
Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Stewarts Start Life in ...

Carlin (Bates) Stewart and Evan Stewart
Following their May 25th wedding near Knoxville, Carlin and Evan Stewart departed for a romantic honeymoon at an all-inclusive resort called Majestic Mirage, located in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. The newlyweds just returned to Evan's hometown near Nashville and then hopped in the car and headed to their new home.

Where is home for these two? They have a house, which they were working on before the wedding, waiting for them in East Tennessee. We know you're probably wondering what happened to their plans to live in the Nashville area. Well, their plans changed, and they will now be living closer to Carlin's family. You can imagine how thrilled Kelly Bates is to have so many of her children nearby.

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Photo courtesy of Carlin and Evan Stewart


  1. So happy to see them safely home and starting their new lives together.
    Looking forward to the new season of Bringing Up Bates!

  2. MO- I wondered what Carlin was going to do since everyone was moving back to the Knoxville area. She seemed to be on a campaign to get everyone to move to Nashville for awhile. So I guess we'll still be seeing a lot of Carlin. Hum- all I'll say is this is interesting news. :o)

  3. I think something is going on that we don't know about. All the kids have moved back home, or stayed in the area (except Alyssa of course). Just seems too odd to me, especially the Evan and Carlin decision. They must have decided against Nashville awhile ago as they have been shown working on their house for a few weeks. I think if it is about filming, they should just say so. Something is just a little off about this issue. Are they going to announce that Evan is also working with Keton, Chad or the tree service? How about Brandon? Thanks for listening. No offense intended at all to the Bates family.

    1. I don’t think it has anything to do with filming, but if they’re planning on having kids pretty quickly than it’s probably better that they’re close to her family. Being far away from your parents when you’re super close with them and having kids is really hard on a lot of people.

    2. Maybe work wise it is more practical or they just want to be close with family. They don't owe you or anyone an explanation.

    3. 3:50- I totally agree. Something must be going one or the bates girls are very attached to their family. It doesn’t match up that all of them move back at the same time.

    4. Wow! Glad there was no offense intended. Personally, they are entitled to share what they want and not share what they don't want.

    5. I think maybe for Carlin, it has something to do with their Bates Sisters Boutique business. She maybe has to be closer to home so she can do hands-on work with her sisters.

    6. Like that "no offense" comment. It's your business why?? Whatever pathvthey choose I wish them nothing but happiness and success.

    7. Maybe it is about their boutique? I did think it was strange for Carlin to be a part of it when she was about to move away. Evan just finished his electrical apprenticeship, so I would think he would be working somewhere in that field. Being able to film probably did play into some of their decisions, but I don’t think it was the main reason for any of them.

    8. guys 3:50 was just asking a question no need to jump all over them if they are on this blog they must like the bates (its kinda hard to find this blog and then decide to troll) i was wondering the same thing because all carlin talked about was nashvile and wanting to move there and bobby was going to pastor a church so im wondering the same thing WHAT CHANGED??

    9. Maybe UPTV is providing financial incentives for them to all live in close proximity. Perhaps their TV show is successful enough to provide a good living for all of them for the forseeable future. Who knows, who cares?

  4. Wow! Carlin in jeans already!! Sure doesn't take them long to get away from that family rule. I think it is wonderful. I am an old lady but I love my genes!!

    1. As long as they live in their parents home they live by their rules. Gil and Kelley have always said these are their rules. When they leave home they make their own rules. The main point is they ALL choice to dress modestly

  5. Absolutely no surprise. No offense. I’m just sad that so many people think that this way of life is reality. I pray blessings on them. Life is a journey.

  6. I’m sure that the in laws parents would have been thrilled to have their sons living near them too. Seems very unbalanced.

    1. agreed the inlaws parents must miss their sons too dont thier feelings matter??

    2. There is an old saying: "A son is a son until he takes a wife... A daughter is a daughter all of your life." It has been true among my family and friends. At least 80% of the time the husband has moved closer to his wife's family or home town, including both of my brothers. I think most parents of sons understand this, especially when their daughters-in-law comes from families as close as the Bates.

    3. But sons can be close to their families too. Let’s see if that’s true when the Bates boys wed then.

  7. I loved watching this romance blossom. Putting God first in everything is the only way to go.

  8. There are so many benefits to living near family....lots of helping hands if needed, cousins can play together, lots of family socializing which they are use to, trustworthy babysitters, homeschooling could be more cooperative with the teaching of subjects. Etc. I would want to live like that if I were use to a big family that got along like their’s does!

