
Sunday, June 16, 2019

Trace's Special Friend

Trace Bates and Chaney
Trace Bates and Chaney
Carlin and Evan's wedding
The next Bates wedding just might be for a Bates son! Trace Bates has been spending time with a special friend named Chaney. No additional information has been released, but we will keep you updated, as we know that y'all love hearing about Bates relationships.

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Photo courtesy of Trace Bates


  1. I hope this will be included in the new season. Looking forward to following a male Bates and “ friend” through the various stages of a possible relationship for the next few years. 💕

    1. At the rehearsal dinner the day before our anniversary that we share with Carlin and Evan, my husband so sweetly whispered to me. No matter how many people surround us and love us in our lives, ultimately its just you and me forever. Wishing this for them if it is right.

    2. The Bates dont seen to care about the people that come to the weddings. they invited 1000 and about 400 showed up and were treated like props. Most not allowed in the big house (btw it was beautiful) parked far away and shuttled in open large golf carts in the heat to chairs out in the hot sun in a field. I felt so sorry for them when I looked out from the air conditioned house :( Please go back to how you used to be Kelly. And please post this Ellie.

    3. 8:03. I'm sorry you had a bad time at one of their weddings. I don't know that talking bad about them publicly instead of sharing concerns to their faces is the best idea, though.

    4. 8:03 - Do you know if the barring from the big house was an occupancy issue? The wedding site may have only allowed a certain number of people inside at a time due to fire laws. I do agree with 3:52 that it would be kinder to share your concerns with the family rather than accusing Kelly of changing on a public forum.

    5. Dont you think I already did that VERY gently?
      We love the Bates. You dont.
      You may admire and love them from afar. Its really different. Trust me.
      I remember when we were late for a dinner a couple years ago due to traffic and Kelly looked so tired when she got up to get the food back out of the fridge. She didnt tell one of the girls to do so. I helped her and in a few minutes Kelly, my husband and I were sitting in the booth, we were eating, she and Gil were happily catching up with us.
      Most of you on this board have never met the Bates. We met them pre-tv.
      I wont divulge something that was discussed months ago and again 5 days before wedding. PLENTY of time for something so simple.
      It would have been adorable for both couples (Carlin, Evan, my Husband and I) and would have been done in a heartbeat a year or so ago.
      My husband and I took care of it and made it beautiful, but hurt feelings take time to heal.
      Just dont put WINGS on the family. They are normal people.

      These weddings are getting wayy out of control and they are scurrying because someone "dropped the ball" 4 days b4 wedding. Their words.
      Yes we still are like family, no worries. You know how family can hurt you more than friends?

      Oh and no fire laws. I meant people should have been able to come in a few at a time. That was another ball that dropped! Wont elaborate.

      Please post this Ellie. Otherwise it is just a blog for people who all agree with each other. Its not like the biscuit can post. Ouch. Thanks!

    6. If you loved the family, like you say, you wouldn't have made this public. It does nothing to remedy the situation. I wouldn't want my friends to speak ill of me to others and would be hurt if their personal details were shared with strangers.

      It's not about whether a person is perfect, it's about loyalty and respect for people you say you care about.

    7. Weddings can get crazy with logistics. One person "dropping the ball" can cause chaos and others having to run around and try to fix the situation. You feel like you're putting out one fire and two more pop up elsewhere. I've been in weddings that were a quarter of the size that Carlin's was and it can get tense trying to make the day special for a loved one. One moment of frustration or disregard for others can cause a lot of hurt feelings.
      I don't know you but am sorry you were hurt and am glad to hear that you were able to take care of whatever you had planned.

    8. Thanks for your kind understanding 12:04, you are sweet :)

    9. Honestly, your comments about the Bates don’t even make sense. If you’re going to publicly shame a family but over divulge half the details and make it uncomprehendable, it’s fairly pointless. I’d think you’d be much better having a heart to heart with the Bates and letting them know how you feel. I’m sure they’d be so hurt to see these comments.

    10. 8:03: Logistically, it's much easier to just keep 400 people out of your home, than to try to cycle them out. Can you just imagine!? "This row can go into the house to cool for 10 minutes." Someone stands nearby with a timer. -- Ten minutes later... "Excuse me folks, excuse me, but your ten minutes is over. It's time for other folks to come in. Yes, I know it's hot out there, but it's other's turn. Yes, well, we all know it's hot this time of the year." Ugh! Who wants to get put on that duty. As a family "friend", perhaps you should have suggested that, and volunteered your time, that way the family could have devoted their time to the couple. Instead, you are over here gossiping. Gossiping does not elevate you, instead it makes you look petty, and I don't see how you can call yourself their friend. Bam!

    11. I don't see a point to telling us these details about the wedding unless it's to make them look bad.

    12. So happy that a Bates son found an amazing young woman to hopefully spend his life with. I would honestly love to see another Bates son get married in the future.

