
Friday, April 19, 2019

Bates Sisters' Boutique Now Open

THIS JUST IN! Three of the Bates sisters (Carlin Bates, Erin Paine, and Whitney Bates) have just started a clothing boutique, and as of right now, it is open for business. The website is Below are previews of a few of their dresses.

The girls' goal is to offer dresses that are modest, feminine, and cute at a low cost. How does less than $40 per gown sound? They have sizes through 3XL. They are not offering international shipping at this time, but if you live abroad, perhaps you can find a friend to make purchases on your behalf and send them to you.

Photos courtesy of Taryn Yager Photography


  1. Replies
    1. The dresses are beautiful,Kelly looks sogood in the stripe and flower dress. It is very flattering on Kelly. Wish the Bates sisters success on this new venture.

    2. Love the dresses. Just went to their store sote and they are perfect; affordable and stylish. Thank you Ladies.

  2. Congratulations! Love the style of the long dress that Kelli is wearing but am not a fan of stripes WITH florals. Love stripes and florals but just not together. Hope they have more like that style. My girls and I love long dresses.

    1. I agree. I thought that was a fashion "rule" of not mixing stripes with flowers. Apparently there are designers who wish to "break" tradition.

    2. lol, yes, you are absolutely right! i couldn't agree more about the fashion 'rules' of mixing patterns and even some of the colors! i cant tell you how many times i've looked at something and wondered, why? just why? i guess i'm just old (60) and used to the more 'boring' patterns

    3. I think the "rule" is plaid and flowers, but frankly, let the wearer decide!

    4. No rules! Fashion is supposed to be fun and creative. Pattern mixing is a great way to make a statement. One of my daughters favorite dresses was a little floral top with a red/black plaid skirt. It was adorable! I only wish they had one in my size

    5. I think it depends on each person and what they like . I like solid colors.i love the dress style but I would want the top or bottom to be a solid color . But I think each person should get what they like . After all fashion is just something someone chose to put out there and everyone thinks thats what they have to do. Doesnt mean it should be for everyone . I'll just stick with what I like and what is comfy. Comfy clothes are the best . Hugs to you all from wv. God bless keep. Trusting him.

  3. That’s lovely 😊 Would they ship to Canada?

  4. The Bates girls are smart and confident. I wish they would do something useful and productive, like nursing or social work or teaching. Instead, they seem to focus on clothing, makeup and other worldly pursuits. It's nice they have a store, but I hope that one day they will follow a path that allows them to help others in the world.

    1. People have to wear clothes. Also everyone has different interests.

    2. Both Carlin and Erin do teach.
      Michael will be going to school for nursing. Whitney is a realtor. Our country needs diversity of labor. Why do you think we have a say in what they "should" do? Also, people need clothing, why should they disbarred from that line of work?

    3. I consider it a help. We all need clothing, and so much of the clothing out there is ugly or immodest or out of our price range. This service is both useful and productive.

    4. Michael is selling hommade baby goods to earn money for the calling into nursing school she feels God has put on her heart.

    5. There is hardly a shortage of clothing for sale in this country. Modest clothing is available at the click of a mouse from many online shops! There is, however, a shortage of good nurses, social workers, and teachers who can model godly behavior and help others in their time of need.

    6. Wow your very judgemental.. I'm pretty sure people need affordable clothes because clothes and especially dresses can get pricey at times. They're helping me out by giving me affordable clothes. So, no this is not useless at all in my opinion. Also last time I checked a woman getting a job period is a worldly pursuit. There is nothing wrong with some Christian ladies wanting to start a website.

    7. you must be knew to the bates family. the bates girls all are doing something useful and productive. whitney is also a realtor, helping people find their homes (not just houses) and a mother of 2. erin, after graduating with a degree in music, teaches piano lessons, has put out 5 albums herself and is a mother of 3. carlin, not only is planning her wedding in the next few weeks, but also teaches music lessons and helps kelly with homeschooling, all while finishing her bachelors degree.
      i think they are being more than useful and productive and am amazed that they can still find time for their ministry of modest wear for women
      i guess michaela having a store is ok because she's going into nursing

    8. But Erin and Whitney are moms with young kids. They didn't train to be nurses or social workers. They found a way to bring in extra money where they can also be home with their young kids. I don't think we need to criticize their choices.

    9. Just because someone is a good person does not mean they will be good at a very demanding and often thankless job. There is a shortage in those areas because people in those professions are overworked, underpaid, and they (we...I’m speaking from experience) quickly burn out...especially when maternity leave is a joke, childcare costs can eat your entire paycheck and insurance deductibles are so high you’ll be out of money in a hot minute the second someone gets sick...which means you can’t get sick or if you do you have to fight through it and hope it doesn’t turn serious.
      There’s a reason so many young moms are turning to online lifestyle/beauty jobs like this. They pay well and you work from home.

