
Thursday, April 11, 2019

Prayers for Alyssa

Alyssa Webster and John Webster

After experiencing irregular heartbeats for several months, Alyssa Webster was diagnosed with supraventricular tachycardia, a fancy medical term that means abnormally fast heartbeat. Today, she had a cardiac ablation to correct the problem and now has to wait about a month to determine if the procedure was successful. According to the specialist, there is a 50% chance that the abnormal heart rhythms will return. We know that Alyssa would appreciate your prayers as she recovers.

We also want to remind you that the mid-season finale airs tonight at 9pm ET/8pm CT on UPtv.

Photo courtesy of Alyssa and John Webster


  1. Oh no that's so scary! Thinking of you all and sending love.

  2. I too have afib Praying for you lady and your family ❤️❤️πŸ™πŸ»

  3. I have had this since 1998--my ablations (2) did not stop the extra beats but I am controlled by a med (calcium channel blocker)

  4. Prayer said for healing,comfort and rest. Amen

  5. My prayers are with you Alyssa, I'm hoping the procedure outcome is good for you. My sister just had the same thing done with her heart 3 months ago and so far she's good.

  6. Prayer for her. That is scary stuff. They diagnosed my daughter with the same thing but thank goodness it was a miss diagnosed problem.

  7. I had the same thing done about 13 year ago. Prayers for you Alyssa!

  8. Prayers just said and will continue to do so.
    I had the same thing a few years ago.
    Stay away from fumes in households cleaning supplies and detergents, laundry softeners, etc. look up “inhalation of chemicals “ and this condition will show up in the explanation and give more information. Take care and may God bless and keep you!

  9. Sending Alyssa prayers and love. She is young and strong and I hope she makes a full recovery. John and Alyssa are such loving and caring parents to their precious daughters, all the best to them.

  10. I do have a few questions. What is a mid-season finale? Does that mean Season 8 will be back later? Do you know when? We don't have a television and we have been watching this show on Amazon Prime Video, so I'm not sure what some of these things are. Thank you in advance.


    1. Yes, do you know when a show's season that starts typically in late September or early October that ends in May, they usually take a break in December that comes back in mid-January. that is kind of like that

  11. Bless her heart. I was worried about how small she was getting. But I lost a lot of weight running after my 1 year old and she has 3 plus John. She has started a business. Praying for yall.

    1. She doesn’t look overly small, that’s her body type.

    2. I don't understand. Why would she have to run after John? Or why would he require any care?

  12. Definitely praying!I have Atrial Fibrillation with a pacemaker. Hope she feels better!

  13. Oh my gracious - I will absolutely pray for her!

  14. Prayers for you and your family.

  15. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ for Alyssa & family

  16. πŸ™ for complete recovery

  17. Hope you get better soon! You are so needed and loved by so many. Take care of yourself first so you can take care of your wee ones when you recover.

  18. Praying for her. Hoping everything will be alright.

  19. Sending prayers to you and your family.

  20. Prayers & Love Alyssa, speedy healing 😊❤

  21. Prayers for Alyssa and her entire family. God Bless you and keep you safely in his arms..

  22. Dear Alyssa,praying the procedure you had done is successful and that you feel the Lord surrounding you with His peace that surpasses all understanding. Blessings to you, John, your children and all your family!

  23. hi Alyssa and john i will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers for a complete recovery and may God bless you both

  24. I pray it was successful and she's on the way to perfect health

  25. I will be praying for her. My husband just had that done yesterday. Any procedure that has to do with the heart is scary.

  26. Will definitely be praying for Alyssa. Hope she gets well soon...Jane

  27. God Bless you Alyssa, I will be sending prays your way that God will fix your heart -- you have to get better soon you have 3 beautiful daughters Joyce

  28. Praying for you sweet lady.Hugs and prayers from Powell Tennessee.God bless

  29. Praying for a full recovery. God bless!

  30. Praying for Alyssa. Asking God to correct this health issue.

  31. Praying all goes well for her... I know what tachycardia feels like as I've been dealing with it for 10 years now.

  32. Alyssa and her family will be in my prayers.
    Hopefully she will have lots of help with the children during her recuperation.

