
Thursday, April 11, 2019

'It's a Boy & Maybe One More?' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "It's a Boy & Maybe One More?"
Season 8 Mid-Season Finale

  • Tori is in labor. Her goal was to go all natural, but she ends up accepting the epidural so she can sleep and enjoy the birth. She describes the epidural as “heaven on earth.”
  • “It’s a rough feeling when you know that your wife may possibly be having your baby, but there’s no way for you to give her any kind of assurance that, “Hey, today’s the day,’” says Bobby. “So it’s just trying to figure out ways to be there for her without really being able to understand how she’s feeling.”
  • “Gil’s role at every [grandchild] birth has kind of been, he’s the prayer warrior,” explains Kelly. “He’s never in the room during delivery. He’s usually close by. He’s in the hallway or in the lobby.”
  • “Me and Everly were really in close communication with God because she was sleeping and I was praying,” says Gil.
  • The nurse comes in to check Tori and determines that she is dilated to 10 centimeters, which means it’s time to start pushing. “What if they go to hand him to me and I drop him?” Tori asks Bobby as the nurses prepare for delivery.
  • “I was so excited and absolutely terrified out of my mind,” Tori recalls. “It felt like I was pushing for an eternity, but all of a sudden…that kid shot out of me. It literally felt like I had a big hot air balloon and then somebody just hit it with a hundred knives.”
  • The doctor lays him on Tori’s chest, and Tori is so relieved. It’s a sweet moment for both her and Bobby. “Suddenly you feel like everything you do between now and the rest of your life has such huge significance because of this life that is going to be looking up to you,” says Bobby. “And his perspective of what life is and what it means and purpose and everything is going to come from what he sees from these two people right here, and it’s remarkable.”
  • Kelly, Erin, and Carlin all enjoy the moment, too. “I just reached my hand out there, and he took his hand, and he just wrapped it around my hand,” says Erin. “I thought I was going to melt. I’m going to remind him of that when he’s like 18, like a beast, I’m going to be like, ‘You loved me first.’”
  • After Tori is transferred to the room where she will spend the remainder of her time, Gil and Everly come in to visit. “I hope I never lose the wonder of a new little grandbaby,” says Gil. “Who knows what impact that little person’s going to make on the world. It’s just, it’s incredible.”
  • Six weeks later, the Bates are gearing up for their family Christmas party in Rocky Top. Tori and Bobby arrive, and they introduce Kade to the rest of the family. “It was just the funnest time, passing him off, showing him off,” says Tori. “Everybody loved him. He stole the show.”
  • Gil and Kelly have a big surprise for the kids. Gil brings out a box and puts it on the floor. The littles open it, and they find a dog bowl. “Oh no! It got away!” exclaims Gil. He goes out onto the porch and comes back in with an adorable lab puppy.
  • Johnny, the Bates’ dog of about 17 years, recently passed away, so six-week-old JJ (Johnny Junior) is his replacement. “It’s just the best thing in the world,” says Carlin. “It’s like a new little sibling…”
  • Michael and Brandon decorate gingerbread houses with the grandkids. “Coming home for the holidays just becomes more and more of an adventure every year,” says Michael. “I hop right back in my element here.”
  • Josie and Kelton arrive later that day. “It’s a crazy time of year for us, and we are both super busy at work,” says Josie. They give Gil and Kelly a gift. It’s a onesie that says “Baby Balka Est 2019.” They are having the 10th Bates grandbaby in July!
  • Josie and Kelton admit they are shocked. “We just got married,” says Kelton. “What does this mean?”
  • “We were not planning on this happening so quick,” says Josie. “I’ve never felt anything like it in my life. I’m terrified. I’m super excited.”
  • “Josie?” exclaims Nathan. “She’s having a kid? It makes you think, ‘What am I doing with my life?’”
  • “I can’t think of a word to describe how wonderful it is,” says Gil about all the excitement. “I would not change one thing.”  
UPtv has not yet announced the season 8 return date, but we will let you know as soon as they do. In the meantime, keep coming back to the blog for Bates updates.


  1. I so get Kelton and Josie, my husband and I choose to try for our second child after we got married this past August, and got pregnant right away. We both thought it would take a little while but nope this baby wants to be here. So excited to be welcoming next month.

    1. Thank you! I really can understand now when the girls say they can't believe it happen so fast. We knew there was a chance it could happen but we didn't think it would. We said after the wedding we will try and let it happen when it does. We are so excited to be welcoming our second child and son.

  2. I enjoy watching this family over the Duggars. Their personalities are very relatable and they don’t try to act like someone else in front of the camera.

    1. Really??? Have you noticed the little girls who ham it up for the camera every time they're on the red couch? You're right about some of them, but you could say the same thing about some of the Duggars, in my opinion.

  3. Why oh why are these people 'shocked' when they conceive quickly after marriage? Don't they know how biology works? It seems to me that they are improperly educated about reproduction. Why is this?

    1. Maybe they were trying some form of BC and it didn’t work for them. I had a friend who was on BC pills and she and her husband got pregnant on their honeymoon, so that’s not always going to work either.

