
Thursday, May 9, 2019

Bates Baby News

Bradley and Kaci have some big news to share. Their parents are expecting another baby! He or she will be the 11th Bates grandchild and is due in November 2019, just after Bradley's fifth birthday. Zach and Whitney Bates suffered a miscarriage last summer, but they say that Bradley and Kaci have been praying for another sibling ever since, and God has answered that prayer. PEOPLE Magazine has the exclusive story, as well as announcement photos.

Photo courtesy of Zach and Whitney Bates


  1. Oh my goodness I'm so pleased for Whitney and Zach. God has blessed them.

  2. So happy for them. Praying for her pregnancy.

  3. Praise the Lord! This is wonderful news! I am rejoicing with them. ❤

  4. Congratulations Zach and Whitney Bates! I'm so happy to hear you're adding another little one to your family!

  5. Just wanted to say congratulations on your new little one on the way.hope you have a safe and healthy pregnancy and delivery when the time comes . May God bless you and your family and keep you and your family safe always .

  6. Congrats! I love the names Lincoln for a boy and Stella for a girl!

  7. So happy for Zach and Whitney. I thinking a baby girl.

  8. Happy for their rainbow baby

  9. That's wonderful news! I happy for them all. I'll be praying for her pregnancy that it will go well.

  10. I'm so excited for them! Hope and pray all goes well for Whitney and baby!

  11. My heart hurts for Sweet Michaela..!!

    1. It would be sensible to stop mentioning her every time, if your heart really hurts for her.
      Let her just be happy for her sisters, instead of reminding her every single time that she hasn't had a baby yet.

  12. i am so excited for the whole bates clan but especially zach & whitney! their kids are spaced exactly like mine were so it'll be fun watching them and relating to them as they grow up!

  13. So excited for this precious family. May God continue blessing this family. Love my TV family!!! I realize they don't even know I exist but I love them. Happy Mother's Day to all the sweet mother's.

  14. Congratulations to Zach and Whitney! So happy that Bradley and Kaci will have either a little brother or sister by the end of the year!

  15. Congratulations to Zach and Whitney! So happy that Bradley and Kaci will have either a little brother or sister by the end of the year!

  16. I wish god had given me that baby instead of to people who already have two living kids. My eight miscarriage was twins so nine babies in heaven and none on earth. God is not being fair, or this is Satan's work. Either way, I'm being cheated out of happiness.

    1. It’s all biology

    2. What an awful thing to say. Maybe you need to fix your heart and mind before you think about adding kids into your life.

    3. Oh, dear. Being bitter toward others is only going to make you feel worse. I know you've experienced great pain that will never go completely away, but there are other ways to have happiness. Helping others can go a long way toward making yourself feel better too.

    4. I’m very sorry for your losses. I, too, have had 7 miscarriages. It would be unkind of any of us, however, to not tell you that you are severely limiting your own abundance of joy by believing your happiness is only obtained if you get exactly what you wish for in life. Life is more than food and raiment, and it is likewise more than your imagined ideal family life. It is about serving a holy God who loves and provides what He knows is spiritually best for each individual. To say God is not “fair” just because you see others with the things you desire is claiming you know better than God. It is also saying you have unbelief in Him and His promise of providing abundant life through Jesus. If all of us only thanked or liked or appreciated God when He gave us what we want, none of us would like Him very often. For example, I’d love to have parents that care about me. I’d love to have siblings. I’d love to have not lost my 7 babies. I’d love to live somewhere different. But you know what is more significant and satisfying than ANY of those things I’d wish for? Knowing that through the peace offered by Jesus Christ to those who have faith, I can be totally content in Him alone. I pray God magnifies your faith and joy and minimizes your wishlist.

    5. This is a though comment. Neither Zach nor Whitney did something to hurt you. You need to get counselling. No one, also not you, is at fault that your body has difficulties holding a pregnancy.

    6. There is a reason for everything. We just don't always understand the reason. My friend went through seven miscarriages before she decided that God was sending her a message that she just was not meant to have the big family she always wanted. After the third miscarriage, she started sponsoring a child in the Third World each time so that makes five children that received school supplies and a Christmas box each year for over a decade each. She also found other outlets for her need to nurture by helping out seniors in her community. She has 'adopted' six older ladies with no family and calls them daily, helps with their errands, etc. Sometimes it seems like life is unfair but listen with your heart and find where God's plan for you is meant to be.

