
Friday, May 17, 2019

Smith Update

Since returning to the Knoxville area this spring, Bobby Smith has joined Kelton at The Plumbing Authority, a business that was started by Kelton's family. Kelton is a certified plumber and has worked full-time at The Plumbing Authority since his college graduation. The business has multiple employees and a new warehouse.

Bobby Smith and Kelton Balka

Photo courtesy of


  1. Ok, there’s a BIT of an update.... still weird that all of a sudden they’re back in Knoxville area.... wonder if we’ll ever hear the story behind that?

    1. And why would that be your concetn.

    2. Unknown, because they're public figures.

  2. Isn't Bobby a pastor?

    1. He was Youth Pastor, Pastors of all kinds have to work.

  3. MO- All in the family! haha- :o)

  4. I don't understand. Is Bobby not a youth Pastor? Please explain to us why he left the church in Knoxville and is a plumber now.

    1. He was in Nashville. Maybe Tori wanted to be closer to her family. Maybe that job was temporary. Sometimes pastors work multiple jobs. I know mine did.

    2. my dad was a pastor and had to work to other jobs because you know that doesn't pay a whole lot

    3. She is going to Nursing School and Knoxville has a good program.

    4. 12:57 PM: Tori is not going to Nursing school, but Michaela is and that's why Michaela and Brandon moved home from Chicago. But Tori and Bobby probably realized that being a youth minister alone doesn't pay the bills. Maybe Bobby will continue in Gil's Church, and learn to be a plumber to support his family. Perhaps Tori can get a job teaching, to use her degree, and Mama Bates can take care of baby Kade?

    5. Are you getting her confused with Michaela whom is starting nursing school?

  5. Does anyone know why they left Hendersonville? Something must have happened for them to move from a steady job in the field he got his degree in to a plumbing job that he wasn’t trained for and more than likely gets paid less for.

    1. Do you know how much people in that line of work make? The people in my area make about $20 an hour.

    2. In many churches, the youth pastor is a part-time position and does not pay enough to support a family. He is still, probably, putting his degree to good use. Hooray for Bobby! Where I come from, a plumber is a well-paid job.

    3. I don't know why they left Hendersonville, but I wonder if Tori missed her family so much that they moved back. Just a thought.

    4. This does seem odd. My only guess would be that they want to be closer to family so maybe the Bates could babysit if Tori decides to use her degree and get a job.

    5. I'm curious too. They just finished decorating KADE'S room and appeared to be settleing in - then suddenly this big change.

    6. Plumbing pays way more than youth pastor

    7. I live in one of the most educated and wealthiest areas of the country, and the youth pastors make pennies compared to the plumbers. Plumbing is a much steadier job with better pay, at least in some places.

    8. Probably gets paid more as a plumber.

    9. Ministry is not exactly steady. I don’t know anything about the church he was at but many churches don’t treat their ministers very well. Also, ministry doesn’t pay very well especially when you’re first starting out and at a small congregation. I was a minister’s kid and my mom made more money as a school teacher. Some make lots of money but they are at large churches and they usually have a few years under their belt.
      Now plumbing...that’s a trade where you can make money!

    10. I'm sure we're all curious why he changed jobs, but ministry positions are NOT (usually) high paying jobs! The average youth minister stays at a church for only 18 months- barely enough time to connect with students! My husband is a youth pastor and we love teaching the kids, but church politics can often get messy.

    11. youth pastors are not that well paid. chances are he's getting paid a lot more! plumbing is good money

    12. I think he makes more with plumbing. My guess is there was layoffs at the church. Another possibility is they moved back so Bobby can work at the Bates new church and he is doing plumbing in the mean time.

    13. Plumbers make less than ministers??? I hardly think so.

    14. Yes, I'm concerned about that too. Not gossipy "concerned", but really hoping there was nothing that would keep them from returning to working in ministry some day.

    15. Actually, knowing Pastors salaries, he probably gets paid about the same. And he definitely has the opportunity to earn a lot more as a plumber.

