
Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Michael Moves Home

Michaela and Brandon Keilen

On our blog about the Duggar family, we just announced Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo's upcoming move to Los Angeles. Well, a member of the Bates family just shared news of a move, as well. Michael and Brandon Keilen are moving to Michael's home state of Tennessee!

Michael already has an EMT-IV license and a degree in medical health science. She will begin nursing school this fall, and she found the most affordable schooling in Tennessee. She and Brandon are completing the process over the next several weeks.

The Keilens have always known that Chicago would not be a permanent home for them, and Michael has missed the Smoky Mountains and her family very much.

Photo courtesy of


  1. That is wonderful! Your family must be thrilled that you are going to be close! May God continue to bless you abundantly!

  2. That's nice, but when I saw the headline I thought that maybe she was pregnant. I've been praying for them.

    1. Jeez, not everything has to be about babies. Michael is starting a new career, and she’s extremely excited about it. Why can’t you be happy for her without mentioning babies?

    2. 7:17. Everything is about babies with this family. They built their reality tv empire on it.

    3. Because Michaela has been struggling and hurting because she hasn't been able to have a baby, that's why. Some of us hurt for her and would love to see her dream come true.

  3. So happy for them. Michaela needs to be home around all of those new babies.

  4. So glad for you and your family. Nursing school is going to be wild but it is so worth it. May God bless you all.

  5. Oh I am so happy for them all!! That is so exciting and I'm sure the Bates are very happy. What a blessing! May it be a safe and smooth move and may God's blessings be upon the Keilens.

  6. Yay! I am so happy for her!

  7. I am so happy for Michael and Brandon!
    I know her family will be so happy too!
    She will be a wonderful nurse.

  8. That’s great news!

  9. Best of luck with everything, I'm sure your family will be so excited to have you all back!!

  10. Aw, that's great! I'm so happy for her.

  11. congratulations to Michaela and Brandon - good luck and enjoy

  12. So happy for them, Michaela will make a wonderful nurse, she has the best attitude towards everyone. I know the schooling is hard, but i think she has what it takes.

  13. kelly must be sooo happy! wasnt she just asking michaela in a recent episode about her moving home? that's great news!

    i didnt realize michaela was interested in nursing but i bet she'd make an awesome neo-natal nurse. whichever field of nursing she wants to go into, i'm sure she'll do great

  14. How long does Nursing school take to complete in the US?

    1. To be a registered nurse you need 2 years of prerequisite courses at a university and two years in a nursing program. There are also practical nurses and assistant nurses which are 1-2 years. Registered nurses can also get a master's degree in things such as midwifery.
      The way Michael worded it is sounds like she us going for an RN.

    2. My sister-in-law is an RN. She had 1 year of pre-nursing classes (mostly on Saturdays) then 2 years in the RN program (full time) at a community college.

  15. That's wonderful they are moving to TN. Will be nice seeing them more on the show.

  16. Michael would be such a sweet nurse!

  17. Yeah. Glad they had time to be alone together, but I'm glad shes back.

  18. I am really happy for them. Michael needs to be with her family and children around her. She needs this to shine :) Good luck for their move and for the nurse school!

  19. I admire Michaela for taking on this challenge. Good for her!

  20. So excited to hear both that Michael is starting nursing school, and that she and Brandon will be moving to Tennessee. It is so nice being close to family!

  21. Thank you Brandon for moving Michaela back home. I know so many people can be overwhelming but she needs them. Your nieces and nephews are the luckiest of all to have you both around on daily basis. Congratulations on nursing school Michaela and if you need any help with care plans I’m a retired RN. Once the proverbial light goes on they are easy. Love to you both from a loyal fan. Mary

  22. Not as shocked about Michaela as I am for Tori - it had appeared that Bobby had a good job.
    Hope all works out for both couples

  23. Aw, I couldn't be happier for them. As a nurse myself, I see so much compassion and servant's heart in Michaela. What a way for God to use her giftings for His glory.
    I am also an adoptive momma of four, having birthed no children in my 54 years. I know the plans I had in my heart, but the Lord determined my steps. The redemption of four of God's precious children from pasts of drug addiction, no heritage of faith, and repeated failed relationships. We went the foster-to-adopt route, as SO MANY children, right here in America are legally freed for adoption (and free TO adopt), but have no permanency. Always praying for M & B, and their heart's desire toward family.

    1. That's awesome!

    2. Just want to clarify because there is sometimes confusion about this, but adopting from foster care isn’t typically free, just waaaaaay less expensive than any other type of adoption. At most it can be $5,000. It would definitely be a great thing for Michael and Brandon to look into though if they ever think about adopting!

    3. We have been blessed to adopt 3 children from foster care, in 3 different states. We have never had any out of pocket cost.

      They will be wonderful parents who could give any child a living, stable, happy life. I wish the very best for them.

  24. Love going home! My husband and I lived away from family for 6 years. Wishing Michaela all the best in nursing school!

  25. I am so excited to hear this news! Michael will be a phenominal nurse! Best wishes as she begins nursing school this fall. I've been a RN for 18 years and am working on my MSN. So happy that someone like Michael will be joining the profession!

  26. My daughter became an RN last year and works in our community hospital. She loves her job and I am so proud of her.

  27. So happy for Michael and Brandon! Michael is going to be awesome in the field of nursing! A shout out to all nurses. You are what makes going to the doctor or hospital less scary!

  28. What is Brandon going to do??

    1. Doesn't he work for ATI? He can do that from everywhere, I guess.

    2. Brandon writes and illustrates childrens books.

  29. She neglected to include what level of nursing she is going for and what school will she attend? Important details.

  30. @4:36. Maybe Michael would rather not broadcast that information at this time.

  31. Michaela-you go girl!!! So proud of your decision to become a nurse and Brandon to support you!!!

  32. Michaella is so sweet and kind-hearted. I know she will be a great nurse. I think moving back to TN near her family will be good for her too. Maybe it will be less stressful for her being back home in a small town and she will finally have the baby of her dreams.

  33. My heart is always filled with love, for these families. They all love each other, look out for each other and are always there for one another. I have watched you from Season 1 Episode 1, to now, in fact I'm up to Season 7, Episode 48. These guys that these young women choose for a possible life mate, are such great guys!! I believe everyone is where they should be in life. As for Michaela and Brandon, God has something special for them in this life. I'm so sorry no babies have come in their lives yet, (notice how I said...yet?), but He will give them what they need, and it might not be the right time yet. You two people are one of the reasons I have become a follower of your shows. My heart goes out to you. As for your sisters, I also lost my first pregnancy in a miscarriage, which I was pregnant with twins and lost both a week apart. That was so very hard, then through our marriage, so far of 35 years, I lost 2 more pregnancies. So I totally understand the losses and never forgetting them, as I will see them again one day. I've talked enough... I'm so glad to see you both moving back home. I have 3 children, 35, 33 and 30 yrs old. My 35 yr old daughter, gave us 3 grandchildren and live in town, I'm so grateful to be able to care for them while she works, my 33 yr old son lives about 1 1/2 hrs away, and it is hard for me, and my other 30 yr old lives about 9 hrs away and that is really hard, so I understand that too. This is why I love watching your family, because I went thru some same things, as my kids did, just 16 less kids ;) Thank you for sharing your beautiful lives with us.
    God's Blessing on y'all!!
    Extra Blessings and Prayers to Michaela and Brandon

  34. I pray that one of the sisters will be a surrogate for Michaela and Brandon.

  35. Praying that she is able to have a baby !!


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