
Friday, March 15, 2019

Katie's Career Goals

What has 18-year-old Katie Bates been up to? Last year, she was enrolled in the one-year Bible program at Crown College. In May, we posted about her dream to be a nurse, but when the fall semester kicked off at Crown, she made the decision to follow in Josie's footsteps and study cosmetology.

"Last minute this semester, I decided to sign up to do the cosmetology program," Katie explained on last night's episode. So what happened to nursing? She is still hoping to attend nursing school after finishing cosmetology school, which takes most students two years to complete. Stay tuned to see what what Katie ends up pursuing as a long-term career!

Photo courtesy of UPtv


  1. This is a bit confusing. It would be interesting to know why she put nursing school on the back burner if that’s her heart’s desire. For some young people, they have no idea what career path to take. Katie is lucky to know what she wants. Choosing cosmetology seems rather strange, especially since she stated she still wants to go to nursing school. I wonder if it’s because she’d have to go somewhere other than Crown College.

    1. Maybe she wants a good paying job before she starts nursing school. Its actually a good plan too because she will have more options open to her in the future. Why would going to school for more than one thing ever be bad...? I think having multiple career paths is a great thing to have nowadays. 👍 way to go Katie!!

    2. Crown only just started its nursing program. It is never a good idea to go to a program that just starts. Accreditation is not at the level it needs to be in the early stages and can be revoked quite easily.

      Nursing programs are quite competitive...think 200 applicants for 1 seat. So it is best to get a little life experience before you tackle it.

    3. It's actually common. The average college student changes majors 4 times. A lot of people dont know what they want to be "when they grow up."

    4. I think all this talk from Katie about eventually becoming a nurse is all for the benefit of us fans eager for the Bates girls to further their education and work in their degreed area!

    5. 1:06--But Katie does know what she wants to do. Why is she taking this detour? Whey aren't they sharing the reason?

    6. We don't really need to know why any of them do what they do. If they want to share, fine, but they get to draw the line on what they want to share with the public.

    7. Yes! It's perfectly appropriate if they share only the positive, popular aspects of their life. They are allowed to hide their extreme conservative views, support of Confederate heroes, and belief in corporal punishment. They are trying to make money for UP, and showing these aspects of their lives will only hurt that goal. They are free to do this.

    8. Nursing school is very competitive (mine had 500 applicants for 70 seats). And you usually have to take science pre-requisites like Anatomy and Microbiology and Chemistry before the program. Home school biology and chem courses usually don't meet standards because of a lack of laboratory so she'd have to take some more science classes as we. She probably wants to be able to work in cosmetology as she's preparing and taking extra classes for nursing school. It's a realistic and practical plan.

  2. I don't blame her getting into one profession before learning another. She may have to pay for nursing school herself so cosmetology could see to that for her. After all Michael has her little business making baby things to pay for nursing school too. It will also give her much more choice about the path she wishes her life to take. I like that the Bates take education so seriously. AlthoughAthey do marry and have children quite young, they are interested in furthering themselves for the world and work and not solely placed on this earth simply to marry and multiply.

  3. That's a great idea, for Katie to follow both what she wants to do. So if she can't get a job in one area because it's not hiring at the moment she can always fall back on her other. Or she can pursue nursing as her career and have cosmology as a skill. That will save so much money she won't have to go out to get her hair done she could do it herself and if she ever had a family of her own ( I say if cause some people don't want to get married) that will help save money too, it's so expensive getting a child's hair cut.

    1. Do you mean Katie will cut her own hair? Front and back? Although some haircutters do this, most do not. It's very important for them to look well-groomed for their clients. I doubt she'll cut her own hair to save money.

    2. 10:07, OP said Katie could cut her KIDS hair if she has any children.

