssa’s in a good spot-live far enough away that it makes it hard enough for a bunch of them to show up and totally turn things upside down.

    3. She probably didn’t want to. Have you ever seen Tori decorate anything? Erin obviously enjoys it and her sisters enjoy having her help.

    4. @ March 12 9:20 am. If I could I would hug you. I have to say that I do not understand this. You would think of finally having some thing of your own it would push you to show your taste. I'm not a fan of Erin's taste as it looks the same each time. It looks nothing like the sister she's designing for. From this clip it's clear that it's Erin's idea and not Tori. So glad that Josie did not decorate with Erin and you can see her taste. I hope that Carlin would do the same. Erin and Carlin do not have the same style so fingers cross.

    5. I think it was for the show. Bringing Up Tv probably has them come up with the ideas for most shows. But I do think Tori loves the help anyway. I know I would with the moving furniture around and paining, but not with the actual decorating and room arrangement.

  5. So talented. How do i get copy of Erin CD?

  6. I admire how supportive this family is towards each other. I wish I had a family like this. May God richly bless this family for their continued demonstration of what real love looks like.

  7. Every mother I have ever known has decorated her own nursery. I can't imagine having a bunch of siblings come over to do something that is really my job, a joyous job that is also very personal.

    Perhaps Erin needs a bit more to do in her own life. Let Tori decorate her own nursery.

    1. Oh my gosh, way to take doing a favor for a sister and turn it into a negative thing! Obviously Tori wanted Erin to decorate her nursery, and obviously with her 3 children, Erin has plenty to do.

    2. It’s called family members helping each other and it’s a beautiful thing.

    3. If Erin has plenty to do with her own kids, she should do it! This is not the season for focusing on other people's homes and parties. It is the season to care for your little ones.

      Erin is a creative person. Since it is no longer practical to spend hours practicing piano, she uses her creativity in a different way. However, with three little ones, it would be best to focus on them. They need their mother 24/7.

    4. Well, no, Erin's kids have aunts, uncles, and grandparents who can help watch the kids sometimes. Other loving family members should be a part of their lives too, if at all possible. 24/7 mothering without ever letting anyone else watch them is a good way to develop burnout.

    5. Tori doesn’t seem the type to like to decorate. They are plenty of people who could use help decorating their homes. Since Erin was willing to help, it was wonderful for Tori to ask her to do it.

      Erin doesn’t have a newborn, so no her kids don’t need her 24/7. Someone else can watch them for a little while. She is with them almost all of the time, so she spends way more time with her kids than working moms. Her kids have tons of aunts and uncles who can spend time with them.

    6. Well, I see from the episode summary that Tori ASKED Erin to come help her decorate. Just love how people rush to judge others without knowing all the facts.

  8. Ha Poor Lawson. Always tries to do the littlest work but he ends up doing more. And Tori saying her mom had a trillion lol

  9. Or maybe, stuff like this is all staged for the show.

  10. I thought the help was wonderful and great, but I was so disappointed by the decor. It appears very masculine and too mature for a baby boy. I am thinking Noah's Ark, or something more age appropriate and colorful. But to each his own I guess.

    1. It wasn't just a nursery, it was also a guest room. Since a guest would notice decor and a baby would not, it makes more sense to do it the way Erin did.

    2. It's the baby's room! It should be designed for a baby, who quickly grows into a toddler who *will* notice. It shouldn't be designed for an occasional guest, who probably wouldn't care about the decor anyway. Tori's focus should be on her baby, not her guests.

    3. Yes, but I would make my baby the priority. A guest is just that "a guest". Sorry I disagree.

    4. Our babies never really got to have a nursery, specially decorated for them, and they were just fine.

  11. PLEASE UPS, could U make it, so Canadian's can watch Bringing Up Bates, it's terrible that we can't see The Bates, and we (Canadian's), can watch. We can see the first 3 seasons, so why can't we see the rest!!!??? I love The Bates!!!


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