
Thursday, April 4, 2019

'Ready or Not, Baby Kade is on His Way' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "Ready or Not, Baby Kade is on His Way"
*This is the first segment of the two-part, mid-season finale.
  • Two weeks ahead of her due date, Tori is having lots of contractions. Kelly, who had her kids two weeks early, is on baby alert.
  • Gil and the guys head up to Brimstone Recreation in the Appalachian Mountains. “Guys’ trips are really, really fun, as long as we’re included,” says Judson. “We make it fun.” Judson and Jeb go along, as do Carson and Bradley.
  • Everyone is concerned that Nathan is going to flip a four-wheeler, like he has done in the past. “Because Nathan was in town for this trip, Dad decided there should be a safety meeting, to teach everybody what not to do, all the things that Nathan would do,” says Zach. “Drive like you got manners,” Gil tells everyone.
  • At the end of the day, the only person who ends up flipping is Gil, while driving Judson and Jeb. Everyone runs over to make sure they are okay, and they are. “We didn’t hear anybody screaming, so that was a good thing,” says Chad.
  • The littlest Bates sibling is eager to tattle on his dear old dad. “Jeb kept saying, ‘Dad, I need to call Mom,’ says Gil. But before Jeb can call Kelly, Kelly calls Gil to inform him that she’s in Nashville with Tori. “It’s miserable,” says Tori, who thinks she is in labor. “If they say this isn’t it, then I’m quitting.”
  • After four-wheeling, the guys go skeet shooting and then head back to their cabin. The girls had gone before them to decorate for Zach’s birthday and drop off cheesecake. One of the posters says “over the hill.”
  • Gil and three of the boys present Zach with a smart watch, which he loves. “It’s really special because Jackson, Warden, and Isaiah don’t make a lot of money, so if they put together to buy something expensive like that, it’s a big sacrifice,” says Nathan.
  • Meanwhile, Tori has arrived at the labor and delivery triage unit and is hoping to progress so she can be transferred to a delivery room. Her water breaks, they transfer her, and she decides to get an epidural. “I don’t blame you,” says Kelly.
  • Late that night, Gil and Lawson leave the cabin in East Tennessee to head to Nashville. At around 3am, they pick up Carlin, Everly, and Erin, who has curlers in her hair. They are completely slap happy. “When you put three of the most dramatic Bates children all in the same car, going to a birth, hey, I can only imagine,” says Nathan.
  • “We were having the best time,” says Gil. “It was as fun as going four-wheeling with the boys.”
  • “Just listen to peaceful music, maybe from Lawson…and then just breathe deep,” Lawson tells Tori over the phone.
To be continued next week…


  1. Here it is shown again with Erin ignoring Brooklyn. Carson is on the boys trip. Everly is going to the birth of Kade and where is Brooklyn? Erin continues to play favorites and it's sad.

    1. She’s bringing Everly because she is a baby and likely still breastfeeding. It’s a big thing to accuse someone of ignoring their children when you only see very small clips of their lives once a week!

    2. We (fans) do not get to see their daily - day in/day out - lives, but you are right. With what we get to have shared with us little Brooklyn is by far missing a lot.

    3. I highly doubt she’s playing favourites. Everly is young enough that she might well still be breastfeeding her, so she would come along, and to have to watch 2 young kiddos while you’re at a birth is far from ideal

    4. Yeah your there all the time so you know exactly what's going on and how she treats her kids. You are something else...

    5. I'm assuming the only reason Erin brought everly on this trip is because she is breastfeeding her. Otherwise it would seem pointless to bring a baby with you when you're trying to support your sister through her labor.

    6. Everly may still be breastfeeding at that time. Brooklyn probably stayed with her aunts. I cannot imagine caring for two little ones while supporting a sister in labor.

    7. Umm everly probably still breastfeed n erin never play favorites geez ur comment is useless

    8. I think you're misinterpreting the situation. Carson is on the boys' trip, because, well, he's a boy. Erin took Everly with her because she was still nursing. I'm sure Brooklyn was being pampered by the people caring for her while Erin was away.

    9. She was breast feeding. Everly had to go with her.

    10. Erin does not ignore Brooklyn. She probably had the baby with her at the birth because she is nursing her. It would be much easier to take a nursing baby to the hospital to sit and wait on a birth than it would be to take an active toddler. I'm sure Brooklyn was happy with someone close watching her, such as Katie. I have no doubt that Erin spends quality time with each individual child when it best suits the child's age and personality.

    11. I am sure she is still nursing Everly, so she had to bring her on the trip. Brooklyn has lots of aunts and uncles. She is probably with one of them.

    12. @Anon April 4. ITA with you. Other people on this blog will get upset with you. However, Erin had made comments before that have put my radar up. Here's the thing. BuB portray that Gil and Lawson were picking up Carlin and Erin. So yes, that's a valid reason to say that Carson is with his dad but where is Brooklyn? It showed them leaving the boys trip. Why would anyone assumed that Brooklyn is not with her parents? You make a great point and hopefully in the future BuB makes sure to clear up the storyline in the future

    13. Why would you bring a child Brooklyn's age to a hospital for a long period of time?

    14. 7:17, there is nothing to “clear up” I’m sorry that you and OP are so ignorant and rude.

