
Friday, March 8, 2019

The Bates' Views on Dancing

Kelly Bates bringing Up bates

For those who missed last night's episode, Kelly Bates explained the Bates family's views on dancing. In a recent post, we mentioned that Carlin is going to do a daddy-daughter dance with Gil and a first dance with Evan at her wedding. That is a dream she has had for a while.

Some of our readers, who thought the Bates were against dancing, were confused at hearing this. Below is a quote from Kelly that will interest you. If you scroll down and watch the video, you can also see what Kelly has to say about doing a "wild dance."

"Our family, typically in the past, really was not involved in dancing because we just wanted to avoid, for our unmarried children, them dancing in a sensual way. But Carlin has said for quite a while, one thing she is looking forward to at her wedding is a daddy-daughter dance, and ballroom dancing is just a real classy style of innocent, wholesome dancing. We are all for her doing that at her wedding, we just don't know how."

-Kelly Bates

Gil and Carlin are currently taking dance lessons to prepare for the special occasion, which makes Kelly happy because she says that she will "be the great benefactor if [Carlin makes Gil] learn." The mom of 19 looks forward to dancing while doing the dishes with her hubby.


Photo courtesy of UPtv


  1. It's really nice of KJ to explain this to those, like me, who were curious. It's appreciated.

  2. What a joy to see them willing to fulfill Carlin' dream of a dance with Gil. I think if Gil was willing Kelly would have had both Carlin & Gil breaking into a dance routine beyond ballroom dancing! That would have been fun.
    Good to see them move away from Goddards ridiculously strict teaching that didn't let young children even dance. Children under 10yrs can dance to express themselves without it being sensual unless they see sexualised dancing which the Bates would be careful not to allow anyway.

  3. Their wholesome, joyful attitude just makes me love them more! As a dance teacher, I had to quit teaching dance when the dances for students became far too sensual. I couldn't keep student's because the parents would move them to the studios that were teahcing the inappropriate dances. Just another sad sign of shiffting cultural values.

  4. We share pretty much the same views. I went ballroom dancing many years ago. It was a lot of fun and I felt like Gingers Rogers!

  5. Kelly has so much wisdom!! I love how she worded that! There's nothing wrong with sharing a sweet moment with your married spouse "while doing the dishes", I love little things like that!

  6. Kelly’s words sound as though they are freeing her from a belief that really didn’t make sense! Good for Gil and her to support and participate in Carlin’s dream to have a beautiful father daughter and first dance with her husband. Can’t wait to see them!!!

    1. I don't think that Gil and Kelly ever expressed a belief that ballroom-type dancing was wrong. I only remember them talking about certain types of music that could possibly stir up desires they want to avoid if not married.

    2. Adolescents (especially boys) have those desires whether you dance or not.

  7. Glad that Carlin gets to dance with her father and her parents aren’t telling her no.

  8. Where will Carlin and Evan be moving to? Ty

    1. Evan lives in Nashville, and Carlin will be joining him there once they are married

  9. Ok, I can roll with most of that, but the music changing thing surprised me.

  10. This family definitely seems to be open and fun. They are conservative, but do realize that their teen and adult children need to live their lives in a real world.

    1. I was with you until you got to "a real world." What a cookie cutter way to look at life!

  11. I love how animated Kelly gets at the thought of Gil and Carlin breaking out into some high energy dancing after the ballroom dancing. She's sooooo funny. That made me laugh....loved it!!!!

  12. I called it a father-daughter dance at my wedding. In my mind a daddy-daughter dance is something that happens in the elementary school years.

    1. They call their dad daddy, it’s a regional thing there’s no need to be rude.

    2. I’m from the North, but do to work transplanted to the South. It was really strange the first few years I heard adults call their Fathers “Daddy”. Definitely a Southern thing.

    3. My siblings and I called my dad "Daddy" and my mom "Mama". They were both from Texas and they called themselves called their parents Daddy and Mama.
      My parents are with the Lord now and I would give anything to call my mama and my daddy on the phone.

    4. Exactly-“Daddy” seems like an immature reference (although sweet when addressing your father).

    5. I am 50 years old and still call my dad daddy. What's wrong with that?

    6. Yes, Anon @ 8:30 I am 68 and I still refer to my long deceased dad as daddy. Nothing juvenile about it at all.

    7. I'm an adult and I still use the name "Daddy" for my father. (And I'm not even from the South.)

    8. Gil's parents are great dancers!!

    9. Daddy-daughter dance and Mommy-son dance then I guess.

  13. These comments are wonderful to me and show what genuine people they are they are starting to restore my faith in fellow Christians

  14. They were so frightened of dancing, and now they see that many forms of dancing are just an expression of love. They should admit they were wrong. Why would they even think their kids would do "sensual" dancing, anyway? It seems so strange. Their kids aren't like that.

  15. I didn't it weird that family members wouldn't even dance together because of a worry of acting in a sensual way. They are family for goodness sake. People don't generally feel sensual about their family members.

  16. I no longer can watch the Bates episodes on Thursday nights since Comcast no longer carries UP TV. And this week's episode isn't on Amazon yet. Normally, they are up by now.

  17. If ballroom dancing is now viewed by the parents as innocent, wholesome dancing, why did they ban their children from even doing that? I think they are back peddling. It doesn't shine well on them. I hope they have some guilt over the unnecessary sheltering they bestowed on their blessings. It's becoming rather apparent, isn't it? One of their sons had hoped to play basketball for Crown college, but because he had no real experience playing, he could not play by the real rules; he also tried out for a rodeo-like job and didn't pass the test because of their homemade lifestyle. Only professional training got Zack and Trace(?) the deputy sheriff position. See what holding your children back brings them? Not much.
    I really hope they feel silly and some regret for the severity of their lifestyle.

    1. So many eye rolls.

    2. Only a select number of people make any basketball team. The Dixie Stampede does not have a large number of riders who participate in the shows. Not getting picked for those things does not reflect on homeschooling. There were plenty of people who tried out for basketball and trick riding who didn’t make it even though they weren’t homeschooled. Don’t make assumptions about their whole lives based on a couple of things. Their adult children are all functioning adults who work (and yes, I consider staying home and caring for your own children work). Several of their children have gone to college. I don’t see how any of them have suffered in any way.

      None of their other children expressed an interest in ballroom dancing. Why would they encourage them to do something they have no interest in?

    3. If the boys had been allowed to attend high school, they would most likely have made the freshman team, then JV, then Varsity. They'd have a lot more experience then, and would likely have been one of the "select number" to make the team. I think this is what OP means.

  18. Such a sweet video. yes Kelly would definitely benefit from the lessons.

  19. I have only recently come across the Bates family and television show. This is the first time I have been on this site and this is the first thread I read the comments on and while I should not be, I am surprised of the post injecting themselves into what they believe is right or wrong in this family. Trust me, I would dare you to open your family and show us what a perfect situation you have created. It won't happen because, beyond our sweet God above, no man or woman is perfect. Judge not lest ye be Judged.


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