
Friday, April 26, 2019

Granny and Pawpaw

Gil Bates and Everly Paine
Gil Bates and Everly Paine

"Mom goes crazy over the grandkids. They go to the store, you can't complete the store trip without a toy for all the grandkids. You go somewhere to eat, it isn't complete without getting them all ice cream or something."
-Jackson Bates

Gil "Pawpaw" Bates and Kelly "Granny" Bates love being grandparents, but Kelly is a little quicker to admit the fact that she's old enough to play the part. In this web exclusive video, the Bates parents play Play-Doh with Judson, Jeb, and some of the grandchildren.

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. What a gift they can finically do all this now.

  2. Two things I am always amazed about with this family: how good-looking every Bates child is, and what wonderful parents/grandparents Gil and Kelly are! I wish I had experienced having such loving and involved parents as them. I can't believe their energy and endless giving of themselves. I also love how much fun they have together.

  3. Jud and Jeb are getting no attention at all in that clip. Even when one of them calls out to Kelly, she talks louder to the grandkids and doesn't respond to him. Kinda feel sorry for those little boys.

    1. I highly doubt those little boys are lacking in anything. The grandchildren are not always there, and the baby boys are always getting hugs, kisses, allowed to play and rough house, unlike the Duggar children. These children are not just little, “obedient robots.” They are loved and allowed to be children.

    2. lol If you think the Duggar kids don't play and rough house, you must be wearing blinders.

    3. The Duggar kids were very physically active and even wild at times when they were playing. Maybe you haven't seen the older episodes.

    4. Yes agree with ya on both points.

    5. I think Jed and Jud are lacking something. They lack parents who respond to them. Instead, they have parents who are busy setting up a "scene" with the TV cameras to show their love for their grandchildren. While I have no doubt they love their grandchildren, that is no excuse for ignoring their child's comment.

    6. 7:59- I will cut them some slack on this one. It was a made for TV moment, set up for filming. Anyway, what parent doesn't get distracted and unintentionally ignores someone? It happened to me as a child and I know it happened with my own kids. You do the best you can as a parent- nobody's perfect, not even you.

    7. True. But if children are really a blessing, they should not be used as a prop.

  4. MO- Aww, so sweet! Beautiful children- such wonderful blessings. I'm with you Kelly, I don't want the gray hair either... haha- :o)

    1. I embraced my gray a few years ago. I was so tired of spending time and money on coloring. I had no idea what to expect, but I really love it! I get more compliments now than I did before.

  5. Jeb or Jud: "Everybody, I'm going to make a bowl!"
    Gil: [No response, plays with grandkids]
    Kelly: [No response, plays with grandkids]

    1. Although clearly not a popular idea by this generation of parents, but I promise children can learn they are not always the center of attention. All these ridiculous comments about Gil and Kelly Jo ignoring Jeb and Judson. It’s actually healthy for them to learn patience and taking turns for attention. Gil and Kelly Jo parent just fine, and Jeb survived the bowl situation.

    2. He didn't try to be the center of attention. He's a good kid. He simply hoped for a response. A child is a blessing and deserves a response. No child should be ignored.

  6. Having little kids around again? What are Jeb & Jud? Teenagers? They are still little themselves.
    Buying each a toy at the store and ice cream in restaurants..I have to wonder how this makes the older Bates children feel growing up hand to mouth poor?...and yet having more babies come in to an already financially stressed family unit?
    Not being nasty here but this is an obvious next thought.

    1. I think about how the older kids feel...even though their lives seem financially better than as kids; do they look at the young ones and think it’s easier now. I, agree, it’s got to have some implications some where along the family children.

    2. I doubt they are financially stressed now that they are reality tv stars. I'm sure they spoil Jud and Jeb just as much. This portion of the show just focused on the grandkids!

  7. She's not giving her own boys any attention at all.

  8. This is an edited scene to show how the grandparents interact with their grandchildren! Parts were clipped out, so we have no idea how the visit really went.

  9. Whether or not it's edited, there's no excuse for ignoring your own children, which is what Gil and Kelly did.

    1. How do you know G&K ignored their children? Did you see the original, unedited, uncut version of this scene somewhere? Did you watch this scene play out live?

      We cannot possibly know if Gil and Kelly ignored their children because the scene was edited. You must not understand how these shows are put together. Clips of conversations are taken out of context to make the scene say what the producers want it to say. We don't even know the order of their conversation! There could have been a nap or meal in here somewhere.

  10. I love this family because I, too, wish I grew up in that loving environment. I’m blessed to have been brought up in a large family of 10. Christ centered is what I would have loved. Now a Grammy myself, it’s my turn to share these values and faith. Well done Gil and Kelly!!! You are a blessing and we love your tender hearts.

    1. Mary- I don't believe that a Christ-centered home, or any religion at all, is required in order to have a loving home for your kids.

    2. Mary was expressing her personal experience and feelings, not starting a debate.

  11. Mary you are one of many grandparents who fill in the gaps when parents drift away from the faith and don't teach their children that Jesus loves them. Well done and bless you!


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