    16. Anonymous @3:04. We have been in the ministry for over 25 years. Unless you are a MEGA church and have a M.DIV degree, a youth pastor cannot make a living wage if he has a family. Some churches allow a modest "housing allowance" or offer a parsonage to live in. At the end of the day, once a couple adds children to the family, they have a choice: Wife works and/or husband take a 2nd job. It is not at all unusual for youth pastors to "move on". It is really quite divisive of you to suggest "something happened". Also, plumbers make excellent wages, far above the average wage.

    17. pastors or ministers whatever you want to call them they only get paid on the days that they actually work at the church it'll get paid for every day of the week they have to work outside the church in order to make ends meet

    18. Micheal is going to nursing school.

    19. 7:36, I would disagree that the op's comment was divisive. When someone in the ministry leaves the ministry for some completely unrelated field after less than a year in the ministry, it does raise questions.

    20. 1:14 that’s not true at all. Most ministers are on salary. It’s just a small salary. Plus it’s a myth that they only work on gathering days. Every single minister I know works Sun-Fri and in the case of Youth Pastors many Saturdays too.

  6. Maybe He had the opportunity to work as a plumber with Kelton and also take a part time position in Gil’s church. I’m sure Tori loves being closer to her family and now Michaella is moving near by too. Sounds like a great set up for all.

  7. Congratulations on your new adventure!
    May God increase your business

  8. Bobby has a family to support. Tori doesn’t work and I’m sure they need insurance. Maybe this job pays more and will help him provide for his family.

  9. Good for Bobby. Such a great career move!

  10. Fans - of which I am one - are showing interest, Bobby seemed so happy to be the youth pastor in Hendersonville, now working in the trades. Strange move.

    Hope all is well with everyone.

  11. You all act as though the Bates family owes you some sort of explanation about why Bobby and Tori moved back to Knoxville. They don't. Also, many pastors with families have other more lucrative careers to make ends meet. Plumbers make good money. Perhaps Bobby is also looking for another job as a part time youth pastor. Either way, Bobby and Tori don't owe anyone an explanation. You all seem to want to hear that something really negative happened, which isn't Christian.

    1. They are public figures. They don't need to explain their deepest secrets, but people are curious about things like that and if you want to be relatable you have to give some kind of explanation.

  12. I have been wondering what some others have to, especially after seeing the picture and update. Our family was part of the church Bobby and Tori were at, but we moved away before they did. So, I wondered what happened...why the sudden change? I understand family is important, but he yearned to be in ministry for a long time. Ellie, do you know what happened? Is it something personal? If so, then perhaps sharing that may stop all of us curious minds questioning.;)

    1. I thought Christians were against gossiping? You're entitled to be curious but no one owes you an explanation. If it is personal then it is very clearly none of your business.

    2. The thought was for them to state that it was a “personal” decision and state nothing more. Once that is said, people can be curious, but ultimately when it is said tone personal, many will back off and leave it at that. My family is in ministry and so we understand what it is liked to be questioned. Saying that it is “for personal reasons and that God has great things in store”, stopped the questioning.

    3. another addition to my previous reply...and that is, saying "it was a personal choice and God was leading us" will protect others involved. And again, speaking from being in the ministry for over 20 years, it really does help. My family and I have been hurt in the past with situations and have learned to not share it because it may hurt others that are still in that church or school ministry. I probably should have worded it differently in my last statement, but my intent was for our bloggers to share that it was a personal matter.

  13. This makes me sad. I loved having Tori and Bobby in our city. I ran into Tori several times. They are the nicest couple ever! Good luck with your venture.

  14. pastor,,,plumber,,,,,dont see the correlation except for "show me the money",,whole lot of money in plumbing !!

    1. People have to support their families. Sometimes they simply don’t make enough in ministry to be able to eat and pay all their bills. They don’t always have a choice about getting a job in addition to doing ministry. He can still work at a church while also doing plumbing.

