
Saturday, April 6, 2019

Carlin's House

With only seven weeks to go until their May 25th wedding, Carlin and Evan are working hard on their house. They are both very excited to start their new life together. This week, they have been painting walls and furniture. We don't have any photos yet, but we hope to be able to share some soon.

Evan Stewart and Carlin Bates
Photo courtesy of Carlin Bates


  1. Excited to see Carlin's style of decor.

    1. Let's hope it is Carlin & Evan's style not Erin's - Erin has good taste, but it is HER taste . . let the newlyweds stand alone in decorating. Alyssa and Kelton seem to have decorated according to their taste. I wish them a happy life.

    2. I'm sure Erin helps when asked. Tori asked for help and it was given. Josie did not and it was not imposed. I don't know why you would assume otherwise. I love watching Erin do her decorating.

    3. Tori always needs other people. Carlin is more independent.

    4. I think they all value Erin's opinion and taste and that's great. It's not the fans decision on how to decorate or who gets to decorate, it's theirs alone.

  2. I just love your whole family so much. You guys make the cutest couple. Being a Tennessee girl myself I think you are the best family on TV. I can't wait to see your wedding come together.

  3. Do we know if they're moving to Nashville or staying closer to her family? Fingers cross they move to Nashville. I feel that Carlin would grow more with out living so close to her family.

  4. Where is their house?

  5. MO- I must have missed something... I had no idea Evan and Carlin had bought a house. :o)

    1. i dont remember reading that either! good for them!! how exciting. cant wait to see what they've done to it

    2. Posting doesn't say whether they purchased or are renting. Some landlords allow painting, etc.

    3. They need to buy. It is a waste to rent and have decorations

  6. Carlin, Carlin, Carlin. I am so tired of hearing about her. Can we please take a break from her until the wedding? How come we never hear about the younger kids such as Addee, Ellie, and Callie anymore?

    1. They just did a story on Addee.

    2. MO- Totally Agree! Miss the cute little ones! :o)

    3. They don't have life changing events happening. I want to hear about Carlin. If you don't, you know what to do.

    4. The littles might not have “life changing events”; but let’s see what their life is like anyways (since, the courtship/marriage/baby circle is now getting boring). What are they learning in homeschool, do they have a developing talent and what are their favorite things to do?

    5. As always on this show, the focus is always on the one getting set to be married. It's always been that way and I love it because it's like the fans being welcomed to see the whole process. It's great!!!!

  7. God bless this young couple Carlin & Evan, in the Precious Name of Jesus!

  8. What are they doing for jobs?

    1. He's a plumber by trade. In my neck of the woods that pays pretty darn well. She is going to college so I think that indicates a job. All the Bates' seem to "work not mooch" for a living if that's what you are getting at

    2. I believe Josie’s husband is the plumber.
      I thought I read quite awhile ago that Evan was going to be an electrician.

    3. I thought Kelton was the plumber.

    4. Evan is a plumber too? I knew Kelton was but I read that Evan was going to school to be an electrician. Plus he sings with his family.

  9. Woah ! They cannot already afford a place ! I’m surprised... good for them tho.

    1. He has been working the whole time. They aren't 19 so why not have thri own?

    2. Whoa, really none of our business.

  10. I pray they will keep their eyes on Jesus always. And that he will bless their soon marriage.

  11. TLC must pay well!

    1. They have nothing to do with TLC.

    2. They have jobs besides TLC. judge much?

    3. They are stars

    4. So you think all those actors with big houses and fancy cars are mooching because they make their money from tv shows and movies?

  12. I love Carlin! She is a ball of energy and so in love! She’ll be a great wife and Evan will be a fabulous husband!

    1. I enjoy Carlin, Tori tends to annoy me, but then again We (fans) do not see much of them - the editing might just focus on one part of their personalities.
      One thing for sure is that Carlin has matured much more than Tori. . . and Josie & Aylssa seem to be the most grounded out of the four as far as their ages.

    2. I believe all the older girls are very mature. Tori just became a mom as well.

  13. That's wonderful and great!

  14. I am thinking they will move to Springfield Tennessee. I believe Evan's family lives there. Since Evan comes from a musical family they probably would want to stay close to the recording studios.


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