
Friday, June 21, 2019

Pool Day and Birthday

Happy First Day of Summer! The weather is warming up quickly, which means it's time to break out the water activities. Alyssa Webster set up some kiddie pools in her front yard so her three munchkins could go swimming.

Alyssa Webster, Lexi Webster, Zoey Webster, Allie Webster

We also wanted to share a recent photo of Kaci Bates, who turned three yesterday, and her little furry friend.

Kaci Lynn Bates

Photos courtesy of Alyssa and John Webster; Zach and Whitney Bates


  1. I love the Bates. I love that these little girls are allowed to wear a real bathing suit.

    1. I agree! Can you imagine wearing anything else to swim in, especially Florida!!

    2. I like that Alyssa and Josie wear shorts, because, you know, it's hot outside! :)

    3. I was just going to write the same comment!!!

    4. Those little girls are allowed to wear real swimsuits because they're Websters, not because they're Bates.. :) it's Joe and Alysse who made the decision!

  2. I’d hate to have a zipper against my leg like that. Little girls don’t need to be “fashionable.”

    1. Kaci seems to like them since those are the second pair she's been photographed in. Comfort and fashion for the win!
      You don't like them, don't wear them.

    2. I agree that little girls don’t need to be taught to worry about fashion just now. Let the kids be kids and just enjoy growing up and having fun. Fashion will come all too soon as they become aware!

    3. I used to have some jeans with zipper at the legs when i was a kid, dont remember it to be unconfortable

    4. I had multiple pairs of jeans with zippers either on the sides or the back. They weren't uncomfortable at all.

      Also, there's a possibility that it has nothing to do with being fashionable. Maybe it's hard to find something that fits well and not spend a fortune so Whitney bought multiple pairs when she found these. Maybe they were a gift or gently used hand me downs!

    5. Why do you assume she’s being “fashionable” Do you have any idea how difficult it is to find jeggings/jeans that fit little girls and are comfortable? My two hate wearing regular jeans and it took forever to find leggings (jeggings) that are roomy enough, high enough, and sturdy enough for them to be comfortable.
      Making a child wear clothes they aren’t comfortable in isn’t worth the headache and just because you wouldn’t be comfortable in a particular style doesn’t mean she isn’t.
      I am seriously so tired of the mommy shaming.

    6. It is so easy to find soft, cotton leggings that are simple for little girls to pull on and off, and make it easy for them to run and play. My little girls hated pants with inches of stiff, hard, metal on the bottom, and there was no need for it! It was easy to find cotton leggings. Plus, the buckles and snaps on jeans like Kaci's make it hard for her to use the bathroom independently. At three, she probably needs help with these things, and usually there is not much time to spare! The only reason to put her in an outfit like that is fashion.

    7. I have two girls and it was not difficult at all to find leggings. Gymboree sells them by the ton!

    8. We have no idea whether Kaci needs help using the bathroom or if those pants are restrictive. Whitney knows her daughter's capabilities and her dislikes. The pants Kaci is wearing may even have an elastic waistband rather than snaps or buckles. Never thought side zippers would lead so many accusations against a mother.

    9. Ok...let me clarify since there seems to be an assumption that all little girls are the same. I couldn’t find legging for my extremely active little ones that wouldn’t rip at the knee within a week. Most leggings also sit too low on the waist or bunch at the ankle which also bothered my girls who have sensory issues. Sure, I could have grabbed a ton at any random store but it would have been a waste of money for us. So, if we found something that worked we stuck with it. Jeggings (especially the kind with zippers at the bottom) are sturdy and they don’t move around, bunch up, or bother my girls in any way. What a delight to know that other moms judge me for what my kids wear without knowing our situation.
      My post was simply to point out that no one knows why moms choose as they do and what is an obvious choice for one family isn’t so easy for another.
      I mean, do you see how ridiculous it is to say “my kids hated this, therefore it’s unnecessary” I could just as easily say, my kids hate simple, cotton leggings (and they do) therefore all kids hate them.
      Think beyond your own experiences!

    10. A little girl does not need a four inch piece of metal clonking around on her calf. If her mom chooses jeans for her, there are many simple styles. Kaci has been wearing jeans like that since she was 1. It's obviously more about style than comfort.

    11. If jeans with zippers at the bottom were functional and practical, they would sell them in the boys' department. They don't. They are unnecessary so they don't add them to boys' jeans.

    12. Why do we care so much about four inches of zipper at the bottom of her jeans? If they were bothering Kaci, she would let her mother know. Beyond that, it's none of our business. Let her mother dress her as she sees fit, just like you have done with your children, or just like you would want to do if you had children. It amazes me what people find to cause controversy about.

  3. So enjoy seeing these beautiful children. They are blessed to have Christian parents.

    1. They are blessed to have “loving” parents!

    2. They are blessed to have loving, Christian parents.

  4. Replies
    1. No one has to explain it!

    2. Regina, for a woman a real bathing suit is either what the girls are wearing, or a bikini!

  5. I think Alyssa's girls are adorable and Alyssa is so classy! But I would love to know how Kelly and Gil feel about the bathing suits? I personally think they are modestly done but Bates tradition says NO bathing suit is acceptable. I realize Alyssa is of age and married but I can't help wondering if Kelly and Gil cringe at night. It appears as those most of the Bates girls kept the modesty standards set by their parents strictly out of respect for them and not because of their own personal convictions. Hem lines are inching up and knees and arms are showing! Lol!

