
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Stewarts' Honeymoon

Carlin Bates and Evan Stewart have been Mr. and Mrs. Stewart for four days! According to the newlyweds, they are honeymooning at an all-inclusive resort in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. Below is a new photo from their trip. Don't they just look thrilled to be married?

Carlin (Bates) Stewart and Evan Stewart
Carlin (Bates) Stewart and Evan Stewart

Photo courtesy of Carlin and Evan Stewart


  1. Carlin and Evan look so happy and their wedding was so beautiful.The first years are special so enjoy it. God Bless You Jane

  2. Congratulations Carlin & Evan

  3. Such a trending spot! Good for them!

  4. Congratulations Carlin and Evan!!! Your Fairy Tale Wedding looked Absolutely Beautiful!!! Thank you for sharing some of your Beautiful pictures. Enjoy your Honeymoon!!!

  5. They do look thrilled. I'm having Josie/Kelton flashbacks with their honeymoon pictures(:

    1. Why mention that couple? Be happy for this one!

    2. I was reminded of Josie and Kelton too. Nothing wrong with that! I'm happy for both couples

    3. Why even say that anon 11:33? They are sisters, it's not that weird. And the op did express their happiness to this couple,,

  6. Congrats to you. You both of look so happy together.

  7. It’s going to seem strange with out a Bates sibling in a relationship...or is Trace or Katie in one??

    1. No relationships, as far as we know, for any Duggars or Bates! Lots of babies coming, though. :)

    2. Pretty sure Trace is in a relationship now.

  8. They look in love... like they have looked since courting. Hope it's a lovely trip

  9. All inclusive resorts have to be a shock for them! I’ve been to 4 and they’re definitely not very wholesome lol. I’m not a Christian so I don’t mind but it must be very different to what they’re used to

    1. An all-inclusive resort will sure make them understand why their family had a no-alcohol rule. They'll see drinking to the extreme there, not just your calmer one glass of wine with dinner kind of drinking!

    2. MO- Exactly! The term "all Inclusive" to many people means you can load up on alcohol. It's a "heads up" for those who don't consider being inebriated a good time. Maybe they see it as all the food you can eat? haha- :o)

    3. While my home was not alcohol free when I grew up, we didn't drink very much at all and even I fail to understand why some so-called adults feel the need to drink to excess and lose control. They appear foolish and immature when they behave that way.

    4. Kathy- There’s always a reason behind behavior. I think people drink to excess mostly as an escape or way to cope with their worries or struggles. They may feel less inhibited. Also, it can be a way of self-medicating when a person is battling mental illness. For some, it becomes an addiction. The tendency towards alcoholism can actually run in families. Yes, human beings are complicated creatures. When you think about it, just about anything can become an addiction- overeating, shopping, gambling, pets, hoarding, religion... even having children. It’s just that some addictions are more destructive than others. Count yourself lucky that no one in your family suffers from alcoholism.

    5. I'm like the Bates we never had Alcohol in my house. My parents never drank and my sisters and their family don't either.

  10. Love thw picture of them. Sending hugs your way 😀

  11. To think of the girl's bedroom being so full and now just Katie and the three younger sisters. I doubt Katie is anywhere near a courtship, perhaps in a couple/few years. Trace needs time to get on his feet financially before getting serious.
    May be Nathan - he is level headed and ready. Lawson is enjoying his carefree lifestyle.

    1. This is not directed at you specifically, but why are there so many comment on this blog asking when the next courtship or baby will be? People should be happy for who the post is about, but not always comment things like ‘I wonder who is next’. The Bates are not immune to feeling pressure being compared to their siblings. In fact they probably feel it more so. I doubt the family actually reads these comments, but they do probably glance at the comments on their individual Instagram accounts.
      Do you how hard it is always being compared to others? I am in my 20s and my friends and I hate the ‘when are you going to get married/“settle down”’ comments. It’s hard to hear things at an engagement party like ‘when is it going to be your turn?’
      When they news, they’ll share it, probably with a paid magazine spread.

