
Thursday, June 6, 2019

Baby Paine 4.0

Chad and Erin Paine

Fourteen months after Everly Paine's arrival, Erin and Chad Paine have another announcement to make. They are expecting their fourth child! Baby Paine 4.0 is due in December. For more photos, visit the announcement page on the UPtv website.

Carson Paine, Everly Paine, Erin Paine, Chad Paine, Brooklyn Paine
Carson Paine, Everly Paine, Erin Paine, Chad Paine, Brooklyn Paine

Photos courtesy of UPtv, Chad Paine


  1. Congratulations. That's amazing!!! Erin did not look pregnant at all in the beautiful blue dress at Carlin's wedding. And she didn't look as if she was suffering from morning sickness either, which she usually does. I wonder if it was hard to get through the wedding day. Blessings to her and Chad on baby #4. They sure are a gorgeous little family

  2. So sweet! Blessings to The Paine family!!

  3. Erin always goes a little early, and Whitney always goes a little late, so they could end up having their babies on the same day. Just like Erin and Alyssa when they had their last babies only two days apart.

  4. They did a photo shoot for this? It’s great news but the Bates seem to take a photo shoot for everything

    1. People can take pictures like this with friends or family, digital age, and with any baby it’s good to celebrate 1st or 4th!

    2. A photo shoot for a baby announcement? Seems like a milestone moment to me!

    3. This doesn’t seem like a photo shoot. This seams more like they had a family member take some pictures while they were at the beach. They weren’t professionals edited.

    4. Really? They just happened to be wearing color coordinated clothes and the children are all spotless? Yes, this was pllanned. It’s a photo shoot

    5. They dressed nicely because they knew they wanted to take these pictures, but it doesn't mean that they were professionally taken. Alyssa color-coordinates her daughters' dresses all the time.

    6. Even if it was a photoshoot with a professional photographer, what's wrong with it? BTW we have to remember that they are public figures, I wouldn't call them "reality TV stars", but they've been on TV for 5 years, they have a public. I find it perfectly normal that they have some eccentricities in their lives that most of us don't have. They're still good people, come on!

  5. I cant help feeling sorry for Chad. He does seem exhausted.

    1. He seems happy to me

    2. I don't know how you can look at those pictures and come up with the word "exhausted."

    3. They are both exhausted! They have young children. It’s an exhausting season! I don’t understand why this is such a shock to people on this blog. I’ve been tired for 10 years.

    4. Chad looks happy. They both must be tired, 3 small kids, but don't forget that Erin has 18 siblings, and majority of them still live at home and I'm sure come to help and babysit.

  6. Replies
    1. Yeah, it’s baby number four

  7. So many children in a small bedroom. I do hope they think about moving into a bigger home. Yes, the baby can stay with Erin and Chad but at some point 4 kids in one bedroom is beyond crazy.

    1. You should visit a rural town in Africa and I think you would see how grateful many people would be to even have a one bedroom house. Four young kids in a bed room is not a big deal, I’m sure the Paine’s will move before they have a fifth child, and I would guess even sooner than that. The baby will also most likely share a room with them for the first year of its life.

    2. I totally agree!! Congratulations Erin and Chad!! They need to either add on or move to a larger house. That room is so tiny that the children are crammed in to.

    3. I agree, especially since they will be four kids 5 and under. All so small, potentially waking up each other non-stop during the night..

    4. Here in Europe most families live in appartments if the parents or one of them work near a big city because the houses near a big city are very expensive... and on the countryside you don't find a job very easily.. so even having a house is good I think.

    5. Y’all are forgetting her family had many more children in their original little red house!

    6. Yes and they were delighted when they could expand! Who knows if the kids were happy being so crowded or if there was a lot of conflict...

    7. Such a 1st world problem! Many children grow up happy and loved sharing small quarters as above poster said about Africa. I have worked as Drs without borders in many countries where the parents would live in the Paine house in a heartbeat!
      We all should expand our world view.

    8. I did not realize they have only one bedroom for the kids. That IS small. But then Ben and Jessa Seewald also live in a 2-bedroom house with now 3 kids.

  8. Oh how lovely! Blessings to you! Christmas baby! The most perfect gift.

  9. Whoo-hoo!! So so happy for them!!!

  10. Let me be the first to say "Congratulations" to Erin and Chad. Looking at the 2 photos above, it's obvious that they are thrilled to announce they are expecting a new baby. That should be all that matters now!

  11. MO- Praying for a safe delivery and a healthy baby! So many babies expected this year. haha- :o)

  12. So happy for you and your family. God bless you.

  13. Wow! Congratulations Chad and Erin!!

  14. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! So happy for them! Praying everything goes well, I can't wait for this baby!

