
Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Carlin's Wedding Party

Carlin Bates engagement photo

Carlin Bates' wedding is less than two months away, and she and Evan have shared the details of their wedding party.

Just like the past Bates weddings, it is shaping up to be a family affair. With twelve guys and twelve ladies, it looks like Carlin will get the award for the largest wedding party yet. So far, Erin had the smallest  (five couples), while Tori had the largest before Carlin (ten couples). Michael, Alyssa, Josie, and Zach each had between six and eight.

Carlin will have two matrons of honor (Erin and Whitney), ten bridesmaids (Michaela, Alyssa, Tori, Josie, Katie, Joy-Anna Duggar Forsyth, and Evan's four sisters--Ashley, Kailyn, Maegan, and Brittany), and two junior bridesmaids (Addallee and Ellie). Callie will be a flower girl, as will Evan's two nieces.

Evan's best man will be his brother, Ethan. His eleven groomsmen will be Zach, Chad, Lawson, Trace, Bobby, John, Kelton, Nathan, and Brandon, as well as his brothers-in-law, Ben and Daniel. Jackson, Warden, and Isaiah will be ushers, along with Justin Duggar. Jeb and Judson will be ring bearers.

The officiants will be Gil and the pastor from Evan's church in Springfield, Tennessee (Dr. Frank Gagliano).

To get a peek at Carlin and Evan's registry, check out their wedding website

Stunning photo courtesy of


  1. Nice of them to include everybody. And what a beautiful photo!!📸

  2. Replies
    1. How so, she wanted to include all of their siblings.

    2. Why? Because you think so? It's their money and her Wedding. It's not ridiculous

    3. I think it is wonderful to include the whole family. It saves a lot of hurt feelings. They know all of them are important.

    4. I think the Bates want to be like the Duggars. Some of the things the Duggars did in the past shows and now they are doing it. I know they are friends of the Duggars but seriously

  3. When you add up everybody, flower girls, ring bearers, ushers, groomsmen, it's 17 on Carlin's side, and 18 on Evan's side. WOW!!!!

  4. Of course it would have to be the biggest...I get that impression about Carlin.

    1. Why? Carlin appears and seems to be a lovely young woman.

    2. Because of course it couldn't be that she actually loves all those people and wants to include them

    3. I agree, Maybe how she is portrayed on TV is different than how she actually is, but from being this small town family scraping by to now all the elaborate proposals, big rings, expensive dresses..... it just seems all for show

    4. So odd that people want to watch the family on TV yet they then complain about expenses. First of all I’m sure the show covers the budget for a lot of what is seen on air. Secondly Gil and Kelly spent years barely scraping by,do people really blame them for doing more now that they can afford to do so? Should they pretend to be dirt poor when they aren’t? Should the girls that are marrying now end up in immodest regular wedding dress altered until it looks like a white T-shirt just because it’s cheap? That’s what poor Michaella was stuck with. Should the boys plan proposals out in the backyard when they have a show willing to fund whatever they want to put together for their girl? I’m sure all the girls would willingly accept a simple proposal but it doesn’t mean the guys have done anything wrong by taking advantage of what the show provides.

    5. Chad and Zach both had rather elaborate proposals in beautiful, romantic settings before they were on the air. A number of guys do that because they want to make it special, and I think that's awesome and thoughtful. My husband's proposal, while exciting that it was happening, was completely boring. I wanted at least a little something sentimental and creative to show that he'd given it some thought.

  5. Congratulations and prayers Gods blessings for your lives

  6. What an absolutely beautiful picture!!!!!!!

  7. How exciting! Can't wait to see her dress!

  8. i so love that every sibling and their spouse has a role to play in their wedding! that is so beautiful.
    not surprised to see joy-anna but definitely am by seeing justin duggar. not hearing much about the 'middle' and 'younger' kids on counting on, you dont know what's going on with them so i'm happy to see this! how awesome for justin.

    1. Is Justin Katie’s age or older?

    2. I’m pretty sure he’s younger than Katie by at least two years

    3. Justin is younger than Katie.

    4. Justin is an usher along with Jackson, Warden and Isaiah and is in their age group.

    5. Justin is 16 and Katie 18. They are a little over 2 years apart in age.

  9. that is a little much plus over a 1000 people at their wedding. who knows a thousand people to invite to a wedding. they need to tone it down big time.

