
Sunday, April 28, 2019

April Bates Showers

Two weeks ago, the Bates family threw a bridal shower for Carlin Bates and Evan Stewart, who are anxiously awaiting their May 25th wedding. Yesterday, the family held a baby shower for Josie and Kelton Balka, in honor of their daughter, Willow Balka, who is due July 25th.

Kelton Balka and Josie Balka

Photo courtesy of Josie Balka


  1. I'm excited for Josie and Kelton. Willow is such a pretty name! My niece almost named her first daughter that.

  2. Busy, busy family get togethers.
    As usual, I wish everyone the best.

    Please give us an update. THanks.

    1. Just was with Alyssa on Saturday. She's good :)
      Thanks for caring!

  3. We had such fun at both! Sweet and adorable days! This has been a great spring and now almost wedding time!

  4. Such fun at both! Sweet and adorable, thanks everyone! Almost wedding time! This has been is great spring and getting better and better YƀY

  5. Yes, congratulations to both couples!! šŸ˜Š

    When seeing the title, I had to think of the saying: “April showers bring May flowers “! So in this case perhaps more pregnancy announcements, or relationship announcements!! šŸ˜Š

    1. I think Whitney is expecting and they just haven’t announced yet since they lost their last baby.

    2. I do too...of you see there pics on their dress store she holds her belly like she is and was the model for their maternity dress.šŸ¤”

  6. That's great! Lovely family

  7. So excited for Carlin and Josie! I wonder who next in the family will have big news? It feels like we are approaching a lull in changes...

  8. Wondering why with so many siblings that can obviously have one has offered to be a surrogate for Mikala.

    1. Pick one:
      1. It could be because the siblings are too busy having their own babies.
      2. Surrogacy isn't acceptable to them.
      3. We don't know the details of Michaela and Brandon's infertility, so it's possible that surrogacy wouldn't even be an option.

    2. Surrogacy isn't an easy decision for either the couple or the surrogate. While it is a beautiful option for some, there is no guarantee that it is even something they would consider. They are gracious enough to share parts of their lives, but asking such a personal thing is a good reason I am glad I never shared my own fertility and health issues with the world.

    3. 1:07, or they could just adopt a baby. They constantly talk about how “prolife” they are, why don’t they put that into practice and adopt a baby?

    4. Conservative prolife Christians do no believe in surrogacy. There are MANY reasons, ethically, morally and theologically that would not be appropriate to discuss on a fan page. Having a baby isn't simply a "right", but a gift from GOD according to HIS plan and purposes for your life. Adoption is very expensive. They have one income. Adopting isn't as easy as many people percieve it to be. Being pro-life doesn't demand you adopt children, just as many pro-abortion voters would not choose abortion for themselves. Please don't put people into stereotypes that you design.

    5. 8:26- Adoptive parents qualify for an adoption tax credit, which is up to $13,810 per child. This is non-refundable, which means that you must have federal tax liability in order to claim the credit. This savings helped us a great deal when we adopted our children. (It was in the neighborhood of $10K back then.)
      Regarding the last part of your comments that compares pro-birthers with pro-choice folks: Adoption is a part of walking the pro-life talk, because you expect a woman to either keep a child or place it for adoption. Also, there are so many kids languishing in foster care in need of a home. People who are pro-choice don't need to have an abortion to prove anything. I was never able to have biological children and I'm pro-choice!

    6. Adoption may not be easy but who says life is supposed to be easy? If they want a baby, adoption is a way to have one. We are commanded to care for orphans, so adoption is clearly viewed positively by God. So why not?

    7. @8:26 IMO, the group that claims to be pro-life and wants to force a woman to give birth, have a moral obligation to step up and help provide for the care and well-being of the resulting children they insist be born who may end up abused, in foster care, or placed for adoption at some point. It's where the rubber meets the road. If you shrug off adoption as being just too expensive or difficult, then you really aren't as pro-life as you claim to be.

    8. anon8:26; Then it would make sense that these same Christians, if they believe in a God's plan, would not take any measures that would interfere with said plan, which would include enhancing fertility or medical intervention to prevent miscarriage. They would simply let nature (or God) take its course under these circumstances. However, I have a hunch that many of these same people will be more than willing to make exceptions if it will produce the outcome they desire. They can still rationalize it by claiming it was all part of God's plan.

    9. Embryo adoption is another alternative. It's a possible way for an infertile couple to experience pregnancy, even though the child is not biologically theirs, and raise the child as their own. The extra embryos that other infertile couples have produced may otherwise end up in storage indefinitely or destroyed. I would think that pro-lifers would support this.