    1. I agree. I wish I had a family like theirs. Unfortunately I don't have any relatives.

    2. 1:23, you might not see this, as it is now June 8th, but I'm hoping you will. Stay close to the Lord through His Word, the Bible. He is your Father, if you have trusted His Son, Jesus, as your Saviour. If you are not already in one, find a Bible-believing church, where you will be fellowshipping with brothers- and sisters-in-Christ. If you know the Lord, they are your family! I, too, think the Bates (and Duggars) have it made with their large families who love the Lord! Remember, we are all God's children in Christ Jesus. (See Gal. 3:26.) This will become much more real to you, in experience, if you are in the right church. Praying for you to find a family.

  9. Love, love, love Carlin in jeans!! She looks terrific!!

  10. Good wishes to the newlyweds.
    Carlin looks great in jeans.

  11. Maybe they receive jeans for wedding gifts 😂

  12. Maybe all the guys are going into business together building homes. Chad is the carpenter, Kelton is the plumber, Evan is the electrician, Erin is the decorator, and Gil & sons can trim the trees and bless the new home.

    1. You forgot Whitney is the realtor!

    2. MO- Haha! Cute and well thought-out response!! :o)

  13. Carlin and Evan look beautiful together. Wishing them so much happiness. The jeans look great on her.

  14. Maybe the adult "kids" want a piece of the show financially. I don't blame them...I would probably do it too. Someday the show will end and then they will have to deal with real life.

    1. Sounds like they already are dealing with real life. The guys have professions, some have college degrees, babies are on the way, girls have degrees plus the new Botique and babies on the way... that’s all pretty real...

  15. Happy for Carlin and Evan.Hope they a wonderful future that God has plan for them keep the faith and God bless you both

  16. God Bless the happy couple may you enjoy your life together and all the adventures that wait you in life

  17. I don't understand why they changed their skirts for jeans.I believed they look better in modest skirts and dresses than Jeans that showed your body figure. I think their husbands are too liberal that don't help them to continue in their parents teaching of clothing.tyle of wearingonce they get married they change their wear of style.I'had always admired them but I'm disappointed. except michael and erin I have never see them wearing Jean's even after getting married. I think we should brave to keep us the same in everything our love for the love and our modest wearing for the lord.

    1. Modesty is in the eye of the beholder. Carln and Evan obviously doesn't think there is a problem with women wearing jeans or pants and they're adults, not children. You are entitiled to your own set of standards or beliefs. It doesn't mean everyone else should agree or fall in line with them. This is the nit-picky kind of stuff that turns people off of religion. Live your life, let others live theirs.

    2. Its not our problem. Modesty its no just about clothes.

    3. Yes Michael and Erin. And Tori?

    4. Perhaps they didn't agree with the rule from the get go. Not every child believes everything the parents have as rules but they must abide by them while living in the parent's home. When they have their own home, they separate from their parents and establish their own households with their own rules. They do honor their parents by continuing to wear dresses in their presence, even when the parents are guests in their children's homes. I'd like to see Gil and Kelly tell their daughters that it is perfectly alright to wear pants in their own homes even when they (G & K) are visiting.

    5. IT'S. UP. TO. THEM. They can still love the Lord in jeans.

    6. I've never understood why they consider skirts and dresses more modest than jeans. It's not like you can look up a pant leg.

    7. Why is it the husband’s choice? 🧐😡. Input and sharing an opinions are one thing but they’re well above the age of consent to pick the type of attire and dress themselves. She’s on her own, let her spread her wings as SHE finds necessary and not in the manner of her parents or spouse.

      She looks great and if she’s comfortable then be happy for her.

    8. I think you need to realize that wearing skirts and dresses are not choices that the girls made. It is a choice that Kelly Jo and Gil made and the girls respected. Now that they are married, that decision is up to the husband or to them if the husband doesn’t care. There is nothing that states you must wear a skirt or a dress for the Lord. Many men wore dress like robes in biblical times. Should men continue to wear the same things? I think the Lord could care less how we dress and more if we are loving and respectful humans.

    9. 4:28- The husband has the final say on whether or not she should wear jeans? Oh, my!

