
Friday, June 28, 2019

Meet Chase Paine

 Everly Paine and Chase the kitten

Welcoming new pets into their home has become a common recurrence for Erin and Chad Paine. Most of you have probably seen their twin goats (Bubby and Sissy) and dog (Max) featured on Bringing Up Bates. With their fourth child due in December, this couple is fixin' to be even busier than they are now, so why not add another fur baby to the chaos?

Meet Chase the kitten (photo above). For good measure, we have also embedded new photos of Carson and Brooklyn below.

Carson Paine
Carson Paine
Brooklyn Paine
Brooklyn Paine

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  1. Simply the CUTEST!!!!!

  2. What happened to Carson’s hair?

    1. He evidently had a haircut (like boys/men do) and then had it styled as well

    2. They styled it, like most boys want to.

    3. It’s in a little Mohawk

    4. I’ve never known a four-year old boy who wanted his hair styled!

    5. 11:20, I have! You must not know many four year olds lol

    6. Four-year old boys just want to run and play, they don’t think about style. It’s Erin. She gelled his hair for this “candid” shot.

    7. Why do we always have to put people in a box? Some 4 year old boys might want their hair styled, others might not. You can't make an absolute statement about something like this.

    8. How would a four year old even know that hair gel exists?

    9. The same way little girls know about nail polish and makeup at this age, people in their lives use the products.
      It's not like hair gel wouldn't have been used in his hair before. Hair gel is used to keep hair in place for all types of styles. It reminds me of how Jessa applied hairspray to one of the little Duggar boys during their first tv special.

    10. 11:38, his uncles all use hair gel, he’s probably seen them using it, little kids imitate people they look up to. And there’s nothing wrong with his mom styling his hair.

    11. Because he could see his daddy or his uncles using hair gel. Not that mysterious.

  3. That kitty doe not look happy!

    1. I thought the kitty looked super relaxed!!

    2. replying to @3:13 MO- I agree! The little kitten does not look happy- I've noticed that the boys are rough with their horses as well. I love animals and just want them treated with respect/care. :o)

    3. He’ll be fine, if he really wanted to get down he is 100% capable of doing so.

    4. You think the cat wants to be held like that?

    5. They have to many animals.

    6. It troubles me how this family treats its pets. A kitten is not a prop and shouldn't be held by a one-year old baby.

    7. 3:06, they have 1 dog, 1 cat, and 2 mini goats with lots and lots of space, how is that too many?

    8. 11:23, the kitten will be fine and as it’s going to be around lots of children it’s better that it learns now who it’s master is. People have dominion over animals and the kitten is not being hurt.

    9. 4:41 - A kitten is a baby and the adults in the family need to make sure it is handled properly. Everly is so young that if the kitten was uncomfortable it wouldn't be her fault or intention. However, the kitten shouldn't be treated roughly just because kids are its "master."

      Pet ownership is a responsibility and the kids should learn how to treat their pets well. Young children can sometimes be over zealous with animals and it's important that kids are taught boundaries for both the kids and animals' protection.

    10. The kitten is perfectly fine. Cats know how to get down if they don't want to be held. Cats will just contort their body or scratch if they don't like how you are holding them. Cats have their own personalities and do what they want.

    11. Teaching kids how to properly hold and be gentle with pets would lessen the likelihood of scratches. Better to respect the cat than have your toddler covered in scratches. It also fosters the relationship between them.

    12. I don't think it's a great idea to put Everly in a position where she could be scratched by an unhappy kitty!

  4. Their kids are so adorable!!

  5. Beautiful children!

  6. That is an adoption picture od Everly and the kitten. Erin is going to have her hands full come fall, but her oldest two will be able to help with the pets. My 3 year olds job is to feed our dog every day, and he loves being a big boy helping mommy.

    1. Thankfully Erin has a ton of help. The reason these extra large families function is the Mom has abundant familial help. I’m not knocking it, but most of us are not that fortunate so keep family size within reasonable limits for one Mother to handle.

