
Monday, April 22, 2019

Bates Easter Photos 2019

Happy Easter! How did you celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? Below are photos of a few of the Bates couples in their Sunday best.

Kelton Balka and Josie Balka, 26 weeks pregnant
Spent Easter with Kelton's family
Brandon Keilen and Michael Keilen
Spent Easter with Brandon's family
Whitney Bates, Kaci Lynn Bates, Bradley Bates, Zach Bates
Whitney Bates, Kaci Lynn Bates, Bradley Bates, Zach Bates

Photos courtesy of Josie and Kelton Balka,, Zach and Whitney Bates


  1. We went to Easter Sunrise service and then to our church. I made a ham dinner for my family and at the end of the day I was exhausted! But it was a very wonderful Resurrection Sunday. It is my favorite holiday actually. I appreciate all He has done for me on the cross.

    1. Sounds like you had a blessed day! That's the good exhausted :)

    2. Yes it was very blessed and it was a very good exhausted.

  2. Beautiful pictures of rhe family. What did Gil preach yesterday?

  3. Josie looks gorgeous!!

  4. Duggar and Bates FanApril 22, 2019 at 1:06 PM

    Is it just me or does Whitney have a little baby bump? Hopefully because after her miscarriage I have been hoping God would bless her and Lauren Duggar with one lately.

    1. I think that’s called a crease. They happen in fabric.

    2. @1:10pm LOLOLOL! I love you.

  5. Love your family, Blessings to you all!

  6. I pray that Alyssa & John and daughters were able to have a lovely, blessed Easter & that Alyssa is on the mend from her heart procedure.
    All pictures are beautiful, miss seeing the Websters

    1. MO- I admire Alissa and her family for being independent. She's a wonderful Mother, a hard worker, and it seems like she can take or leave the cameras of UPTV. I hope that Alissa has a quick, 100% recovery from her heart issues. God Bless you ad your family Alissa! :o)

  7. I just wanted to say I loved watching your RE-WEDDING!!!!!!!!!!!! I cried, when Whiney's Father forgave U!!!!! I hope Whitney will have many years of family fun!!!!! 12 years ago, we patched up things, in my family, now we are tight, and U could not ask for stronger bonds ever!!!! REALLY I can't believe, but WE LOVE each other like crazy!!!!! I love U 4!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. I spent Easter with my family. Those of our children who could be with us. Like the Bates some of our married children were at the in-laws

  9. Yep hemlines going up and up on certain Bates. It looks like Josie is basically wearing shorts, so high the dress. Who knows, it will probably come to that (shorts) someday or probably is already!

    1. Josie is young with great legs.

    2. 12:36, she’s a grown woman and can wear what she wants, there is nothing sinful about wearing shorts.

    3. That dress would have never been worn while she lived with her parents.

    4. She's a married adult and can wear what she likes. It's not a revealing outfit or anything. I think she looks beautiful and classy. Plus there's nothing wrong with shorts. Everyone should be allowed to wear what they feel comfortable in.

    5. Josie's dress is not that short! I've seen much shorter. If she wants to wear shorts, who cares? She's a married adult and can dress however she wants.

      Kelly and Gil have said the rules are for their house. When adult children leave home they are no longer bound by their parents rules and guidelines. Not all 19 children will exactly follow their parents.

    6. I really think her dress looks nice ! Nice color too.

    7. Josie looks quite lovely in her dress. I don't see anything immodest about it.

    8. For Tori's wedding rehearsal, 10 months before Josie "left the nest" she wore a super cute outfit that most would not consider modest. I've never asked Kelly Jo how these decisions are made. Not my business.

    9. Here come the hemline comments again. When will this stop? Getting past old. How many of you lived by your parents rules under their roof and then did your own thing when you flew the nest. No one is dressing badly at all. Lets stop judging each other.

    10. My comment didn't go through :( so here goes again.
      1:29 you are too kind
      Josie was still living home at that time.
      Her outfit was NOT modest nor cute by the standards her parents used to use.

