
Sunday, March 10, 2019

Keilens Go Ice Skating

It may be warming up in other parts of the continent, but it's still winter in Chicago, Illinois. The Keilens recently enjoyed an ice skating date at one of the many outdoor skating rinks in Chicagoland that are free to the public. If you have followed our blog for a while, you have probably seen other photos of this couple ice skating. It's a sport they love doing together.

Michael and Brandon Keilen
Michael and Brandon Keilen

Photo courtesy of


  1. Maybe she and Brandon will move closer home.sweet couple

  2. HA! Barely got cold where I live - Florida. Went swimming in my pool last weekend, but I'd much rather be ice-skating. As they say - Grass is always greener....

  3. Michael you are so beautiful inside and out :)
    Y'all look so cozy and warm

  4. thanks for sharing this! we dont get to see enough of them. they are such a cute couple

  5. That is a great picture of Michael. I think that's the most beautiful I've ever seen her. The darker hat really brings out her eyes. Makes me think a richer hair color would suit her a lot!!!

  6. Please, married people don't have 'ice skating dates', they simply have 'gone ice skating'. Dating ends when you are married. Couples DO THINGS TOGETHER; not on dates doing them. They already live together. They use silly language, IMO.

    1. Married couples are should have date nights. In this instance words are just words. I love a date night. Year 35 of marriage.

    2. Oh how sad I am for you if you are married. Married couples should never stop dating each other! Me thinks you might just be trying to cause strife?

    3. Ouch@4:29! Are you married?

    4. Um, couples most certainly do go on dates, just because you’re married does not mean dating ends. Go suck joy somewhere else.

    5. Calling them dates makes them special. It is fun to continue "dating" your spouse many years into marriage

    6. Many married people go on dates with their spouses and refer to them as such.

    7. Dating does not have to end when you are married. Being purposeful to set time together without outside interruptions and enjoying each others company is not the same as just doing things together. My husband and I work together all the time but that is not as special as setting aside a day for the both of us to go out alone and enjoy one another. Regular dates have changed our marriage for the better, one should never stop dating your spouse. 😊

    8. I beg to differ on the dating after you’re married! The expression gets used a lot! Especially when you have kids already and you go out for a meal or activity just the 2 of you, it’s definitely a date night. People will say, “You left the kids. Oh you must be having a date night!”

    9. WOW. Couples and married people can do whatever they want to when they’re out for a date. No need to tell them what to do. 🙂

    10. MO- Haha- I see where you're coming from. I always laugh at the "we're pregnant" announcement. Just wait until labor starts, I know that process had nothing to do with "us" in my experience. But if married couples feel it's more romantic to say Date Night, that's fine with me. :o)

    11. you seriously just initiate a whole conversation thread about correct vs incorrect terminology other couples have chosen to use in their own lives? Is this really what your own world has come to, that you must take time out of your day for criticizing what someone refers to as a “date?” Who the heck cares what they call it?

      (But just so you’re clear, here’s the Webster definition of date:
      “A social or romantic appointment.”
      Hmm, strange, Webster seemed to forget the clause “...appointment ONLY for unmarried peoples.”)

    12. I love dates with my husband!

    13. Wow! That is so silly! Of course married couples just go on dates! You sound bitter. Are you married? I feel sorry for you if you are. Healthy couples don't stop dating and never stop being sweethearts.
      And as for the person talking about the 'we're pregnant' announcments, I can see that, but it takes two to get pregnant. It's his baby too! And he has a lot to do with providing, encouraging, cleaning, and just being there through pregnancy and labor. I don't see anything wrong with using that terminology.

    14. I am married and have always found the word 'date' bizarre when applied to married couples. To each his own but I personally never use the word 'date'.

  7. What a nice activity for Brandon and Micheal! It’s great exercise and can be quite romantic as well. Such a beautiful couple.

  8. MO- I remember the show just before their wedding when Brandon fell down and got hurt skating. He looked miserable while the Bates boys were cruising around the rink. I'm from Michigan like Brandon, most people skate here- long cold winters. Either this is a staged picture or Brandon took skating lessons and enjoys the sport now... By the way, in the labels section below the Comments title, Michael & Brandon Bates is written, not Keilen. :o) ( FYI )

  9. Awe sweet picture! Love them!

  10. How do i find out the website for Michael blankets?

    1. Hi there,

      The website is

      Lily and Ellie

  11. Michaela is charming

  12. "Dating" implies that the two don't live together, nor do they see each other before or after the event. Dating involves getting to know one another BEFORE being married. These couples are married and live together. People who date are single.

    1. That's one use of the word. As someone else already posted the dictionary definition, I won't repeat it, but the word date isn't limited to your definition.

    2. Ummm, no it doesn't imply any of those things.

  13. Love this couple :) Michael is a sweetie

  14. They were made for each other!

  15. Brandon and Micheala call it whatever you want. Don't stop dating each other. People call what they want to call their time with their respective spouse. I love you both and my prayers are with you both. I am praying God's continue blessing over your lives. Continue to walk in purpose.


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