
Thursday, May 9, 2019

Bradley and Kaci's Reveal

Zach Bates, Whitney Bates, Kaci Bates, Bradley Bates
Zach Bates, Whitney Bates, Kaci Bates, Bradley Bates

A short while ago, we shared the link to a PEOPLE article featuring some very exciting news. Zack and Whitney Bates are expecting! And siblings Bradley and Kaci are beyond thrilled. Watch the two of them make the announcement in the video below.

As far as a return date for season eight, there is no news to share yet. But from May 30 through June 20, UPtv will air special Bates baby birth episodes. These episodes will include endearing footage and storylines from the Bates couples’ pregnancy journeys. Additional photos and quotes can be found on the UPtv website.

Kaci Lynn Bates and Bradley Gilvin Bates
Kaci Lynn Bates and Bradley Gilvin Bates

Photos courtesy of UPtv, Chad Paine, Zach and Whitney Bates


  1. Oh so cute! Kaci response so adorable

  2. Congratulations to Zach and Whitney.

  3. The kids' reveal seemed so forced. I'm not a fan of putting kids in a position like that. Little Kaci can't possibly know what being a big sister is like and to ask her if she's "excited" makes no sense. Of course she is going to say yes, to please her mother.

    1. I don't know, that seems like an overreaction. The kids seemed pretty happy to me, and the video showed a very common type of interaction that you're going to get with kids their age.

    2. Wow, what an absolute joy sucker.

    3. What if Kaci or Bradley are NOT excited? Are they allowed to say so? I mean, being jealous is a perfectly normal reaction.

    4. Honestly they are young but being around so many babies they do understand to a degree. I've watched many young children be very excited about new siblings because they do understand at least their version of what a new baby means. The video seemed sweet and genuine to me! So happy for their sweet family!

    5. I agree with 6:20.

    6. I was a little younger than Kaci when my mom found out she was pregnant with my little brother and I STILL remember being excited. Two and three year olds are very attentive. Why do you feel the need to add bitterness to a very happy moment?

    7. OP, is it really necessary to say something like that?
      I have no doubt that the children were excited, Whitney said multiple times that they were praying for this sibling.
      Of course the video isn't natural, being that it was made for the public announcement. That was not the moment they actually told their children about the baby, it was a cute staged public announcement. And of course, the kids being 2 and a half and 4 and a half, Whitney had to ask them questions: they're too small to make a spontaneous speech about their new sibling. That doesn't mean that their joy is fake.

    8. Congrats to this growing family. My niece was 2 when her parents were expecting and shared news in this fashion.

      We have it on vid evidence that she was excited, ha! Not so much now that the sibling in 1.5 and she almost 4. Kids are a hoot! Best part is how unpredictable they can be πŸ˜‚

    9. For reals 6:20...some people hath no shame...what ev...Smile now ,ya hearπŸ˜„πŸ˜πŸ˜€

  4. So exciting for Zach && Whitney!! As much as I know a bunch of us are waiting for Michaella & Brandon to announce when they will be parents someday, it's great to hear that Zach & Whitney are having another baby after their miscarriage. Congratulations again.

    1. Please, leave Michael and Brandon alone,

  5. Wonderful news - thank you for sharing.
    May you be blessed with a smooth going pregnancy and easy delivery.
    Keep us up to date - we CARE.

  6. Their 2 are getting so tall! Congratulations to their family!

  7. this is wonderful news! gil and kelly must be absolutely over the moon right now! michaela & tori moving back home, carlin getting married, josie and whitney both pregnant!!! their lives are so wonderfully busy and i dont see it slowing down

  8. I can't tell you how happy I am for your family!Congratulations and God bless you!

  9. Wonderful news. May God bless this family with a healthy baby. So excited for them!!!

  10. It might be better if these families just enjoyed their children instead of trying to get them to pose for cake smashes, second birthdays, reveals. .. it seems the children are constantly being posed for this or that.

    1. Um, making videos and taking pictures are how you preserve the memories of these special family occasions. Do you seriously not take pictures or videos of your family milestones???

    2. The kids all seem very happy, if they were all solom faced and dreary then you could voice concern, but that’s obviously not the case.

    3. I doubt the Bates would post any solemn faced or dreary pictures. You do know they pick the best pictures to post, don't you?

    4. Don't we all, 11:12?

  11. I was wondering if there was an update on Michaela and Brandon.

  12. What is up with the commenters who take the opportunity with every family picture or milestone to pick on this family or the Duggars? The Paines went strawberry picking? How dare they force their daughter to wear a big hair bow? The younger Bates are having a baby? How dare they take pictures and video of their other children announcing it and looking excited? And so forth. Rather than making the Bates or Duggars look bad, it really just reflects badly on the commenters.