    10. These girls and the Duggar girls who no longer dress modestly sadden and disappoint me. They are both well known and in the spotlight and they do not walk the walk. This is what is wrong with America, Christians getting loose with standards and sliding to the left. If the godly do not obey God how do we expect the ungodly to.

    11. so wearing jeans is liberal?? uhmmmmm

    12. I think you are way too old fashioned (lol literally). When you’re out in public do you look down on every woman wearing pants?
      Personally I think it’s ridiculous that her parents still set the dress code for her at 21, even if she is under their roof.

    13. I very much agree. It is so disappointing to see the young women wearing shorter skirts and jeans. Society has turned truth and modesty into relativism that people cannot see things for how they are. Like watching Disney: where nearly every film is about magic, when God says to hate magic. And nearly every film is about rebellion from structure, when God is against rebellion. But most think because it is children's entertainment it is harmless, when it is really indoctrinating young minds to think rebellion against things God hates is harmless.

  18. Ellie what about Carlins graduation? Does she not get the cap and gown ceremony? What are her future plans now that she's finished? Thanks

    1. She lives in another state than where the brick and mortar school is located. Most of us who complete degrees through online or distance programs don't travel to another state to do graduation. We typically do some sort of celebration on our own, which she did.

  19. I don't believe for one minute that the 'dress code' for the girls is something that they wholeheartedly agreed with. They had to obey their parents' rules and wear dresses. As soon as they inked the marriage license, (except for Michaela) they all jumped in to pants. This tells me that they did NOT agree with the rule but conformed because doing otherwise was a sin. This is not what they have advertised about themselves. They don't tell the 'complete' truth, do they.

    1. Haven't seen Erin wearing pants either...

    2. The Bates girls have already addressed this and said that while they live under their parents roof they follow their dress code out of respect to them. I wear bikinis but I have friends that don’t and when I would go to the beach with their family I wouldn’t wear them out of respect for them and their rules, it’s very simple.

    3. I never have seen Erin in pants. Just saying. 🤷‍♀️

    4. All families have rules whether we agree or not. I wanted to take dance lessons but My dad thought it was a waste of money so we played sports instead. Which I personally loathed and did poorly on purpose, haha. Ended up with a clarinet from a garage sale that I refurbished 🎵🎶

    5. I haven't seen Tori in pants either...

  20. So excited for them can't wait to see what's next congratulations

  21. It makes sense that they live close to the family, especially Erin and Whitney now that they're in a partnership. It'll be easier to get together and process the orders, have the photoshoots, etc

  22. Didn't take long to start rockin' the skinny jeans! She looks fabulous!

  23. I'm actually sad that Evan and Carlin are moving near the Bates family. From reading a couple of negative comments on this blog about Carlin and Evan maturity level. I think the move to Nashville would have been good for them. It would have shown how they can do it on their own. They would have actually have some alone time. This couple has been chaperoned the longest and time just the two of them would have been great. It's nice that Kelly has everyone back home but let's not guilt anyone to move close to home for Kelly's benefits. I think family time is great but working together, spending time together can be a little bit to much for anyone.

    Now that I disagree with the move. I look forward to the comments saying that I was rude.

    1. They would have been near Evan’s family if they had moved to Nashville. Nashville is not that far from Knoxville, so they still aren’t far from his family either. Due to the dress changes in Carlin, I think they will be doing their own thing anyway. Owning your own home, paying bills, buy your own groceries, etc. will help them grow up no matter where they live.

    2. I agree with your point however I think Carlin’s reason for staying close to home is her boutique. I feel like some of these comments are either by people who know the Bates or some of the Bates themselves. Some of the comments are very defensive and sometimes rude. I don’t ever see that on the Duggar Family Blog.

    3. Its not ur business to say n its their decision so just respect them

    4. I don't think you were rude. I agree with you 100%!

    5. Anon @ 8:50 I don't think you were rude at all. I actually agree that it might be good for them to be away from the family for a period of time. I admit that I am different from them by not wanting to be too close to my parents when I first married, and fully understand that not every one is the same. I see it as an indication that they were too controlled before marriage.
      Now I will be accused of being rude instead of you.