  15. Did anybody stop and think it's nunya! As in nunya business! Life happens.
    Congratulations gentleman

    1. Ditto to that, some people have some nerve and are nosey to a fault

  16. The obvious questions we have all asked since we heard the Smiths were moving back remain unanswered. I would have respected that, were it not for the fact that "Ministering" is so extremely important to the Bates family. Was Bobby a failure als a pastor, did he do something wrong, was this just not his thing? You made your fame off of religion, so ignoring this just makes the whole situation seem muddy.

    1. Actually they became famous because of the size of their family. Religion isn’t important. A relationship with Jesus Christ is what is important. You must believe that Jesus died, was buried, and rose again and place your faith in Him to get you to Heaven.

      Bobby and Tori may not want to share why they left. Sometimes there are just personality conflicts or just different views on growing the ministry. It doesn’t mean anyone did anything wrong. They wouldn’t want to speak unkindly about anyone, so they just may not give reasons. In a smaller church, pastors have to work very closely together. If two of them just don’t get along or connect, most of the time one of them will leave. It is the same as any job, if you aren’t happy there you move on. Bobby will continue to minister wherever he is even if he has a secular job as well. Most pastors have to work a job as well as do ministry.

    2. 7:42- You must place your faith in Jesus Christ.. or what, exactly? Do you think eternal suffering awaits anyone who questions God's or Christ's infinite love, or their very existence? If that is the case, this love is not infinite or unconditional. Truth be told, it has quite a few strings attached. Furthermore, if you believe everything in the Bible, few will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The poor dolts who don't were never given invitations to be born into the world, to accept or decline, in the first place. On top of that, they're asked to put their faith in an invisible entity... or else.
      "God pours out love upon all with a lavish hand -- but He reserves vengeance for His very own." -Mark Twain

    3. "They wouldn’t want to speak unkindly about anyone," This is how scandals start, like the ones in the Catholic Church. If someone does something wrong, others should speak out about it! Why protect a wrongdoer?

    4. 10:03 Not everyone takes a literal view of the Bible. Fundamentalist theology is actually just 500 years was not what the apostles or early church taught. They taught that God was a great physician, not a judge with a ledger of right and wrong.
      Sin is a disease that will eventually destroy you. Jesus was sent to kill the cancer of sin. He went into hell, not to take on the wrath of God in our place, but to free the prisoners and take the keys. God’s love is not conditional and his mercy never fails. He does not turn his face. He seeks the lost and welcomes all of us over and over with the same love as the prodigal son was welcomed with. He also loves us enough to let us refuse and reject that love. Humanity is the only one who turns away and says “no.” God never does.

  17. There’s no way he made more as a youth pastor. Most youth pastors (especially from small churches)are paid poorly if at all. Most work full time jobs. There’s nothing fishy at all about them moving closer to family, especially with a baby. Perhaps they just realized it wasn’t the right fit,’or that they’d have better opportunities near family.

  18. Who knows the reason they moved back? Maybe they won’t ever choose to explain it to the whole world.

    Anyway, good for Bobby! He can share the Good News through his plumbing work, too! The Lord works in mysterious ways. ;)

  19. oh that's nice. Besties working together

  20. Just a comment to all the Gladys Kravitz commenting here... The cost of raising a child is expensive. Its also very hard when you don't have your family around for support, mentally and physically. Have any of you thought that maybe they moved back to raise their child near family? Also, it's difficult to support a family on a one income minister's salary. Be happy for them that they will be surrounded by family support and love. I think it's wonderful that Bobby is learning a trade that will always have job security.

  21. I'm as curious as everyone else. Why would Bobby leave a job in the ministry to work as a plumber? Did he leave his youth pastor job and move back because Tori missed her family that much? Whatever the reason I hope they are happy.

  22. Glad he back in Knoxville with family.
    We never understand why things happen in other people life that's on tv but I'm sure what ever the reason was for coming back I'm sure it was good an the best thing for his family.god bless you all

  23. I'm sure he still is a pastor however he may have other areas that interest him as well and provide a better living for his family. I wish them well in raising a beautiful family and sharing the gospel as well. Such a great family

  24. He is probably starting out in an apprentice-type job. I'm sure if he likes it he can learn quickly. I think - just my guess - they were homesick.