    11. Totally agree @12:36pm.

  10. Aside from Micheal, nobody’s dress was as modest as the dresses they are now selling.

    1. That is so true🤔

    2. Of the 3 ladies in this post, the only one involved in the dress business is Whitney. It's Erin, Whitney, and Carlin. And I happen to think Whitney's dress is very modest. It's to her knees and not tight at all. You can see like 1-2 inches of shoulder, and that's hardly immodest.

    3. Whitney is the only one pictured who is part of the business. It's Erin, Carlin and Whitney.

  11. Josie looks lovely. Everyone looks good.

  12. Josie's dress is very immodest- you would not be able to sit or bend in this dress without issues. It's her choice of course as to what she wears - but as far as setting a role model, the dress is immodest due to the SHORT length of the dress. She is NOT setting a good example as to appropriate dress standards based on Christian principles. That's the bottom line.

    1. Which Christian principles? Where did Jesus say a dress needed to be a certain length? Were you with Josie to see her sit down? You're advocating Legalism rather than God's word.

    2. Modesty is subjective. You may find the dress immodest, which is fine, as it's your choice to wear what you want. However, a lot of people don't find what Josie is wearing immodest at all. In fact, it's quite a bit longer than many dresses out there, and the neckline is high. Personal opinion and convictions come into play here, and I don't think there is (or should be) black and white rules for what is modest and what isn't. It's about what the individual feels is right for them.

    3. That's YOUR bottom line. 😜

    4. Ladies bend with their knees rather than their waist. Josie would have no problem bending or sitting down. Lift up others rather than look for reasons to tear them down. What is in Josie's heart and her faith are what makes her a role model not her hemline.

    5. Her dress top reminds me of her wedding gown. She loves her lace! Also that not showing thigh thing is taken out of context and meant for men of the old testament.
      Jesus loves us unconditionally

    6. You’re right’s the heart, not the hemline but your heart will show in your hemline.

    7. And if it’s in her heart, fruit will come out, she’ll joyfully WANT to make sure she’s properly clothed and not causing someone a lot of temptations. God said we are ultimately responsible for such as this...

    8. Love Michealla for her modesty!!!

    9. I meant, Love your modesty style Michealla!!!

    10. Isn't it great that everyone can wear what they want, according to their own standards? It's just sad that some have to be so critical of what someone else chooses to wear, based on a hemline or dress vs pants. Life is too short to concern oneself with such superficial matters.

    11. Josie isn't responsible for others' thoughts. She could wear a floor length dress and still draw male attention. If men are to be trusted as heads of the household they should be able to practice self-control. Jesus was tempted in the desert and pulled through. Someone could be tempted by the way Michael tied her sweater and that would be on him to control his urges.

  13. It would be nice if Josie and Kelton had a more casual pose like the other couples. So many of their pictures are so obviously staged that their personalities are missing.

    1. Huh. That picture brings the words love and cherish to my mind, making it the most special of the three pictures to me.

    2. I agree and would add, some pictures are best kept for a photo album and not for the general public. They had to know this one would be controversial...but maybe they like controversy.

    3. It's not so much that's it look staged. It just doesn't look open, friendly and casual like the other photos. Perhaps they are very image-conscious--nothing wrong with that, I guess!

    4. Picky, picky, picky. To me, the picture looks very much like a young, newlywed couple who are very much in love. Looking back on their courtship, Kelton treated Josie like a queen. As long as he is happy with how she looks, and we don't have to pay for her clothes, in my opinion we should mind our own business. Judge not, lest ye be judged.

  14. Just a few 'moments ago' Josie was not allowed to purchase the wedding gown that she loved as it was because her mother didn't give her permission to. Now, a moment later, just because she married, she can wear a dress like that in that photo. Kelly must be fuming. I'm sorry for those young women because the ONLY WAY for them to be treated like adults is for them to get married....even if they are only 19 years old.

  15. The dress Josie is wearing is a nice SUMMER dress for around 90degrees farenheit. However, I would not wear that dress when pregnant as it raises the hem in front and would not fit properly and MODESTLY.

  16. Josie and Whitney look very pretty and fashionable. Michael looks too covered-up and old-fashioned. I don't think either Gil or Kelly try to control their married kids lives, and it must feel wonderful to the married adults when they can finally make their own choices.

    1. Yes, all three of them made their own choices in Easter outfits. How about we don't criticize one while defending the others.


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