    1. Also, the expense of outfitting all the family members!! Too many guests also.

    2. Hmm, well since it’s not YOUR wedding, why don’t you mind your own business?

    3. You people are so judgemental. They are allowed to have what they want. Besides I haven't seen anything that said 1000 guests.

    4. Devils advocate. They gave 19 kids. Some of whom are married and have multiple kids. They are friends with the Diggers who have 19 kids, numerous sons/daughters in law and grandbabies. That's at least 40 to 50 guests in the Duggers alone. Can you imagine if a lot of their family friends are large like that? I'm the youngest of 4 but with my siblings married and their kids, there were 16 in the picture of my side of the family when my husband and I got married.

  10. Awe that's wonderful. If anyone in my family had the cash and I was getting married, I'd try for my sins and cousins to be in mine. Go Carlin and Evan!

  11. Contrary to common belief, Carlin is a sweet, caring person. She is loud and fun, but has discernment. She is mature. Yes, she is outgoing, but that is a personality of many people I know. She isn't having her wedding party big because she wants to win an award. I think it's because she truly wants to include all of her siblings and future siblings. I have six siblings, I would probably have my fiancee's siblings on my wedding as well as a few friends. I could easily have 10 female wedding attendants!
    Carlin loves her family. I know her. More than you people just see on tv. She wants to include them! She likes big parties remember? Her graduation ?
    Be kind. This girl is getting married. They have the money to have a big wedding. Great for them! I hope it is everything Carlin ever dreamed it would be!!

    1. Thanks for your wise words.
      We've been family friends for years and remember watching the kids personalities as they grew?

      This year has been rightly so much of Josie and I feel people are comparing them when they ought not. They are both sweet Godly women with their own ways, ways I love!!
      Josie and I are so much alike, but I love ALL the fam :)
      Differences make life fun!

      Looking forward to the shower, then let the countdown begin!

    2. Yep I have my own Carlin. She does it all big and sometimes you wish you could hit the mute button or just turn down her volume. But she is never malicious, cruel or selfish. She has no issue sensing when one of the people she loves is hurting and she will do anything she can to help. She may go big with her wardrobe, her events; her laugh and excitement can be comically over the top but it is just how she is. And we all love her quirks because the things she goes the biggest with is loving and caring about her friends and she never expects anything in return.

    3. I agree...I think it's wonderful! We had seven on each side at our wedding...many blessings for your life together!

    4. And 2 of the people in her wedding party are pregnant . Josie,Joy Anna

    5. I forget Whitney is pregnant too.

  12. It's nice that they're including the married couples. I've seen how some times they included the married sisters but not their husband. To me it felt like the husbands are left out, I don't know maybe it's just me. Anyway happy to see that everyone is included. The best for this young couple! From Cali 💕

  13. With that many sibling and in law attendants, who is guna watch all those kids! Lol

  14. So I come from a family of 7 kids I was the ONLY
    one NOT in my Brothers wedding. I’m also his ONLY older sister. Do you know how that made me feel? His wife chose his cousins over a sister. Ouch.

    1. Anonymous April 5, 2019. @ 6:10AM.

      I know how you feel I was't invited to my sister wedding and she got married on my birthday. My sister's husband Mom didn't want then to get married in are hometown she wanted them to get married in her howntown. I felt very sad that day and I still remember it Everytime it's my birthday.

  15. That’s awesome to include everyone :) go Carlin!

  16. I think all the Bates girls and Zach have had beautiful wedding's and proposal's!!!! The show is lolione of my favorites on tv and look forward to each new episode every week!!!

  17. Anyone know where she got that beautiful dress from? Or a similar style? I have my own engagement pictures coming up soon and am trying to find something like the dress she is wearing in this picture!

    1. Yes! I totally love the dress .... Wish I knew where it was from!

  18. I think it is extremely nice that Carlin and Evan are including the entire family. Tori's wedding was very similar. I have to be honest - I think it was shocking that Josie did not include the vast majority of her sisters. She did not even try and include her other sisters by having their children serve as flower girls or ring bearers. Also, for every Bates wedding you've seen all the Bates daughters get ready together. Josie did not include her sisters in that way. To each their own, but her wedding party is the one that shocked me - especially given that most of her older sisters included her in their wedding parties.

  19. None of the grandchildren are in the wedding


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