    2. I think they might have been more shocked it happened so quickly. Some people try months even years and don't get pregnant.

    3. Uhmm, human biology also makes it evident that when having regular cycles, one can determine their "fertile" window. Can't understand why some people think the only form of birth control involves drugs.

    4. Some people try for years to get pregnant. It isn’t always a quick thing. My husband and I tried for years before we had our children. Everyone is different, so no, you don’t automatically expect to get pregnant on your honeymoon even without birth control.

    5. She has one sister struggling with infertility and one with a disorder that caused multiple miscarriages. I’ve learned that when couples say they are surprised it happened so quickly it’s usually because they didn’t want to get their hopes up just in case it’s not an easy road.

    6. Because it can take a while before you get pregnant? Think about stress after the wedding, adjusting to a complete new life etc. Your busy with other things then already getting pregnant, although you know there is a chance, so it still can be a big surprise.. (speaking from experience) such a strange thing to immediately conclude that they are improperly educated..

    7. 5:25- There are barrier methods of birth control that don't involve drugs as well. When some people hear "contraception", they automatically think of birth control pills. BTW, bc pills are used to treat certain gynecological conditions.

  4. So. Gil would “not change a thing”; a lovely sentiment. But, let us know the other things that are happening with all your non pregnant children, Gil?

    1. School age kids do school, married kids are raising kids, Lawson is doing music, Trace is figuring out his life while working construction and working with the police department...and judging by the side comments during interviews I get the feeling some of the other older kids don’t really want to talk about their jobs, struggles, and how they spend their time. Why assume that Gil isn’t sharing all their business out of respect for his non pregnant children?

    2. Since the episode was about pregnancy and new grandchildren, his comment was geared in that direction, obviously. Tell UP you want to see an episode about his non-pregnant children so you can hear him comment for that context.

  5. I really wish Erin would steps back a second when the season returns back in September. Please do not @ me for making a comment that does not agree with yours. I was very shock that Erin jump in on Tori and Bobby moment with Kade. The fact, that Carlin even called her out saying she stole their moment was crazy.

    I have had a baby so I know that things are crazy but if I was to watch this again. I would be hurt. To see her reach out for his hands before the parents could is just wrong. Tori wanted her to be in the room but it seem that Erin could not just respect the lane she was suppose to stay in.

    As I stated if Carlin who loves the attention can says your wrong for stealing a moment. That should say more than anything else.

    1. I so agree @9:08. My heart went out to Tori and Bobby when I saw and heard that. But sometimes we say things we wish we could take back. I know I sure do.

    2. Yes, so true! I wasn’t at all impressed with Erin stealing the moment either! And totally agree with the thought on Carlin’s being more mature in this instance!

  6. Nice episode but I caught what Bobby said about “ when your wife is possibly having your baby...” Possibly? Like whose baby is it other than you?๐Ÿ˜„I know it was a poor choice of words but it made me laugh. Side note- is it me or did Nathan gain weight? He looked bigger in the interview.

    1. I think he said ‘possibly’ because she didn’t know if she was really in labor or not.

    2. I think he anti possible having it that day, but it made me laugh too๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ As for Nathan, he always seems to fluctuate through weight.

  7. I was surprised at tori's lack of understanding the birth process. If you want to go natural a class is really helpful. When she said 20 centimeters...what does that mean as an example. Also birth classes are really great for dads. I don't berate anyone's choice of an epidural...but a class would have eased some fears for her.

    1. It may have done the opposite.

  8. How is the new puppy?

  9. Congratulations to all’ love this show ‘

  10. UPTV and Gil and KJ need to think how we can watch the show from the E.U/ Uptv downloaded two episodes last weeK.... But there is not hope to see the future season as we cannot see the past.

  11. this was a great episode but i was disappointed uptv didnt play part 1 the half hour before the show? it seems like every week they have the last weeks episode on right before the new one. i would rather watch them for an hour than just a half hour!

  12. again why are we shocked about being pregnant and all the pain. arent the bates girls informed what happens @ delivery its all normal. breanna columbus ohio

    1. She’s seen her sisters give birth so she obviously knows that is painful๐Ÿ™„ Until you have a baby though, you’re not going to know what type of pain it is.

    2. Some girls are more into figuring out all the aspects of what pregnancy and delivery entail, and others are so nonchalantly going through their pregnancy that they are actually not that informed. And maybe some perhaps don’t want to educate themselves in order that they don’t have to fear what they now know...

    3. It is always shocking when it is your pain. Someone may tell you something will hurt, but until you experience it yourself you have no idea. You have to have a child before you really understand the pain of child bearing. No one can adequately describe it for anyone else.

    4. Hearing about the pain is NOT the same as feeling the pain!

  13. Happy they added another pet to the family. Life is better shared with cats, dogs, and tiny humans! One doesn’t replace another. Your heart grows yet you remember.

  14. So sweet that Kelton & Josie's and Bobby & Tori's babies will be close in age, as their dads are best friends as well. I love this show.


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