  33. Sending prayers to Alyssa! Get Well soon

  34. I remember Alyssa had some unusual heart beats when she was pregnant with her second child. She was close to term and being examined by her midwife, when her heart would skip some beats, and she mentioned that she had even reduced her coffee consumption. Perhaps that's when it all started? Hopefully the ablation has worked and the SVT won't return. Saying my prayers for her.

    1. That was actually Lexi (in utero) who was showing some skipped beats.

  35. Praying for you Alyssa, and for your entire family. πŸ™πŸ™

  36. Praying for you Alyssa. Praying that the procedure worked.

  37. I am sending prayers and comfort to Alyssa and John and the Bates family.

  38. Will be praying. We love YOU ALL!

  39. MO- Praying for Alyssa and hoping the issue can be corrected. Prays to the family as well. :o)

  40. Had a Mass said for you, God Bless..

  41. Sending prayers πŸ™πŸ»

  42. Alyssa wishing you the best may your recovery be a speedy one!! Will be praying for you and your family.

  43. Prayers for you Alyssa. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers for you to have a complete healing. God Bless
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  44. I too have this. Recently it was worse while I was pregnant with twins . Surprised they gave her ablation while pregnant, dr's told me no. Glad she was able to do it!

    1. She’s not pregnant

    2. Alyssa isn’t pregnant! At least there’s been no announcement, and I highly doubt she is, as her youngest is just barely 1 and her oldest just barely 4, and 1 in between ta boot!

    3. She isn't pregnant.

  45. Get your rest. I had this same procedure done as well in January 1999. It was a successful procedure and I have been great since. I pray that Jesus will work his miracle and yours will be successful as well.

  46. Alyssa, keep your sprits UP, U are a great gal, and have a beautiful family!!!! So, fight, and get better, OK. I have faith in U, I have been through lots, too, a I promise, U, U will get strong, and be strong forever!!!!

  47. Hope things go well and she gets better.

  48. Praying for a fantastic woman mother daughter and wife . I hope that you are going to be ok and that you make a full recovery .

  49. I'm so glad she is ok. I hope she and her husband take this into consideration about more children. Perhaps they should be content with their 3 adorable daughters. I worry she could get worse, having children puts stress on your heart when you are pregnant. I know their family believes in having as many children as the Lord will give you but I believe our Lord wants us to use common sense too when a woman has a serious health condition. They really need to consider this. And I know they would love to have a son, but I know a lady with 5 daughters, they kept trying for a son, so it doesn't mean you will have a son just because it's your wish. God bless them and I hope she is feeling better.

    1. SVT isn’t a regular heart problem. My daughter had it and had an ablation done. The doctor told her after the year mark with no further problems to just go and live her life like she never had it. There are not restrictions like with some heart problems except being careful about a few medicines.

  50. Praying for you and your family that it all works out to repair the pproblem. God bless.

  51. Alyssa
    Stay strong i had so many surgeries in my life. What got me trow it time was love support of my family and be positive in life no matter what you go thru.

  52. Father we come with a humble heart that our dear sister wull be healed of this. When two or more are praying you are alreasy on the scene. By your stripes Jesus she is already healed. In the name of the father son, and holy ghost.Lord We praise you for everything. Amen
    God is good ALL the timeπŸ’–

  53. All my love and prayers are coming to you Alyssa. Please recover soon and get home to enjoy God's blessings for you with John, Allie, Lexi, Zoey an you family in Tn. and Fl.

  54. Alyssa, praying for you God bless

  55. May GOD BLESS you all and keep you all safe my thoughts and prayers are with you all

  56. I know how frightening that problem is! I just went through this problem with my daughter. She is doing fine and I am sure Alyssa with come through also. God bless.

  57. I love this show very much Alyssa i will be praying for you. I hope you heal fast and i hope everything turns out alright for you. Stay strong you got this

  58. Praying for you. Stay strong you will get through this


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