    3. I am an RN. I now stay at home with my 4 kids by choice. I really wish I knew how to cut hair and was licensed. It’s a perfect thing to do from home per diem. I gave up the juggle of 12-16 hour shifts for family life but I could easily squeeze in a few hair cuts a week if I had the certification. Sounds like wisdom to me. And besides nursing is a very strenuous career. I have no plans to go back. 10 years was all I could handle in that career path. It really wasn’t the best choice for my personality. There’s a lot of “eating their young” mentality out there in hospitals and you have to work with all types of personalities, including lots of atheists, wickens, etc that can make your life miserable. I always have it to fall back on. But if you look at hourly pay and the type of effort and mental demand that it takes, hair is a much easier line of work. Basically work for yourself and can minister as the Holy Spirit leads to whom ever is in your chair!

    4. 3:43- Sounds like you picked the wrong profession. Being a hair stylist isn’t a walk in the park. My niece puts in long hours on her feet, has to deal with all kinds of people, and developed severe allergies from some of the hair chemicals. BTW, if my hair stylist tried to minister to me, I’d find a new one.

    5. I don't believe being atheist or wiccan determines your personality like being out-going, shy or kind.

    6. @3:43- I'm curious to know how an atheist or wicken makes a nurse's life miserable.

  4. Since her hearts desire is to be a nurse; maybe go through a two year program as a medical assistant or LPN instead of a totally different course of study.
    However, I do agree with a poster about about furthering your education is always a good thing!

  5. Katie has already completed a one-year Bible program, now she's going to spend two years in cosmetology, and perhaps work in that field for a bit, to save money for nursing school. She's still young, so maybe she'll be 21 entering nursing school, and depending on the program, be finished at 23-25 years old, or older. And that's ok. My son is 26, has his BSc, and Masters, and will be starting his PhD in the fall. He'll be done school at 29 or 30. Katie has plenty of time to work on her dream.

    1. Cosmetology school doesn’t come cheap. Average costs are around 20k.

    2. That is very cheap. A university tuition is $30-70,000 a year.

    3. 3:46- A private college may charge that much, but there are many public institutions that are far cheaper. My son attended a large midwestern university and his tuition/room & board was about 17K per year. He graduated just last year. Also, most private colleges have institutional grants and scholarships that can cut the cost in half for many students.

  6. My daughter became a cosmetologist at 18 and then worked her way through nursing school. She is now a ER nurse and still does the family’s hair when she has time.

  7. I think the Bates are fearful people and cosmetology seems "safe" since it worked out for Josie. Nursing is problematic because you eventually see people (including men) undressed. Of course, you are helping them in some way (bathing, applying medication) but that doesn't seem as important as protecting Katie from such sights.

    I suspect they are refusing to pay for nursing school and Katie is planning to earn the money herself. Good for her!

    1. Umm...several of the Bates children have been EMTs, including Michaella, Zach and Nathan, and they continue to pursue things in the medical field (I believe Michaella even got a degree in that category) so I’m certain the Bates have no problem with their children pursuing degrees and careers in the medical field. Your comment is simply ignorant.

    2. You have quite the imagination! :)

    3. EMT is very different than nursing.

    4. 8:04, being an EMT and a nurse (RN) are completely different. EMTs have almost no education and RNs do.

    5. 7:13PM: Wow, I disagree with you! EMT's are VERY educated. There are different levels to the profession and the education is very intense. Think about it, an EMT has to have to the ability to try to keep someone alive in sometimes the most impossible of situations.

    6. EMTs are educated, of course. But nurses see naked men and women on a daily basis. EMTs do not. I think that's the problem. The Bates have very conservative beliefs,and may not feel that's appropriate for Katie.

    7. Anon 7:13 & 4:01, I can assure you EMTs and Paramedics work just as hard as nurses. And yes they do deal with nudity amongst other things like drug usage, blood, poop, and being spat upon. They are educated and work long shifts too. Some work in 911 areas, some work mainly in transport. Being in the medical field period requires thick skin and getting over your own personal biases.

  8. So I did a little research and a two year cosmetology program at crown costs between 15,000-20,000. That is a big investment for just a skill to save a family money with haircuts. I really believe she will work in this field and not pursue nursing. She might pursue nursing later on if she doesn't get married or have a family. Somehow I think she is in a rush to get schooling done.