    15. Hello, this happened at night. The guys were fast asleep. Erin's hair was up in curlers. Why would she pull Brooklyn out of bed to take her to the hospital??????

    16. For reals...Erin, we sensible ones who can read between the lines have your back.Some people sure think they have it all figured out.I wish all moms were as caring ,and loving as Erin and the Bates, blessings y'all 😇✌🏻🕊💙

    17. Amazing these comments from people who are not around this family everyday. Just leave them alone.

  2. MO- I didn't watch the labor/birth segment at the end of the show. Too much drama with the Bates births for my liking. I had to laugh at the clips when it looked like the family was making a "road trip" to be there for the birth. :o)

    1. That segment was done very well. Sweet moments between Tori and her Mom.

    2. Bobby looked like he was going to pass out a few times or maybe just very tired.

    3. It is more a girl thing. He could be there lather and get some sleep

  3. Watching Lawson, Erin, and Carlin traveling to see Tori was hilarious! My favorite part of the episode!

    1. I agree! So funny! I didn't realize that Erin and Katie are so alike in personality!They are so real!Love it❤!

    2. I really believe that BuB added this. I do not think this was real.

    3. @7:18, I beg to disagree... If it wasn't real, then all the girls would have tons of makeup.

    4. I think it was added. Lawson was at a wedding and speaking event the weekend of the birth. Timelines are always fudged for simplicity or entertainment. Nothing wrong with that.

    5. Kade was born at 7:45 a.m. on a Friday morning. Lawson could have left for these events later that day. Why on earth would they film and present an event that didn't really happen?

    6. Reality TV does that all the time often because they are not there at the time of filming and want to recreate it.

  4. This was a great episode! I look forward to next week’s follow-up.
    I am going to miss the show until it is on again. Gone are the days when favorite shows were on just about year round. So sad.

  5. So confused about Tori's interview segments. How can she comment on her labor while still obviously pregnant lol? I know what a post-partum belly looks like and that's not it. Anyone else confused?

    1. Maybe she's an exception?

    2. Obviously the sofa talks are edited in.

    3. You're right! She was cradling and rubbing an obvious baby bump. That's so weird. Unless they did the interview a day or two after birth and she was just so used to rubbing her belly that she kept doing it?

    4. We know the sofa talks are edited in, but Tori was talking about what happened during labor while still looking very pregnant.

    5. She wore the same shirt for two interviews.

    6. Some of the shots were only from the shoulders up. They made sure she was wearing the same shirt for continuity, but it's probably at least 2 separate interviews.

    7. I think it was fake.

  6. Go Tori for getting the epidural. Smart move!

    1. I finally got an epidural with my last child, and it was a really good move for me. However, my baby was excessively sleepy for the first month or so and lost weight because I couldn't keep him awake long enough for him to eat much. I've heard that other epidural moms have seen the same thing. And this was my 5th, so I know what's normal in a newborn.

    2. There's no conclusive science behind that theory. I've had epidurals twice out of the 6 times I've given birth and neither baby was sleepy. The baby that was sleepy was my last and he had jaundice.

    3. I didn't claim science or theorize. I'm sharing the experience of myself and others.

    4. I never had an epidural but that's because my babies always came to fast for one. To each his on way

  7. Loved the show but when Gill turned the 4-wheller over I was so afraid one of the little boys were hurt. They keep their guardian angel busy.

  8. I have a question and I mean it to not be negative. I notice the Bates Baby" followed by its name. It seems like they are having to distinguish the baby from someone else with the same name. But there is no one else named Kade. This is not common in my area. Is it a Southern thing?

    1. Somehow some of the words I typed got deleted above. What I meant was they always refer to the infants as "Baby______" as though Baby is part of its' name. Where I'm from we just say "the baby" or use its' name only.

    2. Bobby's given name is Robert, Jr, ll, lll? Baby Cade's legal given name will follow . Cade is a "nickname". The same is true with Chad and Carson. Chadbus naned after his father, and Carson is next in line.

    3. They could be doing it out of habit and for the younger kids. We referred to my first daughter as Baby Sadie for almost a year. We started doing it to help my toddler nephews understand who we were talking about and it stuck.

    4. I do not think it is specifically a southern culture thing. I live in NC, and it is definitely done here, but I have also lived in Florida, California, and England (we were a military family), and it was done in those places by some, as well. I think it may be just a form of endearment. You dont call them Baby Whatever for too long. Haha.

  9. Can hardly believe Erin was filmed in curlers and smacking that gum. So funny!!!

    1. She always needs to look good. It is important for Chad.

    2. If she always needs to look good for Chad, why does she wear curlers at night?

    3. Great question!!!!

  10. Erin is a southner belle; always looking stunning and even looks cute while smacking gum :)
    I am sure she doesn't look good just for Chad but herself aswell. She has always seemed a girl/woman who takes care of her appearance.

    And I have to say; the whole Bates family are great looking, seem to be hard working, lovin&caring towards everyone around. Well behaving kids and adults that guide them with love in the name of God.


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