
Sunday, May 5, 2019

Favorite Bates Segments

As we wait for new episodes of Bringing Up Bates to return, we thought we would ask what your favorite all-time segments of the show have been? Perhaps you really enjoyed Michael's wedding, or Carson's birth, or Kelly's surprise 50th birthday celebration. UPtv has aired a ton of Bates footage over the past four years, and we thought it would be fun for you to think back to your favorites.

The idea for this discussion question comes from one of our readers. If you need to look back at our recaps, you can find those on our Watch Full Episodes page.

Photo courtesy of UPtv


  1. Carson's birth..I just watched it again last week. Never gets old. I will watch every show the Bates have.

  2. So many to choose from.
    Favorites; all Thanksgiving shows, all I Love You Day Shows, all Wedding Day shows, all Florida shows

    Also; Hello Dollywood, Sweet Tea and Sit-ups, Windy City newlyweds, Back Seat Bates, The Night the Lights Went Out, Bates Sport Special, the one at the Police academy where the family experienced the car rides etc, I really like mostly every show though.

    Least favorite, Muddy Buddies, Courtships and Engagements...please take this part off if you think it’s not appropriate.

    1. Some of us like those episodes. That wouldn't be very fair to get rid of those for us who love those ones. They are happy, special times in their lives and I'm glad we get to see those parts.

    2. 7:34 AM: The OP didn't mean to get of those episodes, she was just telling Ellie to get rid of that portion of her comment if Ellie didn't think the least favorite listing was appropriate for posting

    3. I think the person who made the original comment was saying that if the blog owners thought that the part of their comment where they listed their least favorite shows was too negative to please leave that part of their comment off (not that UPTV should get rid of shows like those).

    4. I think they meant "please remove this part of the comment if you think it's not appropriate.

  3. I truly loved them all but the ones when the children got their teeth taken out

  4. The babies and weddings! I love their joy-filled family celebrations. The episode when their power went out and they made the best of it was a favorite too.

  5. I liked the episodes when they still lived in the small house.

    1. Their small house was never featured during their UPTV shows or on their TLC shows. We only saw their small house when they were featured on the Duggar Family TLC show.

  6. Every episode of their Thanksgivings!!!

  7. Watching the family way back when the Duggars came to help build the Bates their new home!!

    1. MO- I remember when the Duggars and a crew of builders/workers came to Tennessee to build the Bates a large addition to their tiny house. I thought it was such a wonderful example of fellowship and goodwill. I don't think many people remember those days. So different from now. :o)

    2. I think a lot of people who watch "Bringing Up Bates" would be shocked to see the tiny house that the Bates raised their children in. It only had 1 story (the boys slept in the attic) and wasn't much bigger than the current living room -- but was filled with love, laughter and joyful singing. You may have heard Michaela say she made clothes with their sewing machine on her lap. That's because there wasn't much room in the original house to spread out on a table. *** I remember Jim Bob Duggar and Clark Wilson (a family friend of the Bates and Duggars who, sadly, passed away in Jan. 2018 after a long battle with cancer) planning the house addition as a surprise Mother's Day gift to Kelly Jo Bates, because they thought Gil Bates couldn't refuse their help if it was a gift for his beloved wife. They built the current first floor and porch around all sides of the original house; added a second floor for bedrooms; and made the top floor (i.e., the new attic) into a laundry room. *** I think it might have been an episode of the Duggar TV series -- rather than an earlier Bates TV special -- but another reader of this blog may know for certain.

    3. I’d love to see that again!

    4. MO- The show was a Duggar episode toward the end of their 19 Kids and Counting run. To me it was a testimony of a lot of love in a home with 19 kids, but a realistic view of the challenges of supporting large family. I loved that segment. I fear that young viewers are getting the impression that having 19 children is a walk in the park. :o)

    5. I agree; that was a really good episode. Mr. Wilson seemed like such a genuine kind man. I hope he was paid well from the show and the Bateses/Duggers continue to help his family as he helped theirs!

  8. I like all of the episode, but some that I can remember right now is, when Lawson and Trace tried out for the Dixie Stampede. I like when Evan ask Carlin to court him. I also when Alyssa announced when she was going to have a baby with a box that had m&ms and the babies ultrasound picture.

  9. Time 9:02PM Sun 5/5/19
    I love all my favorite moments with the Bates. I don't have cable anymore but I do see the clips on YouTube.

    1. Neddy, they have a lot more clips -- as well as a handful of full episodes -- available on UPtv's website:

  10. i dont think there's been a show i havent liked but my favorite segment was when carlin was painting the lines for trace's basketball court. she was putting her all into it and he was so appreciative of her efforts! the absolute funniest segment to me was when they made a zip line and judson said 'it aint gonna work'; and lawson said 'you need to be more positive' and he answers 'i'm positive it aint gonna work' lol!

  11. My favorites are the Thanksgiving episodes at Papa Bill and Mama Jane's. I enjoy any of the episodes with Gil's parents, siblings, etc. filmed at the farm in Honea Path, SC.

    1. Papa Bill and Mama Jane are the best! I wish they were my neighbors.

  12. 19 days until the Bates/Stewart wedding,can't wait for that episode. Congratulations to the bride/groom to be

  13. My favorite moments were Seeing Gil cry happy tears when he found our new grandkids were coming. When Chad and Erin announced Brooklyn on I love you day and when Alyssa sent those cards with the announcement of I think of Zoey then moments later she was outside their door.
    I would like to see more of Trace and the other young men on the show in future episodes.

  14. why can't we watch the episodes?

    1. You can watch select full episodes on UPtv's website:

      You can also watch past seasons on UP Faith & Family's subscription streaming service:

  15. Brandon and michealla wedding oh yea and engagement show. But all shows are GREAT!!!

  16. My favorite episode is the surprise Birthday party for Kelly, I also like the episodes of weddings,family get togethers,births, and engagements, etc.

  17. Kelly’s 50th birthday

    1. I enjoy them all but Kelly's 50th birthday was wonderful. Kelly does say something I can not understand her meaning of. She says"you are lying". Lying is serious and I don't think she is calling her family liers. She has used that several times in the shows.

    2. I have wondered about that too... somehow sounds out of place.
      But I have said “ out of place “ things too. It happens.

    3. It's just another way of saying, "no way, you must be joking," etc.

  18. I forgot two, when the couples go out to eat, and when Tori had her baby. The car scene with Gil driving was hysterical!

    1. They were do funny on that ride to the hospital, especially Erin with her curlers (and the one part where she threw a blanket over her head). Earlier someone commented on how they must have recreated that scene for the show, but there's no way Erin would have redone that with curlers in her hair!

  19. I really enjoy the show, so its a challenge to choose a favorite. I would say the engagements, weddings, and visiting Gill's parents have been favorites.

  20. I loved the one where Erin planned a birthday party for Carson with lots of activities, especially the one where the boys cheated and won the 4 legged race! 😉

  21. All the shows at the various singing events as a family.
    The girls redecorating their bedroom after michaela got married.
    The big boys away over night at the lake with their friends and Gil.

  22. I have enjoyed them all but I guess I would say how they prepare for a wedding for their girl's.can't wait until they return back to uptv.

  23. I really enjoy when they interact with MaMa Jane and PaPa Bill.
    AND when all the siblings are together.

  24. I love all the shows, but I missed some of the earlier seasons and wish they would offer a chance to watch them all as full episodes without subscriptions!


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