
Saturday, May 25, 2019

Bates/Stewart Wedding Attended by 500

Gil Bates and Carlin Bates at the rehearsal

Carlin Bates and Evan Stewart's picture-perfect wedding at Castleton Farms in Loudon, Tennessee, is now over, and they are officially husband and wife! It was sweltering hot, but the event was attended by approximately 500 guests. Us Weekly made the exclusive announcement, although no pictures have been released.

The Foto Sisters (do you remember the giveaway we just ran on our Duggar blog?) provided music. The processional songs were "Be Thou My Vision," "Canon in D," and "Lavenders Blue." During the ceremony, Carlin and Evan sang a duet, and they exited to a song with a title that describes how the bride and groom desire to live their life ("We Will Serve the Lord").

Photo courtesy of Carlin Stewart


  1. Congratulations to the happy couple

  2. I can't wait to see pictures!

  3. Congratulations! May the Spirit of the Lord be with you in all that you do,for with God no-thing shall be impossible!

  4. Sounds like a lovely wedding. Excited to see pictures. May God bless them with a long and happy life together. Both set of parents have lived a wonderful example for them.

  5. what a great picture. between carlin & gil, i bet there were a lot of tears! cant wait to see your pictures ellie

  6. Awe Carlin and Gil teary..

  7. Although these events have become fashionable, I think it's very selfish of any couple to have an outdoor wedding. Most times of the year, it's going to be too hot or too cold or the weather will be unpredictable. Where's the concern about the comfort of the guests? You have elderly people, people on medication that makes them sun sensitive, people with heart problems, diabetics, and babies. This day is not "all about you" or your "dream" wedding. If you've invited any guests at all, then it must be about their comfort and safety, too. You may be young and can stand the heat, but your guests are not. You wanted them to come, you invited them specially, so show them some consideration and have the event indoors. It's completely selfish to make guests sit in the sun, swelter, freeze, endure whipping winds, get rained on, fight bugs, try to balance while walking over uneven ground, get sand in their shoes, or experience any of the other ridiculous outdoor scenarios you can come up with. You could need EMS standing by, and wouldn't that make for a memorable wedding? I've really had it with outdoor weddings, and your description of a "sweltering" day doesn't help matters. What is wrong with brides and grooms these days? No concern for others?

    1. They don't have to come. 😛

    2. Wow, what an incredibly negative comment. There is nothing wrong with an outdoor wedding, and clearly the guests were happy to attend. I am one of those people you mentioned - I have a mobility disability and I am also sensitive to temperatures. But I would still gladly attend because it is NOT about the guests, it is about the lovely couple.

    3. @7:30- I can understand your point of view on this. However, if guests have a problem with the venue, they can always decline the invitation. You can't please everyone all the time and I think the wedding should be a reflection of the couple's taste and preferences. I was married in August and chose to have the ceremony indoors, as we didn't want to have to worry about the weather. If it was "sweltering", I'd have sweat running down my
      face, making short work of make-up and hair! The Bates appear to have weathered the heat!

  8. please tell me who are these 500 people that came to their wedding?

    1. Do you want that in one blog post or split into different posts? And would you like to be in charge of collecting permission from all those people to put their names on a public blog?

    2. I think it's safe to assume that they were friends and family, like most weddings.


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