    10. Why can’t they do what they want to do rather than what others think they should do? I am a Registered Nurse and although I love it most of the time at times it really does suck. I’m currently 23 weeks pregnant and wondering how I’m going to manage coming back to work after a year off when the time comes as being full time means a lot less time with the family as the hours aren’t great nor flexible and it is very exhausting even without children so I certainly won’t be going back full time. This way the girls can spend quality time with their family. Also it’s better they live a life they want to rather than doing what they aren’t passionate about and getting to 80 and regretting it.

    11. Carlin is not getting a bachelor's. She's getting a cosmetology certificate .

    12. 1243 lol. I'm an RN and couldn't agree with you more! I'm so glad I'm a nurse, because there are those moments that are rewarding, but I'm general I don't recommend nursing to people who don't already have it in mind. It's NOT what most people think of when they think nursing and isn't for the faint of heart. Just my last night I had a patient who was not demented and was trying to choke me every time I got near her. If anybody wants that career, go for it! But nobody should feel obligated to go into nursing. It takes not just a strong stomach, but a strong will and an infinite amount of patience!

    13. anon 4/22 at 9:34 - please read the 'about' page where it states: 'Carlin has been working on completing her bachelor degree in interdisciplinary studies from Liberty University.' katie is studying cosmetology

    14. They're been useful and productive and they're doing what they like. STOP hating!!!

    15. They are very useful and productive! STOP hating!!! Best of luck on this new adventure ladies!!πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ‘

    16. As an RN I 100% agree with the nurses who posted here. Being an RN is a lot of hard work for often comparatively little pay and definitely not for everyone! It has to be a calling, a gifting or passion.

    17. 9:34, Carlin is NOT getting a cosmetology certificate. Maybe you're thinking of Katie. Even their dress website says that Carlin is working on her bachelor's degree from Liberty University.

    18. Why would they choose to be away from their precious children for 40 to 60 hours a week with little pay, rather than to raise their own children? They ARE being productive by bringing their children up (rather than working away from home and paying someone else to raise their children) and training them to be good, productive citizens as well as to love Jesus. just because your idea of being productive is to work outside of the home does not mean everyone else's idea of productivity is the same as yours. They're helping people not just by living their lives as they do, but by providing good and modest clothing at an affordable cost that a gal can feel beautiful in. Your judgments and statements about the Bates' girls are unreasonable and ridiculous.

  5. I thought Whitney Bates was a realtor and worked for a real estate agency. How can she be available to show properties, take care of her home and family AND be part of clothing business?
    So far, I don't care for the clothing they are showing here. The dress Kelly is displaying is not very pretty at all, nor is it flattering for that type of figure. Sorry, but that is my opinion.

    1. I am sure Whitney can handle both...she might participate more as a financial backer instead of every day worker.

    2. You are not sorry. Saying “sorry” doesn’t negate your rude and uncalled for opinion. You use it to justify to yourself your own poor manners. Obviously your opinion was allowed through, but be accountable to own it.

    3. The dress is very pretty and suits Kelly very well, no need for harsh comments like that!

    4. Your opinion is horrible! LOL!

    5. You can do the boutique work at home besides the photo shoots. She does the real estate part time and her family babysits for her when she needs it.

    6. Whitney could have just invested and work there when she has time,that's how they wanted to do it so let them be.

    7. Rude comments. Would you say those things to their face?

    8. Some things are better left unsaid. It may be okay to say you dont care for the clothing style, but to say someone's clothing is not flattering to their figure is crossing a line. You're right, it is your opinion and you're entitled to it, but you also don't have to share your opinion for the world to see. This type of comment can be hurtful whether said to a person's face or via a comment section.

    9. It's an online business. Doesn't require all of them to be available 24/7.

    10. I do not care for any of the dresses either. Pls respect everyone's opinion and stop judging those of us who do not like the clothes they have shown so far. I doubt Jesus would think it is ok to say bad things about others.

    11. 4/19 5:35 PM. “The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.” Kindness and respect go a long way. That’s a fact.

    12. Bates daughters I think your dresses are just beautiful

    13. I very much look up to the bates family; I also was raised in a Large family and very much am thankful for my support system. They are ALL very productive, I think ya'll should go do something productive with your lives, rather than complain about someone else not being productive enough! Seriously, this would has a shortage of mothers that work from home, you should congratulate the bates girls for finding a creative way to work from home that also leaves their children with a lasting legacy. And, one can do many things too: I have pursued weaving, sewing, crocheting, flying, designing clothing, playing the violin, and running a catering business; all the while being a full time student in college, working a full time job at a local stables, and living, working full time on a farm, and currently pursuing a certificate in equine massage therapy. If I had not gotten as interested in horses as much as I did, I would be weaving fabric and designing/making/selling clothes. And that would not be an unproductive job: the garments would be made in America; no sweatshops. Shouldn't we have clothes companies like that anymore?
      There is NOTHING wrong with someone pursuing clothes or cosmetology. I FULLY support the Bates family and I hope the heed no attention to the nasty comments that you guys will so freely say (But would never say to their face, but I would whole-heartedly say what I said to their face). Have a blessed day.