    2. Erin should take care for the animals and childeren by herself. A child is not a care taker.

    3. No, but children can start learning to help out at an early age. It can be fun, and it's good for them.

    4. 3:08, children need to learn to help and be responsible for things too. Starting them out by helping with the pets is not a big deal. All my son does is feed our dog I take care of the rest. My son also helps me with his baby brother in giving him his binky when he is being fussy and I'm making dinner or doing the dishes. He gets me the diaper and wipes when I ask but I do all the work, my 3 year old is still having a childhood but he is learning to be responsible by feeding the family dog, he is learning to help when doing things for me and his brother. The issue with today (and i see it in my family) is kids think they are entitled to everything and don't have to do anything to help out. I refuse to have my children be like that.

    5. 7:42 I thank God for you. You are a wise person. Children need to have responsibilities. Of course their duties need to be age appropriate. May God bless you and your family.

  7. Childrens are such a precious gift, so are animals. We decided as a family not to adopt animals anymore, I find it very hard when something happens to them, or when they pass. chase will be very stimulated with all these young kids!

  8. this is the absolute cutest picture of everly and chase!!

    the paine's remind me of my husband and i so much. my husband had a big heart like chad does and isnt afraid to show it.
    when i was pregnant with our first son, we had a dog, a cat, a rabbit, and 6 birds when he decided we needed to adopt a dog found near his work. when i asked 'how are we going to do it?' he answered, 'what's another scoop of dog food?' and shadow came and lived the rest of her life with us!

    1. Very kind of you to adopt the stray dog! Most people sadly ignore stray animals thinking someone else will care or help and they don’t. Thank God for people who do care and do something about it. You rock!

    2. Wow- that's a lot of animals!! (no hate, just impressed!:D )

  9. Yes alot of things happening there but Thats a cute kitty

  10. I love watching your show. You have such a cute family. I can't wait for the new season to start up.

  11. All I can say is ADORABLE beyond words!! Beautiful little girlie with a beautiful little kitty. All of those children are just beautiful.

  12. The kids are growing up so fast.. congrats on new baby..miss your show terribly..a problem with uptb and Comcast cable company ๐Ÿ˜ญ

  13. Love the picture of Everly and Chase. Erin and Chad have such cute kids. The kids are fortunate to have these pets. Jane Renae

  14. Carson,Brooklyn and Everly three cuties.
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  15. Beautiful family. These children are so blessed and are beautiful childrwn.

  16. Beautiful children! All three are growing so fast. I can't believe how big Everly has gotten. Time goes so quickly, I hope Erin and Chad cherish every minute of this stage of life with the children. And I have to say the picture of Everly with that cat has to be one of the cutest photos I have ever seen.

  17. Beautiful kid's ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ’•

  18. I always thought Carson and Brooklyn looked very much like the Paine side, but Everly definitely favors the Bates side of the family! They are some very cute kids!

  19. That picture of Everly and her kitten is one of the most beautiful pictures of children that I have ever seen. All three children are gorgeous.

  20. She reminds me of the little cupid dolls from the olden days! That picture would make a perfect ad for many things. She is so adorable, words cannot even compare. Watching their show & reading these updates, is the best part of every day. I am so glad they share their life with us. I know there will be lots of new stuff coming of course, but what is Nathan up to these days? We don't hear much about him or see him on the show.

    1. She does look like a Kewpie doll! She's adorable.

  21. OMG that picture of Everly and Chase is adorable! I love the fur babies! I have a daughter (human), two rescue dogs, and an old cat. I love them all. Pets are part of our family pack. Together forever!

  22. I think the picture of Everly is the cutest I’ve ever seen! ๐Ÿ˜

  23. That is the most adorable photo of Everly! She is so beautiful !

  24. ADORABLE. Reminds me of my oldest daughter at that age with her "kitty baby."


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