  15. Great news, another baby, hope all goes well, given Erin had difficult pregnancies.

    1. Erin takes I believe hormone shots now throughout her pregnancy, so all should be good.

    2. 5:45PM: I believe Erin takes blood thinner shots, not hormone shots

    3. 6:23, you are correct, I couldn’t remember what they were for exactly.

    4. It cant be healthy to take daily heparin shots for years to sustain so many pregnancies

  16. Congratulations to this sweet family!

  17. Yay congrats to one of my favorite couples!

  18. As congratulations Chad and Erin. That's exciting news and I'm very happy for you!

    1. Oops! Auto-corrects strikes again! Thst was supposed to say, Aww not As. My apologies.

  19. I love the family but seriously can't they take time and enjoy each baby for that special time under age 5 for awhile before trying to add more?

    1. Agree! At least they’re having larger age gaps than Gil and Kelly did (all of their kids are max 16 months apart except Ellie and Callie)

    2. Most people don’t wait FIVE YEARS to have another baby. Everly and the new baby will be 20 months apart in age, and honestly that’s a really normal age gap.

    3. @Ladylou ITA with you. I had stated a comment earlier but it did not show saying the same thing. Nothing is wrong with having babies. But let's look at the fact they're living in a two bedroom rental. It's okay to take some time to purchase a bigger home to meet your family needs. It's okay to actually space a bit and give one-on-one time with each child. It's not a contest to see how many kids we all can have.

    4. They’re not trying to be in a contest to have the most kids. If someone is convicted against using birth control, who are you to criticize what the Holy Spirit has laid on their hearts?

    5. @629PM Please do not change the narrative of what I said to something else. I never mention anything about birth control. Please stay on the topic of what I said. Please reread what I wrote. Thank you.

    6. 5:05 What makes you think the children don't have one-on-one time? That has to do with how parents focus their attention each day, not spacing children 5 years apart. That far apart does affect the dynamics of the sibling relationships.

    7. 5:05 Purchasing a bigger house is not a "need". How much it is a 'want' is up to them. How well the current space suits them is up to them. When to buy or rent a larger place, is their financial decision. When to put in the substantial number of hours it takes to select a place, move out of the current abode, and move into and settle into a new place, is also entirely their call. And silly 'fans' who have their own ideas about how many rooms you 'have to have' - completely irrelevant!

    8. I doubt they were trying to get pregnant each time. They just weren’t trying not to. We didn’t do anything to avoid pregnancy after our first, and it still took over two years for me to get pregnant again. Little kids don’t care what size house they live in! It is just normal for them. They care if they are loved. Erin and Chad seem to be loving, wonderful parents.

    9. 9:46 by saying they were “trying for more” you are ignoring the entire reason they tend to have large families.

    10. 7:30 - It will become a need to move into a bigger house due to the size of the house and bedrooms. Erin showed the configuration of the nursery. The kids' bedroom is a tight squeeze with the kids in there now. It barely fits a crib and trundle bed. Erin has outright said they would need a larger space soon and that they were looking for a larger fixer upper. They have time but it is a fact that there is limited space in that house for their family.

    11. @7:30 the moment you call someone a name then it's hard to have a discussion with you. @5:05 did not say that they should have x amount of rooms. They said that it's okay to take some time between having children. It's okay to actually think about moving into a bigger home and making the steps to it.

      I really with people who post comments that disagree would do as 7:19 am, stated. Don't change the narrative respond to what the person is saying. Do not add it to change from the topic. Which you are doing. Name calling is not need in this discussion. The person never did any name calling, and was not rude,and we should try to do that also. We can all disagree and give comments but we do not need to be rude to each other.

      Have a great day.

    12. Agree with 7:30AM. I will not care if they buy a bigger house but I actually admire that they are taking their time and being modest in their living standards. I am sure they are making a fair amount of money with the show but are waiting to move to a big house. Seems financially prudent to me. They will probably buy a house to fix up at some point.

    13. From the announcement I saw, it seems this was a bit of a surprise. As in they weren't necessarily trying to have a baby but it happened. I don't think they're trying to just have a bunch of kids or be ahead of another sibling.

    14. They have said they were “surprised” with each new pregnancy. I don’t understand why it is a surprise.

    15. @5:05- There will always be doubters or critics no matter what path a person or couple pursues, basically because we tend to project our own wishes and desires on other people. If Chad and Erin are happy with their situation, that's OK! As far as space issues, they'll figure it out. With TV show risiduals, they're likely in a better financial position than the average person.

    16. We have neighbors that have 7 children and a live in maid in a TINY 2 bedroom house!!!! They are in no hurry to move!

  20. I am a little confused. According to the People article, there is a spin off airing beginning tonight called Expecting: Erin and Chad.

    "Erin’s latest pregnancy’s will be chronicled on the spin-off Expecting: Erin & Chad. Fans will follow the couple through first sonograms and the sex reveal until they finally meet their new baby."