    6. MO- I don't think you're rude. Go ahead and voice your opinion as long as it's not profane or in bad taste. I agree with your view. I thought Carlin would do just fine in Nashville just like Alyssa does in Florida. Nashville is only about 3 hours away from Knoxville. :o)

  24. Who really cares who wears what or where they choose to live!!!! Its THEIR life and as long as THEY r happy, I'm sure it doesnt affect how they view life or their relationship w God!!! All u c or kno is what u c on camera, mayb they all dress how they please OFF CAMERA!!!

  25. It’s none of our business where they live or what their reasons are for moving closer to home or father away from home as in Alyssa's Case. All of the reasons mentioned above are valid reasons for where they are choosing to live.
    If things don’t work out as planned, they can move.

  26. So glad they’re home from the Dominican Republic!! Another death reported today at same resort where the couple died last week. This woman from PA died 5 days before the couple!! Something happening there....

  27. Glad they made it home after staying in the Dominican Republic. Drudge Report has an article today about US tourists dying from respiratory failure there and after reading it I now think I wouldn't want to go there.

  28. Please Ellie, would it be possible for you to get a statement from the girls or Mrs bates regarding the married girls coming out in pants... (and not aby pants, but really tight jeans). I just find it so confusing, and a little disheartening... for a married woman to be dressing in such a way for her husband's eyes is one thing, but to be publicly posting such pictures for the whole world to see... to me it seems to be going against what the family has always been preaching. I would really love an explantion. I'm sure there is a simple explantion I've not seen... because it seems so hypocritical.

    1. @2:24; Regarding an explanation, I remember them stating that once the kids are grown up and out of the house, they follow their own rules- you know, like adults do. Follow your own standards and convictions. It's not productive to concern yourself with what others do, especially a TV reality show family. BTW, if Evan doesn't have a problem with Carlin's jeans, why should you?

    2. This has been discussed by the Bates parents and the Bates children for YEARS, and they haven't changed their explanation. The parents prefer to have their girls wear dresses or skirts while they are growing up in the Bates home, and the boys to wear shirts or T-shirts instead of not wearing a top. Once the children move out of the house to work or get married, they have been told for YEARS that they can choose how they want to dress. There is no "requirement" that the married girls have to ask their husbands what they are allowed to wear. Remember, these are the BATES not the Duggars, although some people want them to be exactly the same "forever" because both families have 19 children, and in the past the children were home-schooled using similar programs. Also consider the fact the Bates parents really want their children to go to college -- for at least one semester that the parents will pay for -- so the children can see what the "outside" world is like, have a chance to make new friends, and see what opportunities there might be out there.

      I realize a lot of people watching the Bates on UP TV -- and reading this Blog -- haven’t been following the Bates family as long as many of us have. Thus you may not be aware that the Bates have NEVER insisted that their children dress the same forever, or that married daughters must let their husbands decide what clothes they can wear. There is no hypocrisy going on. Some of the married Bates girls and sister-in-law Whitney wear pants at home with their husbands and children, when going out with friends, and even (at times) at the Bates house -- or in their own houses when the Bates come to visit them.

      It's not confusing, because the Bates parents and children have ALWAYS given this explanation. The Bates siblings don’t question the clothing choices their sisters make when they marry -- the way so many people do in this Blog, and in the Bates individual Instagram pages. Again, they are the BATES not the Duggars, no matter how many times people ask the same questions that you ask, trying to catch the Bates telling lies about their standards. Yes, if you read this Blog frequently, you will see how many people write to say that the Bates are lying -- using that word -- or not telling the complete truth, because their children dress differently when they marry. It's not hypocritical at all. Therefore, it’s not necessary to get a formal statement from any of the Bates about their clothing choices!

    3. I so agree with you!! If they explained why they were wearing skirts (back 5 years ago!), it would be good to hear what happened now..from the children.

    4. Can we please put this into perspective? The girls are choosing to wear pants. That's it. Girls from all over the world wear pants, all coming from different countries, cultures and religious beliefs wear pants. They aren't committing a crime, they aren't bullying anyone etc. If you actually think that a woman wearing pants requires a statement because the family have said they choose to wear dresses/ skirts then when the girls become adults decide to make their own decisions in life that yet again harm no one then maybe you should look at what is going on around the world. People are dying of starvation, preventable diseases, people are being abused by their partners, mass shootings etc etc is this really something worth creating a fuss over? I don't think so.

