
Friday, March 29, 2019

Reminiscing with the Paines

Erin Bates Paine and Chad Paine
Erin Bates Paine and Chad Paine
Erin: "I look like a teenager! Oh my goodness, those three kids have aged us."

Chad: "I wouldn't trade it though. It's worth getting aged over."

Erin and Chad Paine love to reminisce. During their romantic getaway at Whitestone Country Inn, they look through a photo album of pictures from the day of their engagement. That was five years ago, and they can't believe how young they looked and how quickly the time has gone (web exclusive video from last night's episode is below).

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. chad and Erin are so romantic and so attentive to each other. They are wonderful role models.

  2. So sweet! I love to see them as a couple and see their growth! Reminiscing is so fun :)

  3. It's such a shame that girls nowadays put so much pressure on guys to have the "perfect" engagement. Chad sounds like he was a wreck trying to make everything perfect for Erin. Engagements can be meaningful even if they don't involve horse-drawn carriages! This may not be true of all girls, but the Bates girls seem to want insta-worthy engagement photos. It isn't necessary, imo.

    1. Kelly gets a thrill out of it. I think it’s all for TV. While they practice living debt free, they should want their daughters living that way as well after marriage. Those guys should use their heads when it comes to these “big shot”

    2. I think Chad just wanted to show his deep love and appreciation for Erin. It is like when my kids work so hard on coloring a picture for me... they don't do it because I "expect" an "insta-worthy" coloring masterpiece from them; they do it because they love me and want to show me how much. There is nothing wrong with adoring the person you're going to spend the rest of your life with and doing what you can to make them feel special. I wish there were more men out there like Chad. The world needs more men of honor who are devoted to their wives and children and love Jesus.

    3. It'd be nice if they showed us that you have a good proposal without a cello player and a fancy backdrop. That's what so many girls have. It makes them dissatisfied with their guys if the guys can't afford this. Why do the Bates portray it as the "norm"?

    4. Why are we begrudging them a special engagement experience?

    5. My husband didn’t feel any pressure for a “perfect” engagement. In fact, not many things went right for him that evening. The worst was that the ring box got stuck in his pocket and he couldn’t get it out! He wanted to propose at sunset, but since the box was stuck, he missed it. We still laugh about it.

    6. 10:41, that's funny! When my husband proposed, he opened the ring box - and it was empty! The ring had fallen to the ground without us noticing, and he had to look through the grass to find it. :)

    7. My husband didn't feel any pressure. We didnt even use rings because it's too expensive. He never got down on one knee, and personally don't like the dramatic stuff, but, hey, if Chad knew Erin would like it, then it's great! Why should we begrudge them? Every girl and couple and relationship is different.

  4. At only 5 years you 'reminisce"? These two are still young in their marriage. Now, 10,20 years, that's perhaps a time when you 'reminisce'. It's like when a couple married 6 weeks begin to give marriage advise out to others.
    Chad still looked exhausted to me.

    1. Reminisce just means to look back on, which can be done at any time. Their life has changed a lot in the last five years, with adding 3 kids to the mix.

    2. It's true. Chad seems to be so tired. I think this family (Chad/Erin) would appear more real to viewers if they didn't try to portray their lives as perfect. How about sharing some of their struggles?

    3. You know... I am hopeful they never even read your comment. Those are some very negative, bitter, and hurtful jabs. I don't know what has happened to you throughout your life to cause you to be so embittered but it is sad. People reminisce over many milestones in the course of a lifetime. Chad and Erin have endured a lot of hardship within the first five years of their marriage and so I imagine they are thankful for how far God has brought them in their relationship together. The fact that they have made it to their five year anniversary in a world where marriage is nearly something "of the past" is something to be grateful for, no doubt. The fact that they lost at least 3 of their babies in the first year of marriage, went through a crazy health scare, and Erin could have easily died while giving birth to Carson are just a few reasons to celebrate making it to a five year anniversary in my mind. To reminisce about marriage and life together is to look back and appreciate the times you've had together and to help you look forward to the future and all God has in store ahead. You should try it sometime. It may help your heart heal.

    4. Chad and Erin do NOT try to portray themselves as perfect and they have shared some of their struggles. Maybe go back and watch the reruns.

    5. I looked more tired after 5 years of marriage and 1 kid. I look especially tired now after 14 years of marriage and 4 kids. Working, taking care of a home, and raising little people isn’t the best set up for a good nights sleep. Everyone in their 30’s looks exhausted. It’s an exhausting decade.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Beautifully stated March 31, at 9:30am🤗

  5. they are such a cute couple.

  6. They're a precious couple.

  7. What struggles other than Erin having a difficult time continuing a pregnancy? They have 3 nice children; other than that, what stresses and hardships have they gone through together in 5 years? None that I have read about.

    1. Please go back to the reruns, the Paines have had numerous miscarriages, I think at least three.So before you speaketh of what you do not knoweth, do some research first maybe.Blessings to the Paines and Bates family😇

    2. I think the poster was asking about other struggles. Because besides the miscarriages, the Paines act like everything is perfect in their lives. (They had three children in four years, btw).

    3. They do NOT act like everything is perfect. Seriously, go back and watch the interviews. They talk about the crazy in their lives, and then they laugh about it. That doesn't mean their life is perfect or stressless, it just means they don't take themselves too seriously.

    4. Why do you think 3 miscarriages is not enough struggles? I've had 3 and no living children, been married 2 years and this is the hardest thing I've ever gone through. Just the miscarriages is a lot of struggles.


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