    1. That is your opinion...why must u disrespect other folks opinions. I think they spend a lot of time taking pics that go along with the story they sell.

    2. I know! I like this blog because it is tolerant of all opinions. I'd hate a blog that only allowed fawning opinions of the Bates. It sounds like Anon 9:59 would prefer this, though.

    3. Hmm. When a family posts a cute pic of their kids and strawberries and people have to negatively comment on something a child is wearing, or when they post joyous pregnancy announcement pictures and videos and people have to criticize that they did it, it really does not come across as sharing an opinion. It comes across more negatively than that.

    4. I'm a mom close in age to the Bates/Duggars who are having babies right now. Everybody I know does photoshoots of their kids. It's just what people do these days. I don't know why some people are acting like this is so strange.

    5. If everyone jumped off a cliff would you do it too? For wide is the road and broad the gate that leads to destruction and many enter through it!

    6. 5:54, I believe the Bible is true, including the verse you quoted, but I have no earthly idea why you quoted it. Are you equating birth announcement pictures and videos with jumping off a cliff or heading to hell?

  13. In the time they spent styling, dressing up, doing hair, and performing for this shoot, the parents could've read their kids a book and taken them to the park.

    1. Exactly! And they seem to do a photo shoot every week, for one reason or another. I wonder about the message this send to their children.

    2. Which is what good parents should be doing with their children at all times always. (Insert eye roll)

    3. I do believe taking 30 minutes to memorialize a very special family occasion is far less sinful than spending the 1 minute it took you to showcase your spirit of self-righteousness on a fan blog.

    4. 2:32—How do you know they didn’t do those things after they took photos? Their kids will likely one day treasure those pictures and videos and be happy that their parents cared enough to preserve these memories.

    5. I can't get over the grinchy comments about this. You can go to the park and read a book any old time. Announcing that a family is expecting a new member is a special occasion and should be treated as such. Do you not celebrate special times in your life?

    6. Oh, you're right. And Carlin and Evan should just go to the justice of the peace to be married, so they can save money for dish soap and diapers. Rather than a baby shower for Josie, they can sit around and recite poetry to her. Instead of smiling for the camera, they can have Brandon draw a picture of the whole family to hang on the wall, and then they won't ever have to bother with those nasty old photos again. As for their baby announcements, they can just forgo those altogether and wait for people to see them carrying a third child around with them.

    7. Actually, 12:11 is right. Carlin and Evan should go to the justice of the peace, and save their money for more useful things. Or they can use that same money to help the less fortunate! For a family that says they are godly, they seem to spend a lot of money on frivolous things. Why is a giant wedding so important?

    8. I agree with everybody that replied. It's just nice to take nice pictures to remember those milestones moments in the family's life! :)
      The kids seem very well cared for. Their parents are there for them 24/7, there's nothing wrong with taking photos.
      Plus, we must be serious and realize that they are not just ordinary people like any of us. I wouldn't call them reality tv stars, but they are and have been for 4/5 years now, on tv with a reality show about their lives. That's part of their job and daily life. It's just normal that they do photoshoots and things like that that might seem over the top to us. It doesn't seem to be damaging at all to the kids.

    9. Welll Carlin and Evan shouldn't really go to the justice of the peace since they are Christian and it's sweet for Gil to officiate. They can even invite 800 people if they want everyone to celebrate with them. They can achieve all this:
      At Gil's church- Free
      Decorations from past events- Free
      Cake reception- Wedding gift from Kelly's sis - Free
      Flowers- Wedding gift from Kelly's other sis -Free
      Inexpensive David's bridal gown and reuse bridesmaids dresses- Almost free
      Music- family friends (since Carlin wants all her family in the wedding party)-Free

      This would be beautiful and leave so much more money to donate to the poor.
      And anticipating a possible response of "they are probably already giving to the poor"...
      YES I'm sure they are. This would be a huge addition.
      We should ALL dig deeper with our giving!

  14. Congratulations Whitney,Zach,Bradley and Kaci.
    God Bless
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  15. May God bless those here who have nothing nice to say and I really do mean that from the bottom of my heart.

    1. Regina, you are a sweetheart.

  16. Congrats! So excited for them! Adorable video!

  17. Congratulations Whitney, Zach, Bradley and Kacy.

  18. dont these people ever keep anything to there self? as others have said , quite a few comments all staged etc

    1. Obviously, they keep many things to themselves. There are a lot of questions I could think of that they don't tell us about their lives.

  19. Congrats!! So happy for them


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