    14. Everyone has the right to make their own choices for them and their families. Who is to judge anothers happiness? Your choices probably would not make many happy but does that mean they're wrong?!? No!! That's silly. They are just wrong for the wrong family. So make your own choices. Be happy and let others do the same!!!

  6. Very nice...wish they would add a “flowey” maternity line too.

    1. Give them time and I'm sure they'll add more styles. Seems like they're trying to start small which is a good idea.

  7. Those dresses are very nice. My favorite is the Daisy!

  8. Kelly, you make a beautiful model.

  9. Wow! Is that Kelly? Absolutely gorgeous.

  10. Love the models! Very nice, will definitely check it out..

  11. Phyllis Morgan from TexasApril 19, 2019 at 9:22 PM

    Beautiful! Love the materials! How wonderful, really pretty and nicely priced! So happy for you girls. I will do business will you all for sure! Congratulations!!!

  12. The dresses look beautiful. Kelly Jo's dress looks good on her to.

  13. Beautiful dresses. When can I shop

  14. Congratulations..May God bless your business .

  15. I'm not a big fan of dresses but these are very pretty and great models

  16. Very nice. Kelly looks good in something other than those Jean skirts. Makes her look younger. Maybe she has more time for herself now.

  17. Just remember if you don't have anything nice to say you don't HAVE to share your opinion... That being said I think it is neat that they are doing something new and I like the clothes. Congrats ladies!

    1. Opening a business means you will be getting feedback, both positive and negative, about your product. That’s how things work and how a business can grow, or not, by listening to customers.

    2. But the people criticizing here are mostly NOT those who are going to be customers.

    3. You won’t be a customer if you don’t like the product so the business doesn’t need your feedback. I think the original poster was saying if you don’t like the clothes don’t be rude about it and don’t buy from them. There are tons of businesses whose products I don’t like but I don’t make it a point to tell them.

    4. Feedback should not include personal opinions regarding if you think a style is flattering on someone. That’s a personal attack, not a constructive criticism.

    5. This blog is not just reaching customers.

    6. 10:05- This blog is providing free advertising for them. Anyone who visits this site is a potential customer. Even if someone has no intention of buying something at this point, would it not be to their advantage to listen to opinions about what kind of merchandise they would buy? If you're going to be in business, you'd better develop a very thick skin very fast, what with google reviews, etc. You can't spend time nursing hurt feelings or taking criticism about your product personally.

    7. 12:32, my point is that the people who are saying they don't like these styles are not likely to be customers. Had nothing to do with hurt feelings or thin skin.

  18. I think the last time I wore a dress was 30 years ago when I got married! I don't mind dressing up once in awhile, but it has to be with classic pants and tops with basic colors, using jewelry as an accent. Flowery fabric or stripes are not my taste.

  19. I love it but everything is sold out in my size. Wonder when they will get things back in stock

  20. Good luck to them on this new adventure!

  21. I wish they had a larger variety. Also disappointed it will only be dresses.

    1. They are just getting started and they had to buy all products up front. They have to make money before they can offer more variety. That’s how startups like this work. Be patient. Also, dresses sell out faster on these boutiques than other styles of clothes so dresses are the smartest investment.

    2. If things go well, they might expand their selections.

  22. Want to wish them the best in their venture in retail

  23. Wish they offered all of them in plus.

    1. I do too. I have 4 daughters and they don't sale appropriate clothes anymore. My girls are 10,11,14,15 all wear juniors but its eitger to shorr or to low at the front. I wear a 3xl and my daughter in law is 2xl.

  24. i for one am very happy for and proud of these young ladies. considering they all have jobs, one's getting married in a month, and 2 have small children, they are really go-getters! good for them!! this is their ministry and i love that it's all family. kelly is so beautiful, inside and out, and it is awesome to see her model for them

  25. Shows you can be a mom, a wife, as well as, a business owner. Many would love to have those very opportunities. Kelli Jo looks amazing. The dresses look great. To each their own in opinions & styles. I wish them well and many succesess throughout their journey. Can't wait to see how all The Bates flourish in their future endeavors.

  26. Kelly! You look beautiful in those styles :)

  27. Some of them are pretty but why does it look like each dress is made for pregnancy wear.

    1. Because their target audience is moms and almost all the moms I know (myself included) like dresses that we can wear pregnant or not and the flowiness covers belly pooches and bloating

    2. Because the dresses are comfortable? They're loose, but other than that don't particularly look like maternity dresses.