  25. Congratulations Boys! What AWESOME work ethic.

  26. I am disappointed that I can't
    Watch the rest of your seasons on tv.

  27. If that's what they wanted to do that is there busniess

  28. Why don't people just enjoy the show and stop searching for something to gossip about. If it's not going to be remembered in a couple of years then the search is not important. Nor is the waste in gossiping in conversations. The world is not entitled to know everything about the Bates Family.

    1. This is one time where things just don't seem to add up.

    2. 8:31 - I agree this family is usually pretty good about not creating negative press for themselves. But something is just weird. if it works for them great, but at some point as much as everyone loves their family they have to create their own path.

    3. The kids won’t leave their parents

  29. As the admin of this web page is working, no question very
    soon it will be famous, due to its feature

  30. Proverbs 3:5 and 6 God is directing their paths! ✝️🙏‼️That is why they moved back.

    1. How does anyone know if God is directing their paths? Do they hear voices telling them it is so? If that's the case, a visit to a mental health professional would be in order. It seems to me that people like to use this cliche to justity what was really their own common sense, desire or choice all along. It just sounds better to say God directed them to do go in a certain direction.

    2. Lots of nursing schools in Chicago area

  31. Does Bobby know anything about plumbing? There are actually a lot of academics and studying that goes into becoming a plumber. I hope Kelton did not give him the job out of pity.

    1. Why does that matter to you and me?

    2. Same reason Kelton got the job , his uncle owns the company !

    3. Why would anyone hire a nonplumber for a plumbing job? Was Bobby hired because they felt sorry for him?

    4. I'm sorry that there's an assumption that nepotism got Kelton his job. I don't think even his uncle would have hired him if he weren't qualified.

    5. Kelton is a licensed plumber with an additional degree in finance. I suspect his uncle has plans for Kelton to have a managerial position in the company someday so I would consider that to be smart business instead of nepotism. And many jobs are gotten based on knowing someone in the right place at the right time. Bobby has benefitted from that twice.....Chad got him the job at the recycling plant and now Kelton has gotten him started with the plumbing business. And potentially a third time IF he starts preaching at Gil's church. I'm sure he's grateful for the opportunities he's been given.

  32. Many more good nursing school in the Chicago area. Let’s face it they won’t go to s mainstream college !

    1. What's up with all the nursing school comments? Tori isn't going to nursing school!!!

    2. Michael already attended a mainstream college when she earned an AA from Roane State Community College. She attended courses in person at the college and then finished her degree online.

    3. That's insulting to the Tennessee area that I'm sure has many qualified schools. Big cities aren't always best.

    4. There are more nursing schools in an urban area than in the rural area the Bates live in. That's just facts, easily verifiable on google. No one is insulting TN.

  33. Maybe he cared more about making good money than he did about doing ministry. Nothing wrong with that. We all need worldly things!

  34. If Tori were free to work, even part-time, Bobby might have been able to continue ministering to others.

    1. What if she doesn’t want to work and Bobby respected that? I have three kids, 2 on the spectrum, and I homeschool one of them so I don’t want to work even though we could use the money. My husband respects me and trusts God more than he stresses about the bank account. Sometimes you minister with your own life by the choices you make.

    2. What if she wanted to work so Bobby could stay in youth ministry, and he forbade it?

    3. What if Bobby didn't want to work and Tori respected that? We all need to chip in to help our spouses--this is what a loving partner wants to do. Tori has one small child, not three. I'm sure she could find the hours to help her husband continue his important youth ministry work.

    4. There would be the issue of childcare if Tori worked part time and Bobby had stayed in his position as a youth pastor. Tori's employer wouldn't automatically work around Bobby's work schedule. Quality childcare is expensive and, without family in the area to take care of Kade, would have potentially taken a significant portion of Tori's income.

    5. Youth ministers generally work in the evenings and weekends anyway. It seems like Tori could have gotten a job during the day and helped out. So sad to see a young man give up his dream.


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