    7. I’m so sorry for all your losses.

    8. I'll be praying for you.

    9. You REALLY can’t let bitterness take over your life. I’d visit a councilor.

    10. I am so sorry for all of your losses, and I hope you get counseling to help you overcome. It is very difficult to see others blessed with the very thing that has been desired and prayed for. I don't know why this has happened to you, but please don't give up on life and God. You are in such a position to pray for others who have gone through what you have and have no one to pray for them. It may not seem or feel like it but you are precious and dearly loved by God. I pray that you will be able to get out of this dark pit you are in. Please make the choice to want to heal inside.

    11. Instead of attacking a stranger why don’t you channel your energy into going to the doctor to see what might be causing your recurrent miscarriages. It’s not Whitney's fault that her body can hold a pregnancy and yours can’t. Insulting Whitney makes me have less sympathy for you.

    12. You know, I was angry that 11:52's comment was allowed to go through but I appreciate the many people are taking the time to minister to her.
      @11:52 I recommend you seek godly counsel.

    13. Wow, i do not wish anything bad to happen to others, and i am happy for anyone who does have à baby, i just wish i could keep one alive. I had not expected this level of hate, edpecislly not from christians... I am sad, yes, but i harbour no hate in my heart. May god bless you and keep you.

    14. 11:52- No one was ever promised that life was going to be fair or easy, nor were we ever guaranteed to get what we want, when we want it. Tragic things happen to good people all the time and some seem to have more than their share of heartache. However, nursing your resentment and anger towards others is futile and only further deepens the hole you've dug for yourself. I am sorry for your losses and hope you come to find some modicum of peace in your heart.

    15. @11:52- I think you're cheating yourself out of happiness. Life has a way of happening to us when we're busy planning something else. Nothing about it is fair. If you honestly believe that having children will make you happy, you're motivation for having them is very selfish and you're placing an uncalled for burden on any future children you do have.

    16. I’m sorry for your losses. It seems like you need to find peace with it all. I would strongly recommend finding a way to heal your body through diet (Hallelujah diet, or something similar has helped many ladies) and also finding out if there is a physical reason for the miscarriages (misshapen uterus, cervix that doesn’t work right, etc.) Also would strongly recommend some sort of counseling to work through your grief. You body won’t heal well with the amount of unresolved grief and perhaps even anger you express in your comment... hugs! ❤️

    17. I understand that pain. My biggest desire/dream was to be a wife and mother and for reasons I don't understand, the Lord Gott chose not to bless with me with a family of my own. It is a bitter pill to swallow at times, definitely. I see most of my friends having children right about now and sometimes, I just want to shut myself off from the world. When emotions are conflicting, it is an awful feeling. I'm happy for my friend but sad for myself. And then that sadness turns into guilt because I feel like I should simply be happy for my friend! It's been nearly four years since the hysterectomy and grief still takes my breath away at times. I would guess that you don't take true offense to Whitney's pregnancy, as you don't strike me as someone attempting to be mean. You strike me as someone that is deeply grieving and expressed that grief in the only way you could at the moment. I am praying that the Lord provides His peace that passes all understanding to you.

      As for the other comments that are scolding in tone... please, be gentle. Infertility is a horrid beast. Everyone has the right to their opinion, but I plead with you to be careful how you word that opinion. Don't add additional heartache onto a person that is already clearly hurting.

  17. Have you been to the doctor to see what is causing your recurrent miscarriages?

  18. God Bless this family of four soon to be five members. So happy for zach and whitney and especially their two children.

  19. Your happiness is dependent upon receiving a specific type of blessing. In other words, you’ll never truly be happy. Happiness is found in denying yourself and your wants, not exalting yourself and your wants so much that they become idols. Whitney just miscarried. You know that pain. And instead of being joyful for her, you are responding in selfishness. That is ugly. If you believe in God, you know it is impossible for Him to be unfair. If you don’t believe in God, don’t pretend to attribute your losses to something you don’t believe in. Have you ever heard it’s better to give than to receive? Likewise it is better to rejoice in others’ rejoicing than to wallow in self pity and greed.

    I am so sorry you have walked through much sadness. I am equally sorry that you are savoring the sadness and letting it consume you.

  20. I am very happy for them God bless this little family. may Jesus shine on them and others around them.

  21. Congratulations, Zack and Whitney! Love watching your family grow, may God continue to bless you!!

  22. Congratulations to you both! You are such wonderful parents and your sweet children will be a great big brother and big sister. I will continue to pray that the Lord will keep you safe and healthy through your pregnancy and bless your family abundantly as you are such faithful servants!

  23. Congratulations to you both! You are such wonderful parents and your sweet children will be a great big brother and big sister. I will continue to pray that the Lord will keep you safe and healthy through your pregnancy and bless your family abundantly as you are such faithful servants!


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