    1. I dont see why kelly and gil should feel anyway about it, i mean, the girls are not even theyr kids so.. why is that relevant?

    2. They don’t seem like they’re judgmental towards others with different view points than themselves, they just hold their household to a high standard. Once the kids move out though I don’t think they care what they do.

    3. @1:13, That's the thing about parental rules. Just because they believe something doesn't mean you as the child will do so. The main question should not be if her clothing is appropriate but if she's still walking with Christ.

      Has she robbed a bank? Physical or emotional abuse someone?

      We must all come to learn to use our voice soon. So it doesn't matter what Gil or Kelly think. It's what Alyssa and John feel is best for them and their environment.

      Instead of judging her for the clothes she paid for and select for her kids to wear. Let's be happy that they are love, fed, and waling with God.

      Modesty is more than just clothing and I hope that we all learned this.

      Have a great day.

    4. I’d be interested to know Gil and Kelly’s opinions about their children’s new style decisions!

    5. Modesty is more than just clothing, but it includes clothing. Modesty is the opposite of having a "look at me," wanting to draw attention to yourself mentality. Can clothes be a way of manifesting that attitude? You bet! Some people argue that wearing dresses or longer bathing attire is drawing attention to yourself, but people don't usually choose to wear those clothes for the intent of having people look at them. It's completely a heart matter that manifests itself in outward behavior.

    6. 7:35- What about the layers of makeup the Bates daughters wear? That grabs attention.

    7. Anon@ 7:35 I agree and also think that when the family goes to the beach fully clothed and swimming in jeans and skirts actually draws more attention to themselves than they would if dressed in true swim suits.

    8. What about being on a tv show? That grabs attention as well.

    9. Y’all do realize that the attention the parents want to avoid with their modesty standards are people starting at them lustfully. Not just looking at them period.
      I don’t agree with the modesty standards and I think too many in the church have made an idol out of modesty and purity but their belief isn’t just to not draw attention period. It’s to draw attention to the right place.
      I will say, even though the family has relaxed in that regard, my personal opinion is that all the grown girls dress well for their age and shape.

  6. Oh that's a fun and cute idea. Cute picture

  7. I agree adorable bathing suits- the Webster little girls are precious - good to see Alyssa looking well.

  8. Best way to stay cool. In luding slip and slide😎

  9. Four bathing beauties and a happy Birthday girl. Adorable all.
    God Bless
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  10. alyssa's gotten used to the florida summers! hats and sunglasses and swimming pools. best part about it is you can go inside in the air conditioning when you get too hot. (like right now, it's only 91 but the feel like temp at 102)

  11. Hi Lilly and Ellie, I really like the new header, however, the very small cursive writing, is a bit hard to read. Would it be possible, to slightly increase the size, of the cursive writing?

    1. I'm also having trouble with the cursive writing. The 'block print' typing was easier on my 71-year-old eyes. Your Duggar Family Blog has small printed names -- but not cursive -- and I can read those fine, even though they're small. However, I know all of the Bates's names, so if it's a hassle to change it, it's OK with me.

    2. Also, the writing is all blurred. I can’t even make out what is says. Maybe it just does that on a phone? I haven’t checked my computer if it does that as I use my phone for the internet most all the time.

    3. agreed! great new pictures. thanks for updating

    4. Why is it necessary to make them do all that work to completely redo it? We all know the children’s names.

    5. 12:39, there are still people who haven't seen the show or read this blog for years like the rest of us and may not know all their names or know which name goes with which face.

  12. It was soo hot but I know y'all are used to it. Thanks for an always sweet time, and will see you again soon :)

  13. Good for Alyssa. She always looks great and her girls are dressed very nicely. No way is her daughter 'immodest" or will be taken for a boy in those cute jeans & Mickey Mouse T-shirt. Silly legalistic rules. Kelly would not last 5 minutes here in Florida wearing those heavy denim long skirts and the hot material tops she wears. Certainly NO VESTS this time of year..Not until late November. Florida is a hot climate and those long hair, clothing rules they have would not do here.

    1. I went to a college in Florida where some girls had long hair, we all wore skirts and dresses, etc., and we survived. It was hot down there, but that's what a/c is for!

    2. So many posts about how Alyssa looks and so few about her godliness!

    3. Anonymous 6:05 PM: Sometimes a word can be so overused -- when it’s not in context -- that it becomes insincere or loses its effect. Even YOU didn’t say anything about her “godliness” -- only that OTHERS didn’t say anything about it. This is a story and photo of a loving mother trying to make her daughters happy. She made sure they had sun hats on that hot day in Florida, and set up their kiddie pool so they could have fun. That shows what a loving mother she is. I don’t understand why someone has to say that she is “godly” for doing it -- just to get some sort of credit for using that word -- especially when even you didn’t use the word in some context related to this blog entry. (This is just my opinion.)

    4. I live in sweltering Oklahoma and we struggle staying modest but we have 4 Pentecostal churches in our small town and they make no exceptions. To the wrist and to the ankle, covered. I tried but my kids could not tolerate it. I do have convictions for myself and I like to cover up when around others. At home T-shirt’s and shorts is okay for me. I am surprised how all the married girls except Erin and Michael are wearing leggings at day #1 married. Nice that they upheld mom and dads preferences while at home, was respectful of them.

  14. I was going to make the same comment about the header. It is really small and hard to read. But doesn't really matter to me.

  15. So how board are these people to know that these children are wearing zippers on there Jean's hey they're kids what does it matter as long as they're healthy and happy


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