    1. I know someone who helped put herself through college by curtting hair in her dorm!

    2. Did you look up how much they made from 7 seasons on tv I don't think the cost of nursing school is the probl

  9. I wonder if it would be more acceptable if one of the boys wanted to enter nursing.

    1. Acceptable? Apparently it's already acceptable, since she's still hoping to go to nursing school.

    2. She isn't going now. For an unexplained reason. Sounds like the reason is something they are hiding. It must be something that would hurt their ratings.

    3. Hiding something? Hurt their ratings? Seriously???? She isn't going to nursing school right now because she is going in another direction. It's her choice, and she isn't hiding anything!

    4. She wants to be a nurse. So she's going to cosmetology school. To me, that seems puzzling, and yes, like they are hiding something.

      Most people who want to be nurses go to nursing school.

    5. If she wants to go to nursing school, why spend $15,000 to go to cosmetology school? Isn't that a huge waste of money that could be spent on nursing tuition? Honestly, it seems like the Bates don't want her to be a nurse.

    6. They "let" Michael be an EMT, and she's hoping to be a nurse. Gil's mom was a nurse. I don't think they have anything against the nursing field.

    7. I think it's only puzzling if you try to read into it. If you take it at face value - she wants to do both - it will bother you less. :)

  10. Update on Josies pregnancy? Has she told us the gender yet??

  11. I can't believe no one has thought about this yet.... I'm thinking she might plan on combining the two careers, like working in a nursing home and being able to do extra special hair care for the residents or working with cancer patients who have lost their hair...or with kids in some sort of similar capacity...or at a mission where homeless folks get help preparing for life and job interviews and such. There are a number of occupations that would benefit from her having both a nursing degree and a cosmetology degree.

    1. LOL, nurses are way too busy to have time to cut people's hair. They are supposed to be handling their medical needs! She could do it on her own time, though.

    2. Elizabeth- Could be wrong, but I think the cosmetology plan is more appealing to her , because the training involved doesn't take so long. Being a hair stylist also offers a certain amount of flexiblity with the job. Nursing, on the other hand, requires years of intense study, especially if you want to be an RN. The job is also a demanding one, with often times long hours. Clearly, the primary focus of the Bates daughters is to get married and start having children, not embark on a career that would in any way take away from that.

    3. Nursing is a very flexible career! Far more flexible than most. Katie could become a visiting nurse and make her own hours. Best of all, nursing offers a far better financial payback. Cosmetologist often earn about $10 an hour.

    4. The Bates girls -- if they want to be godly women -- should focus on helping others. Nursing is a great way to do that.

    5. Godly women can serve others in many careers, including cosmetology.

  12. I am really impressed with the Bates and their focus on education for the girls as well as the boys. The Duggars do not make education a priority with either sex but they seem to be more flexible with the boys. Just seems they feel the girls should be focused on the home only even Jana who isn't even married.

    1. Neither of the Duggar parents went to college, right? They got their real estate licenses, opened a used car lot, and bought rental property. They found a way to make money without having to go to college, which is probably why they've focused so heavily on teaching their kids different marketable skills. On the other hand, both Bates parents went to college, saw the value of it, and encourage their kids to pursue it. But keep in mind that neither of the Bates parents are using their degrees for pay.

  13. MO- It's a woman's prerogative to change her mind. If Katie decided that she wanted to be a beautician instead of a nurse, I say go for it!!! To me it sounds like a lot more fun than nursing. :o)

    1. That's not what she said, though. She said she decided to go to cosmetology school and then nursing school.

  14. I'm pleased that Katie is exploring educational opportunities and interests. Katie will earn excellent skills in the cosmotology program. If she is interested in becoming a nurse, I hope that she enrolls in a nursing program.

  15. Katie is doing things her way, and that is just fine. She seems to have a positive outlook on life and I look forward to following her journey...


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