  9. Time 2:10PM Mon 4/28/19
    Congrats Josie & Kelton can’t wait for your daughter to be born.

  10. Who is going to the wedding? 11:20 must be related/in the inner circle.
    But how about us fans? I've thought of going, sitting or standing in the back and not eating anything. Oh and bringing a nice gift. Who's with me?

    1. I would. Where is it? Time? Let's get a fan group together if you live close enough.

    2. How about no? Inviting yourself to a wedding is pretty rude.

    3. Have they said they were opening the wedding up to people who didn't get invitations? That's a big no-no otherwise.

    4. I hope 1:44 is joking. What a sick joke/ idea if it was. ( I am not a family member or related in any way, just concerned with such a rude,
      childish suggestion, if serious.)

    5. 1:44- Are you serious? I don't care who they are, I'm not into crashing weddings.

    6. 7:57 this is happy, carefree 1:44 who loves you as Jesus taught no matter what. Blessings!

    7. I have a funny story to hopefully lighten this up. Josie's wedding in the state park was delayed for an hr. My husband (who is a detective) and I sat in our very air conditioned van for a bit while our kids ran around with the other kids who don't feel the heat haha.
      Hubby noticed that the lady in the van next to us kept going back and forth to the big open bathroom where the girls were coming and going. I hadn't even noticed. Hes trained to notice.
      She didn't seem to know anyone but just wanted to be "in the mix" .
      Ultimately it seems she was just a nervous fan. Don't know if she was invited.
      Wedding was perfect though HOT and we hope she had a good time and made a friend or two.
      In Jesus Kingdom there is room for all.

  11. Awww that is so awesome. Family and Team work

  12. MO- Josie looks beautiful and so happy. Hope the pregnancy continues to go well. Not too much longer now. :o)

  13. Can you imagine the expense being a close family member or friend with all these showers and weddings?

    1. Do you think of all your friends as an expense?

    2. When it comes to weddings, babies, etc., I do. My closest friends and I all got married around the same time. I also come from a large family. It felt like it was always time for another wedding, bridal shower, baby shower, graduation, or something. I did have to work on my budget a lot to make it to these events, buy presents, and in many cases buy a new dress, shoes, and matching jewelry. It gets expensive. I love them all dearly, but I did have months where I prayed there would be a month off from it all so I could save some money.

  14. I joyfully include this in our budget, shop year round when I find a super low price, go in on a larger gift with multiple people. Some people knit, sew, paint, anything homemade, etc.
    Also remember there are different spouse families and friends, as in not all the same people were at both Josie's and Carlin's showers.
    And... when it comes around to your own special time, boy oh boy do you get blessings upon blessings overflowing onto you!! I so prefer living this way as it really is more blessed to give than to receive, and when it's my time, I would rather be gifted from folks hearts than spend on myself. But that's me. I'm a minimalist anyway :)

  15. Kelly once told me that anyone can attend the wedding, so I don't think you have to worry. They always have extra food that they give away. We have invested a lot in this family for over eight years and are happy to do so!!

    1. Thanks Alice, you beat me to it lol. See you again soon šŸ˜Š

    2. It’s one thing for the parents of the bride to tell friends or neighbors that they are welcome to come to the wedding without invitation. It’s quite another situation when a stranger on a public forum suggests fans from all over, meet at the church to stand in the back of the church and watch the ceremony! Heaven only knows who might decide to do such a thing...

    3. Your concern is sweet. Please don't worry. When we are at a Bates wedding there are many families we know, but also people we've never seen before. Every wedding has a different set of in laws and some friends who are unique to the bride and groom. We all agree there are also some uninvited guests mostly from the area.
      After we had RSVP to Carlin and Trace graduation party they opened it up to everyone. Really! It was a super fun day with absolutely NO problems.
      The type of person you are concerned about most likely don't watch the show or read this blog and would have zero interest in the wedding.

  16. I didn't notice that the sisters give each other all these gifts, engagement, wedding, showers. It's friends, mostly. I also have wondered how all these events don't wear on the people they know. One gift after another. I don't view friends as being an 'expense' but it does cut in to one's own family budget and becomes tiresome after a while. The 'specialness' wear off.

    1. I can see your point about the expense being a bit much over time, but if you know and love the recipients it wouldn't be less special. If you love them all, it would be special each time.

  17. 6:36- If I had my own wedding to do over, I'd specifically request no gifts. (Granted, this is coming after many years of hindsight!) It means much more to me to have loved ones and friends share the special day, rather than concern themselves with shopping for a present or giving money. Their good wishes are enough!

  18. I love your baby girl's name....and due on my birthday��

  19. Bates # 10 child having # 10 Bates grandchild - all the best


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