
Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Kelly Goes Rock Climbing

Gil and Kelly Bates try rock climbing
Gil and Kelly Bates Go Rock Climbing

"If Mom is doing stuff with Judson and Jeb and Dad is out there doing it, guarantee you Mom tried to climb that rock wall. They get this mentality thing that they're 25 again."
-Lawson Bates

This week on Bringing UP Bates, you'll see Gil and Kelly take Judson and Jeb to an indoor rock climbing gym. Even though the Bates parents are also grandparents, they aren't interested in sitting on the sidelines. Watch them give it a try in the entertaining video below. Kelly doesn't quite trust the self-belay system...

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. It’s nice to see Kelly Jo and Gil being active with their kids. By the way Lawson 50’s are not exactly over the hill!!

    1. Exactly! Lawson, just wait until you are in your 50's...then you will understand.

  2. Hahaha, news to never stop thinking you're 25. I'm going to be 60 this year (can't believe it), but in my mind, I'm still 25. I look in the mirror, and can't believe it isn't a 25 year old looking back at me, lol!!!!! My mother is 82, and feels the same. You're always young in your heart, mind and soul

    1. I can totally relate! Having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that I am 44!

    2. Someone I know from school recently posted that her son turned 23! It feels like we were just that age!

  3. You go Kelly!!! I’m so proud of her that her age doesn’t get to her and that she’s so willing to try new things! Good job super mama!!!

  4. There's an old saying, "As you are now, so once was I. As I am now, so you shall be!" Time stands still for no one and before Lawson knows it, he will be a senior citizen still feeling like he should be 25.

  5. Please Kelly wearing culottes at least would be better for sporting activities.

    1. I wear sports skirts with built in shorts or add a pair under mined. Very modest. She could be wearing something like that, you can’t really tell.

  6. Super mama would look so much better in slacks. Doesn't look modest to be climbing in a skirt or flying threw the air.

    1. Please give the modesty thing a long overdo rest.Lets celebrate a Mom who is active and enjoying time with her husband and children.

    2. They also don't give the modesty thing a rest... it is understandble why people don't understand seems like they overshoot there goals.

    3. In the clip I don't see anything immodest. It just looks awkward in a skirt. Why do people hide behind their keyboards and judge others AFTER the event? I think we should just be happy we see into their lives at all.

    4. Lululemon sells skirts with built-in undershorts. Very comfy and stylish for long hikes and other sports activities. Many professional tennis players also wear skirts.

  7. It’s great Kelly Jo and Gil stay so active with their kiddos!!

  8. Way to go Kelly and Gil!!!

  9. maybe wear pants under skirt. alittle more lady like! agnes berlin ohio

    1. You know ,Agnes Berlin from Ohio, I’m about Kelly Jo’s age. If someone gets a sneak peek at my legs and finds them attractive at this point in my life I’m just going to say thank you😃

    2. Yes. Because being lady like is the ultimate goal when rock climbing.

    3. People below may see a lot more than your legs when you rock climb in a skirt.

    4. It's hard to tell 100% but it looks like she's wearing capri length leggings under her skirt. She had the forethought to wear tennis shoes so she probably put leggings on underneath her skirt too.

    5. If you're a woman,being lady like is the ultimate goal ALL the time. I think Kelly always looks lady like.

  10. that's good she tried that.

  11. Well Nathan were do you get off telling your mom what to do and what not to do.... It is a good thing they are keeping active and stay young at heart. That way you can keep 'm longer with you.

    1. Exactly! She may be a grandmother but she's also still the mom of young boys!

  12. Kelly sounds just like Tori especially laughing at the end.

  13. I'm not trying to be disrespectful but why don't the Bates wear pants? You can get very attractive jeans and slacks? Doesn't have to be skin tight or full of holes. Just wondering

  14. Nathan, Kelly Jo IS NOT Judson and Jeb’s Grandmother. She is their Mother. Also, there is no reason a Grandmother should not go rock climbing. There are many of us who are stronger and more fit than you 20 year olds.

  15. I would like to ask Nathan and Lawson at what age are women no longer “allowed” to be physically active? Is it 50 and over? Is it when you become a grandmother?

  16. How nice that Kelly and Gil took part in the wall climbing.
    I’m guessing Kelky never thought she would be climbing the wall too.
    I give her credit for trying and yes slacks or culottes would have been more
    appropriate, but they had a good time and that’s what matters.

  17. Krlly. I'm afraid of heights. You ROCKA😁


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