
Saturday, April 13, 2019

Home from the hospital

Tori Smith, Bobby Smith, Kade Smith

"Of anything I've ever done to make my parents proud, I feel like this is the best thing I could possibly give them, the perfect little gift."
-Bobby Smith

"There's no words. It's the coolest thing ever, it's the happiest feeling ever. I'm totally running off adrenaline right now, and I just want to go show him off to everybody."
-Tori Bates Smith

Tori is giddy with excitement as she and Bobby arrive home from the hospital with newborn Kade. Bobby's family and Kelly stop by, and they all soak in Kade's first hours at home. Below is an extended scene from Thursday's mid-season finale.

Speaking of being home from the hospital, Alyssa Webster was discharged yesterday after her heart procedure on Thursday

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. I think Kade is soooooooo cute, I mean it, I bet he's super huggie, and I bet will be a fun member of The Bates Family!!!!!!!!!! Did I ever tell U how much I loved your wedding dress??????????? Love U 3!!!!!

  2. He is adorable. Looks just like his dad

  3. i thought it was cute that tori said it was good to be home, just the 3 of them, yet the camera crew was there, lol. i am so glad that they are this comfortable in front of cameras because we get to glimpse their lives. no better pick-me-up than to watch an episode or read about them

  4. You two definitely made a Beautiful Baby Boy! May God Bless All 3 of You with Joy, Happiness & Love!

  5. Love your whole family. Would be such an honor to meet everyone. Just so precious to see Tori' s new camiy! Congrats with love

    1. If you don't live TOO far away come to Bible Baptist church on Sunday or Wednesday. Everyone is always welcome :)

  6. So excited for Bobby's family being their first grandchild.

  7. There ARE no words Tori. Please don't teach my kids 😂 Just kidding, congrats!

  8. I feel sorry for the woman in this religion who never get married or have kids. They must feel lonely and worthless if the goal is multipling.

    1. We don’t believe in religion. We believe in Jesus! God is a perfect and righteous and holy God. He cannot allow sin into Heaven. Since mankind are all sinners, Jesus loved everyone in the world so much that He came to earth, lived a perfect life, died on the cross, was buried and rose again three days later. He died to pay the punishment for the sins of mankind. If you believe on Him and ask Him to come into your heart and save you, He will, and He will take you to Heaven when you die.

      Getting married or not getting married, having children or not has no bearing on where we will spend eternity or our worth as a person.... so no, people who believe in Jesus do not feel worthless since Jesus paid the great price for us. He proved we are all of great worth to Him. The goal is a relationship with Jesus not earthly relationships. Those are just bonuses.

    2. 4:56 I have to give Michaela a lot of credit. She's not just sitting around, waiting to have a child, but instead is moving ahead by going to nursing school. I hope she understands, along with any woman experiencing infertility, that conceiving a baby is a biological process that does not require any talent, skill or character. It is not the measure of a person, nor their identity. I know from experience that it can be a heartbreaking loss when plans for a family don't go as you'd hoped. You're reminded frquently about it whenever you see a pregnant woman or new baby. However, you learn to forge ahead and open new doors, wherever they may lead. For us, it was adoption. Healing can and does happen!

    3. First of all, that would be a denomination, not religion. Second of all, they see kids as a blessing but they don’t look down on people who don’t/can’t have kids.

    4. @11:47 Does their denomination disapprove of birth control and family planning?

    5. Their denomination is Baptist. I think they only disapprove of birth control that would destroy life. Their Goddard influence, which is not the same as their denomination, may think differently. However, Gil and Kelly felt years ago that God was calling them to trust Him and allow Him to give them as many children as He wanted. This was something personal between them and God.

    6. They are baptist and no, that particular denomination does not have a blanket statement against birth control. It’s a personal conviction for this family. Most Protestant churches don’t have a problem with birth control or family planning.

    7. True Baptist is not Protestant.

    8. 11:09, So God sacrificed his Son for our sins because He LOVES us so much and wants us all to go to heaven, yet He still allows horrible things to happen to good people right here on earth. Now THAT is a real head-scratcher!

  9. Cute baby, yes, but why would Bobby make his parents proud that he conceived a baby?....and so quickly? This, IMO, is a silly comment.
    These two hardly had time to unpack from their honeymoon and NO TIME to actually get to know each other before there was a baby in the mix. I'm all for families but this isn't a good practice. The couple really never gets to know one another. Perhaps this is their goal...marry quickly and don't really look around at your life and at each other.

    1. Proud to give them a grandchild, which is a big deal to most normal grandparents. And you can't say a couple never really gets to know one another if they have a baby right away. That is completely up to the couple and whether they choose to develop their relationship intentionally or stay on a surface level with each other. A baby, like any other major life event, is an opportunity to draw closer together or to pull apart.

    2. I thought the proud comment was odd, too. Conceiving a child is a natural process, if the plumbing is in working order, not a feat worthy accolades or praise. While you may be happy and joyful with a new grandchild, you're proud of your kids when they achieve something that was a result of their hard work, skill, and/or talent.

    3. Umm...I’m proud of my kids for just being here. They don’t have to do or achieve anything to earn my pride. There are different layers to emotions. Let’s stop reading into every comment and painting the world in black and white only. It’s getting very tiresome.

    4. I also agree that was a weird comment from Bobby. He really didn't have to do much to have a baby. Makes me feel like I'll never make my parents proud since I can't give them a grandbaby.


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