    3. So you did wear dresses that looked particularly maternity when you weren't pregnant, 9:02?

    4. 3:49. No I did not, and do not. I have always, and continue to take very good care of myself. I wear the same size as I did in high school many, many decades ago. I workout vigorously nearly everyday and still knock out half marathons. To many young Mothers and aging women just let themselves go. Sad.

    5. 12:09- Sounds like you get a vigorous workout just patting yourself on the back for taking such good care of yourself.

    6. 12:09. I actually asked the moderators to remove my comments as when I read them I can see how harsh they were. I even asked their forgiveness. I guess they don’t want to post comments that show repentance.

  28. Congratulations! Beautiful dresses! Will be ordering!

  29. Great job ladies!! I wish them all well in this new opportunity!

  30. Good luck to their new business! I am use that they will do well.

  31. Everything SOLD out soooo fast!! Congratulations

  32. I was also disappointed to see that most were already sold out and not many plus size options were available. Hope they will expand and have more to choose from in the future. These simple styles would make a great work dress.

  33. If you want to SELL a piece of clothing I think it DOES MATTER A GREAT DEAL how the dress looks on the person modeling it. You do not assign a model to model an outfit which will not look good on her. The potential buyer will not be wanting to buy the dress as it would not show well on an unflattering mode. Kelly is a pretty woman, that dress does not flatter her at all. The dress is not particularly pretty either so I would put it on a model who is TALL ENOUGH to wear it and slender enough to compliment it. Simple business.

    1. The dress is really long on Kelly, but I think she looks pretty and younger in the picture.

    2. Kelly is modeling plus size dresses! Who wants to see a slender model wearing a plus size dress? We want to see how the dress will realistically look on someone who would be actually buying the dress. What an insulting comment to Kelly. I think she looks fine.

    3. 9:41- IMO, horizontal stripes do not flatter any plus size woman and it isn't insulting to say so. I wear a regular size 12 and avoid them like the plague. I look for colors/patterns that give the illusion that I'm more slender, not wider! I wouldn't want someone to rave about how I looked in something when they were really thinking something else entirely!

    4. I know what you mean about avoiding stripes, but I actually think Kelly looks pretty and less heavy than on the TV show. I would be insulted if someone looked at a picture of me and said that my outfit would look better if the person wearing it were more slender.

  34. I can not say how long I have waited for this to come about!! SOO HAPPY!!!

  35. Every dress is out of stock except one.

  36. I just noticed that all the dresses are hand wash. :( It would be nice if they offer dresses that can be thrown in the washer!

    1. Amen to that!! Being a busy mom I prefer to be able to throw everything in the dryer without having to remember what can’t go in there or wanting to wear that dress and suddenly remembering that you didn’t get it washed and now don’t have time because hanging to dry takes too long...

  37. I'm surprised that some on this blog take offense to negative opinions about the clothes. There's no reason for the Bates to take criticism personally. It's business, for Pete's sake! IMO, you have to have just the right body type to pull of horizonal stripes, fussy floral prints and floor-length dresses. I would never wear them because I'd feel overwhelmed and bigger than I am. I prefer understated sparingly used patterns, neutrals and muted colors, and more structured clothing. I also never wear dresses or skirts.

    1. The offense was not taken at opinions about clothes, but about opinions on how someone looked in those clothes. One is about inanimate objects. The other about people.

  38. I have no idea what people are talking about. I think Kelky looks amazing in that dress. So does everyone else for that matter. Please continue to show other styles as they come out, and thanks!

  39. Love both dresses ladies!! Looking great AND Godly! Kelly please write some books on parenting. Years ago I asked you on another blog (United Bates) and you responded you didn't know about doing it. I'm calling you out, it is time Kelly. Your wisdom and insight is awesome. Love you all! 😊

  40. all the dresses are sold out, was so sad to see that and only 2 in plus size, we need more ladies, lol

  41. Kelly you look as beautiful as your daughters! My girls and I are in love with the new dresses and thankful for the plus size. Love the stripes with the floral SO much! Cant wait to see new products as they come out.

  42. Way off base here, but was wondering if one of the sister's ever thought of being a surrogate for Michela and Brandon using their mixture. Is it against the family's beliefs. I and many others feel so bad when someone mentions their pregnancy news. She always had a smile but you can see the sadness in her eyes. She would make such a great mother and Brandon a great father. Always keeping them both in my prayersπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ Hope this topic is allowed❤ Love watching the show and love all the family❤

  43. Love the simpleness of the clothes however I truly wish as a plus size woman that the sleeves were longer and a little fuller to cover my lunch lady arms and like so many others I avoid stripes. The soft florals are beautiful. Would be lovely in 3/4 length plus size sans the stripes. I'm wishing here but I really love the line of clothes simple, pretty, comfortable. Just being selfish looking for more in my taste range.


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