    Is this airing as BUB episode or something else? Will it be available on Amazon?

    1. Hi there,

      UPtv has been airing specials that feature the best "baby" footage from previous episodes. Tonight will be Erin and Chad's episode. It isn't new content but still will be fun to watch.

      Lily and Ellie

  21. Congratulations to the Paine family! I think they're going to need a bigger house.

    1. I think it’ll depend, if the baby is a boy then they could still have all four kids in the kid room if they have bunk beds. Once they hit number five though they’ll definitely need a bigger house.

    2. Why couldn’t there be 3 girls and a boy in one room?

    3. 4 kids in that little room is too much. Erin shared pictures of her arrangement for three and it looked ridiculously crowded

    4. 8:08, there could actually, I wasn’t really thinking, I just paired two and two in my mind lol

    5. It's not that they can't stay together, it's that every person needs a space to be free and develop their personality.. Being all crammed up this was looks like too much of a sacrifice for he kids.

    6. When I was growing up, there were 3 of us in a small room. We developed our personalities, played together, did our own things on our own, etc., just fine. When we were in our early teens we added a room and spread out a little more. That was around the age when we wanted and got more privacy.

  22. Congratulations to Erin and Chad. I thinking a baby boy and maybe named after Erin's dad.👼

    1. Bradley’s middle name is their dad’s name so I doubt she’ll want to give her child the same name as a cousin. Maybe Kelly if it’s another girl.

    2. She could name it after her papa bill,if it's a boy or after her memaw (Kelly's mom) if it's a girl

  23. Wonderful news ! Beautiful family, great pictures & lovely view ! I am ready to watch the show tonight ! Thanks for the update & hope they come back on real soon ! Ready for new shows ! Best show & channel on TV !!

    1. A big congratulations, Erin and Chad! I definitely wasn’t anticipating such news, but it great!! 😊

      Ya’ll need to get the birthday page caught up here soon too, with the babies on the way, as well as Carlin actually married, not just engaged...

  24. Can you please update the birthday page with who is expecting? Also, Carlin is married now not just engaged so you need to update that as well. And congratulations to Erin and Chad on baby #4 I hope all is well and they have a safe and healthy pregnancy.

  25. Oh, so happy for them! So thrilling!!!!

  26. So very happy for you both and the children! Baby Paine will be coming into an amazing family.

  27. Amen it’s their business how many children they allow God to bless them with. Congratulations Chad & Erin!!

  28. Congratulations wonderful news. And God bless your beautiful family

  29. I truly happy for them; but feel for Michaela each time one of her sisters announced another pregnancy.

  30. Chad seems ambivalent about more kids

  31. I absolutely LOVE that first picture where Chad is looking so pregnant!! Lol 😂

  32. Congratulations Erin,Chad,Carson,Brooklyn and Everly .
    God Bless
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  33. So happy for them! I have a feeling that the baby is a third girl. I hope I'm wrong, because two of each would be so fun.

  34. I thought Erin would be next to get pregnant. I wonder how this will impact their business, especially since Whitney is also expecting. With more kids on the way it’s probably nice to have that extra income. I wonder if Tori will join the business somehow since she is back in town.

    1. I wonder if they actually start their jobs with serious thought. Whitney had just started her career as a realtor about a year ago, and now the clothing business... It's kind of hard to follow! I wonder what happened with the realtor gig.

    2. I would like to know more details of what they actually do with this business. Are they actually involved in contacting buyers and doing market research and running the numbers? Or are they just modeling the clothes and pushing it to their followers/fans? Do they design the clothes? My guess is they basically say what they like and don’t like, so for Whitney it’s probably more work for less money. I hope Michael and Tori and Katie get some ca$h for modeling in the latest posts.

  35. Ellie, I'm so sorry if this is going to come across as a criticism. I don't mean it to be. Regarding the subtitles under the pictures.... would it not be acceptable to put, for example, "The Paines: Carson, Everly, Erin, Chad and Brooklyn" (or whatever order they are in), or "Carson, Everly, Erin, Chad and Brooklyn Paine", rather than putting the last name after every first name. Same as, for example, on the Duggar site, Ben and Jessa Seewald, instead of Ben Seewald, Jessa Seewald. They are all the same family. Just a suggestion. Please don't take as a criticism.

    1. I agree, it's not criticism, you were very polite and your suggestion makes a lot of sense! :)

    2. I think it has something to do search engines finding the website.

  36. Where is their dog? The pup is part of the family too!

  37. I sure hope we don't have to watch Erin give birth again. She is all drama!!! Do wish only good for their family. A baby is a blessing from God. Just wish all women that want a child could have one.

    1. Childbirth can be pretty dramatic. Maybe skip that episode if that's not your thing. I'll be watching!

    2. Then don't watch the show when Erin gives birth. Simple as that.


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