
Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Allie Jane's Haircut

Allie Webster just got an adorable haircut. Perfect timing, as the summer weather is starting to roll in in Florida. She had six inches taken off.

Allie Jane Webster
Allie Jane Webster
May 2019

For reference, below is a "before" photo taken in March.

Gil Bates and Allie Jane Webster
Gil Bates and Allie Jane Webster
March 2019

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Photos courtesy of Alyssa and John Webster,


  1. Off subject here, but today is wednesday may 15 and I see on the Duggar blog it hasnt been updated since last friday may 10. Its unusal for 5 days to pass on that blog with no update. Is it because there is another preg update waiting for permission to announce?

    1. I agree. It would be nice for that blog to be updated more often. With 19 kids, you’d think there would be more updates.

    2. It's not that unusual. Sometimes there just isn't news to share. :D

    3. That wouldn't stop the blogger from posting about other things. I know Ellie is busy with her little guy, so I try to be patient when the blog isn't updated as often as I would like.

    4. Probably because Ellie maintains three blogs and a baby to take care so it's not always convenient to post updates.

    5. The Duggars are boring. It isn’t Ellie’s fault.

    6. Was also a holiday weekend, Mother’s Day! Time off indeed well deserved 😍

    7. Perhaps nothing to report. As cute as Allie is we are now seeing updates about a child’s haircut. I actually feel sorry for these children. They are growing up in social media where they are getting attention from thousands of strangers over everything..including a haircut. What is this going to do to them psychologically as they grow into teen and adulthood? Allie is a little doll, as are all of Alyssa’s daughters. But the “oohs and ahhs” over a haircut should be from Mommy, Daddy, Granny,Papa Aunts, and Uncles not the World.

    8. I agree. This is so unhealthy. Allie will be old enough to read this blog soon. She should not be getting this kind of attention from strangers.

    9. Could not agree more@6:28. The impact of so much attention for EVERYTHING from EVERYONE is not healthy.

    10. I very much doubt the kids have access to social media, so they are unaware of it. Having your picture taken by Mom or Dad is nothingout of the ordinary. And it's nice to have little news about daily things too, keeping things real. But there are some guys we never hear about ! How is Nathan doing, for example ?

    11. So you don't think children should be on tv at all even the entertainment part

    12. Well it isn’t like the Duggars are celebrating their kids’ college graduations.

    13. Something I find rather incongruous with both the Bates and Duggars is that on one hand, they go to great lengths to protect their kids from the secular world- homeschool, chaperones, no secular colleges, kids live at home until married, etc. Yet, both families have profitted greatly from promoting their minor children and now granchildren on TV, social media, and in tabloids. Their privacy doesn't seem to be of concern to them. I'm just wondering if they are that naive about the risks involved. Even Hollywood celebrities are, for the most part, very careful about releasing any photos or personal information about their children.

    14. Patricia Duong. I never once said they should not be on TV. But, putting your children on social media over every little thing..a little 4 year old girl being posted publicly just for a haircut is not normal nor healthy. And, most of us have witnessed the devastation of childhood actors. Doesn’t usually turn out well. These children are childhood actors growing up on social media and “reality” tv.

    15. To 6:48 and 12:45: We, who are simply observers of both the Bates and Duggar's lives, really do not know how happy or protected their children are. Personally, I am surprised, that with the number of negative comments, they continue to post pictures, both on the Duggar and Bates' blogs. From what I've observed Alyssa and John are loving parents who do not need our judgement on how they protect their children. The Bates' children do pursue education, vocational and otherwise. Ellie, you are doing a great job maintaining both blogs in addition to being a new mother! You go girl!

    16. It would be best if they stopped posting pictures of their kids, and tours of their house, but not because of the posters here. They should be more concerned about the criminals out there. I'd be much more cautious. Would they put a picture of their bank card on this blog? But they put pictures of their kids?

    17. I really think they should not put money ahead of their children's safety.

  2. So cut!.She is so pretty and looks like her granny!. It will surely be cool. Still long enough for a will grow back soon enough.

  3. Short hair is much more convenient with small children. I'm sure it will be cooler, too, in the Florida heat.

  4. That’s so cute!😍

  5. So cute! In humid FL this is s great cut.

  6. She's so adorable. Her haircut is cute!💇‍♀️

  7. She is soooooo cute, 1 of the best!!!!!

  8. Don't see why some of the older girls of the Bates family don't want some inches off their hair in the Tennessee heat.

    1. I know! Their long, thick hair looks so hot and uncomfortable.

    2. Longer hair is actually easier. You have a choice of multiple hairstyles to get the hair off your neck/face.

    3. True, but the Bates girls always seemed to wear their hair down. So hot!

  9. MO- Oh my goodness, I just love Allie Jane's new summer look. Easy to take care of and very stylish! :o)

  10. Allie is such a cute little girl, her haircut is perfect. Love all the Webster Family, John and Alyssa are such great parents, all 3 little girls are so sweet. Hope Alyssa is doing well after her heart surgery.

  11. very smart choice! i live in florida and i know it will help keep her a lot cooler! i used to have long hair when i was young and hated having to move it out of the way to sit down or go the bathroom so i wore it up. the humidity makes you sweat and your hair sticks to you all the time and is uncomfortable unless up and out of the way. i was so glad when i was able to cut it

  12. I'll bet Alyssa will cut her own hair short next!

    1. She would look great with short hair. I hope she does it!

    2. Yes I hope so too. Most of the girls should get it cut since they have a sister that is a hairstylist i believe

  13. Time 9:38PM Wed 5/15/19
    Allie Jane so cute in her new haircut.

  14. Don't know how true it is, but haircuts often make the hair stronger. . . .gets rid of dead ends.
    Allie is a beautiful little girl, haircut is adorable.

  15. It just makes sense here in Florida with our long, hot, steamy summers. She looks good and well cared for; not feral like some other children.

    1. What children are you seeing that look "feral" during your every day life? Because that means abused, abandoned, isolated from human contact. And ypu cant hardly use that word relating to any of the Bates chuldren so I found that to be an odd choice for a word you used.

  16. It's so cute in Allie!

    1. Sorry suppose to said on Allie!

  17. She is so cute.
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion


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