    5. Exactly how would a "statement" appease you @2:24 PM? Your critical spirit/disguised as concern is not attractive.

    6. Totally agree @2:24 PM and 3:38 PM.

  29. That's great they will be close to family. What will Carlin be doing as work related to her education? I think she would be an awesome counslor or social worker

    1. She would need a lot more education to be either of those.

    2. Isn't her degree in music ministry, or something similar. Not sure how that translates into being a counselor. And most social workers have Master's degrees. I'm not sure how you came up with either occupation for Carlin. I haven't seen her dispensing advice to anyone other than telling Tori she needed to thank people for her gifts at her wedding shower.

    3. MO- Exactly! :o)

    4. She originally was going to Crown for music ministry. She changed to Liberty to take classes online and has an interdisciplinary degree. She took some classes from three different areas to make up the degree, including sociology.

    5. Taking a few classes in sociology does not make you a social worker. I have a 4 year undergraduate degree in pychology and sociology, a post-graduate degree in social work and a Master's degre in social work. That is 6 years of school and 3 degrees to be able to call myself a social worker.

  30. Its just that they had been saying all along - on the show - that they were moving to Nashville. I thought that Carlin and Evan were going to join his family's singing group. I am not sure where I had heard that. Just a little curious. I think it is within the realm of a fan question, not a criticism.

    1. I remember reading something similar. There was a newspaper article where Carlin discusses the upcoming move and the Stewart family's group. Carlin seemed excited to start her married life there.
      Hopefully, they do address the change of plans. They aren't obligated to share any details but at least a quick mention.

  31. Carlin was doing home schooling while taking online classes to earn money. As far as the kids moving close to the Bates family, the Bates siblings are all really close and it’s obvious they like being around each other and nieces and nephews. In my family, there are only 2 boys and a girl, me. I’ve moved across the country, lived in several cities, but now I am a few minutes from my parents and one brother. I think it’s more of living and growing up in the country and really only having siblings as best friends, since we didn’t live in town. Lawson seems to be the one that will miss the Bates living in Nashville, if he’s still spending a lot of time there.

  32. I really don't get why people make such a big deal every time one of this girls wear jeans. People acting surprised like iif they NEVER saw this coming. COME ON!! We all saw this coming, these girls were dying to wear something other than dresses and skirts. So, Stop asking for explanation, we don't need one their actions says everything . Look at Michaela, Erin and Tori, they follow their convictions but THAT still DOESN'T make them any better than their sisters . NOT a big deal so STOP praising or judging these girls. Our father in heaven will not love them anymore for wearing dresses/ skirts OR any less for wearing pants/jeans. He'll see what's in their heart NOT what they're wearing. Blessings from Cali 🌹🌷

  33. CARLIN IN SKINNY JEANS. and looking hot! 🔥 Maybe she even wore a regular bathing suit 👙. In an early episode the whole family went to the lake and the ladies talked about swimming in leggings and long skirts. That can’t be comfortable. They do have swimwear designed for coverage and comfort (burkini etc).
    I hope Carlin forges her own path and doesn’t feel pressure from her family or commenters to live a certain way. You do you Carlin!

  34. So happy for y'all!! Congratulations!!😁🎉

  35. The speculation about why all the kids are moving where they're moving is really fascinating to me. The answer is simple... they way everyone in this family makes REAL money, is their participation in this TV show. The show is not their only source of income, I'm not saying that, but the money that actually allows them to build their lives, buy homes, homeschool their children, etc. and stay out of debt is the TV show. They get paid for the number of appearances and featured episodes. UP TV doesn't likely have the same budget and travel abilities as TLC... it's expensive to film updates all over the country unless its a special "Honeymoon" episode where they are guaranteed higher viewership. But they aren't going to constantly commute to Chicago, Florida or even Nashville (which is more than a 3 hours drive from them) for the sake of occasional 'update' episodes. These young couples are smart... live closer to the Bates Homestead, get paid more for more appearances in the show. The show won't go one forever, people will lose interest eventually, so they might as well cash in now while their young and provide a better future for future families. I'd do the same if I was in their position. There's absolutely nothing wrong with this choice... but, we have to take into account that this is an important part of what's happening.

  36. I am not surprised they are moving to East TN. NASHVILLE and the surrounding area has gotten outrageously expensive for young people to live.


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