    2. Trace seems to be in a relationship, but maybe it will be a long one. Bates siblings don't seem scared of that (see Michaela and Carlin).

    3. Emily- Yours is a very level-headed and sincere comment. I never ask anyone about their plans for marriage or children, even with my own kids. If they want to share information, that’s up to them. I realize the Bates make a living from their large numbers, filming weddings and births, etc., but it’s entirely possible that some of them may never want to get married or have kids, People clamoring for personal information is a big disadvantage when being in the public arena.

    4. Maybe they enjoy having more space, not that having four in a bedroom is exactly isolating.

  12. Just heard on the news that there was a lady badly beaten at a Dominican Republic resort. Hope Carlin and Evan will be careful.

    1. I just read about that. Never go anywhere alone!!

  13. Beautiful couple! Congratulations! Enjoy your honeymoon! Blessings.

  14. I’m not surprised. The Dominican Republic has a travel advisory from the USA
    at Travel.State.Gov of “ Exercise Increased Caution” due to crimes and also Zika information on other sites is available. Not the safest location for a Honeymoon. Praying for them!

    1. Zika isn’t that big of a deal, that whole fuss was so extreme. Just like the Ebola scare.

    2. The Ebola outbreak in 2014 was an incredibly big deal. More than 11,000 people died. It is highly contagious and necessary measures were taken to prevent its spread in the US. Just because you personally were not impacted does not mean that it was a "fuss."

    3. 7:06, let me correct my statement, the Ebola virus wouldn’t have been a big deal in the US. I have missionary friends who have had the virus and they thought the uproar was absurd. As long as you have access to IV’s, you would be fine.

    4. 4:10, just having access to IVs doesn't make you "fine." It could very easily have been a big deal in the US, and though I'm very glad your friends are ok, thousands have not been, even with access to medicine.

    5. Ebola is definitely a big deal. A deformed baby from zika is definitely a big deal. The DR also has high rates of malaria. I travel a lot but also travel cautiously. Don't minimize these serious issues.

  15. Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Cancun & Mazatlan are all on US caution list. Hopefully they just stayed at the resort, yet that can be a false sense of security! They should have gone to Hawaii or Gulf Coast if they wanted beaches. I think UPtv May pay for some of the honeymoon.

    1. Yes! I just read the story of the women who was badly beaten and almost killed! I hope they are very careful!

    2. Another couple found dead on Thursday at an all inclusive resort in Punta Cana DR!! And you wonder why there’s s travel advisory???

    3. 1:01, from what I gathered, this attack was at the resort. I am sure they are sensible young people, and will be careful, but personally, I would not have gone to the DR.

    4. This family goes to NYC lots and it is just as dangerous there as any of the Caribbean islands or Mexico. Don't go looking for drugs. Don't wander alone at night. Not that hard to stay safe in most places.

  16. No where in this world is safe from crime. It's dangerous travelling anywhere. Even my once safe community is full of drugs and violence. USA citizen.

  17. I would think it’s even more risky for celebrities in these places.

    1. I doubt any one in the Dominican Republic know who Carlin & Evan are. I am friends with a lot of conservative Baptist’s and most of them even have no clue who the Bates are.

    2. @ 2:27...I think the camera crew around them periodically would give a clue that they might be... but the crew could also be a safety hedge round them.

  18. Congarts Carlin and Evan hope you are enjoying. Your wedding photos were very beautiful. All the best as you start your new life. Your fan Natasha Marie.

  19. Hopefully they are home safe and sound by now!

  20. If I were in their shoes right now, I’d be heading home, pronto...or to another destination that is not on any high crime list. Just prayed for their safety.

  21. When will the wedding be on TV or when was it on TV? Usually I'm able to buy it on iTunes on Friday mornings even if its a special episode on a Thursday night.

  22. When does the wedding air on tv?


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