    13. Praise God everything is back to normal with your families as I'm very sure I know who you are from church :)
      You are beautiful and sweet but some posters are letting jealousy show because you are "on the inside".
      Others saw the real you through your pain. Praise God.

      People please understand that family and non blood family hurt each other by mistake and then forgive and make up.

      The families are fixin to go out to supper since church is over so let's put this to bed.
      Love is patient and kind and always wins.

    14. 8:03 - None of the posters are jealous of 8:03/4:31. Why would anyone be jealous of someone who considers themselves close to the family and would then think it is appropriate to bad mouth their friends?

      Also, your name calling while in the same comment praising God does not exhibit love.

    15. I challenge 8:03 to reply with their real name. I doubt they will since they are hiding behind their online anonymity while gossiping about their friends. The Bates might be friends of yours, but you are no friends of theirs. The Bates can't forgive you if they don't know what you are saying behind their backs though, huh!?

    16. June 26 8:03: I'm certainly not jealous of the June 19 8:03 (funny how the both of you are 8:03). Nobody in their right mind is jealous of that kind of "friend" of the Bates.

    17. Nope, not jealous, just thinking I wouldn't be using my insider information to badmouth people I know personally in a public forum.

    18. The OP seems to have hit a major nerve with the word jealous.
      I agree about putting this to bed. The families seem to have forgiven and moved on like family and family friends do.
      I also see too much jealousy from the posters.
      Jesus taught us to forgive 70 times 7 and to LOVE.
      Let's do so.

    19. The OP seems to have hit a major nerve with the word jealous.
      I agree about putting this to bed. The families seem to have forgiven and moved on like family and family friends do.
      I also see too much jealousy from the posters.
      Jesus taught us to forgive 70 times 7 and to LOVE.
      Let's do so.

    20. In regards to some posts I read regarding complaints about the wedding, etc.
      While this family is on television, I think any dirty laundry should be aired in private. ( For those that know the family and have any personal issues to work through).
      I do not personally know the Bates. However, I know how it feels to have stuff talked about online and out in the open online in lieu of a private discussion. Even a personal email if you cannot reach them by phone(again for people that know them personally).
      While it is perfectly natural to want to work through hurt feelings, it is a form of, "shaming," another person to discuss things publicly online.
      IF you know the family personally and have hurt feelings it would go along way to just talk privately about those feelings.
      That being said, I enjoy watching the various programs about larger families. We have 2 kids but I enjoy watching the beauty of God at work in these family's lives.

  2. They are adorable together - let's hope they will become a couple - no rush, time will tell.

  3. They make a very cute couple .best of luck for the both of you .

  4. She's a cutie! I look forward to hearing more about her.

  5. Trace is just so handsome and seems so sweet, I figured he'd be snatched up quickly. They sure look cute together. Good luck to them!

  6. knew it. she was hugging him in the Disney picture like more than a friend.

  7. Awww, congratulations Trace!!! I had a feeling that you were in a relationship! Wishing you all the best in that!!!

  8. She's gorgeous, they make a lovely couple ! All the best to them !
    Greetings from Sydney Australia.

  9. here's hoping another one of the guys find (or have found) there special someone!

  10. A lot of people guessed from the May 11, 2019 post on the trip to Disney that Trace was courting this girl. Fans are sure sharp!!!! Lol!!

  11. Wow, what age is Trace's friend, like 15 or 16?

    1. No maybe same age or a yr older than trace n trace is 22 yho

    2. Trace, turned 22, last February.

  12. Would be interested to know how Chaney is pronounced... is it a ch sound or sh? Is the accent on the 1st or 2nd syllable?

    1. Yes I was wondering as well.

    2. We know a "Cheney" and she pronounces it with a "ch" and accent on first syllable. We live in Georgia so good chance it's the same as the bates in Tennessee!

    3. I was curious too.

  13. Congratulations to both! Enjoy this fun part of your lives.

  14. MO- Awww- Such a cute couple! They look very happy together. :o)

  15. I'm so happy for Trace and Chaney to be special friends. I hope that this leads to courtship, engagement, and marriage for them. And I'm hoping that Carlin makes a pregnancy announcement before Josie has Willow next month!

    1. If Carlin makes a pregnancy announcement BEFORE Josie has her baby, then she would be making the announcement a LOT earlier than they usually do, as they would be married only 2 months!!!!

    2. Ehi, what's the rush! For Carlin to make an announcement before Willow's birth it would mean that she would have gotten pregnant right away, and decided to announce it at barely 2 months pregnant... Not gonna happen!

    3. Why would you wish that? Let Carlin and Evan have some time to just have fun together. Responsible of a baby if for a long time. Why rush???

    4. I'm sure one will come soon enough, but did you ever think that maybe they want to spend some alone time as newlyweds before they have children? Not everyone wants a honeymoon pregnancy.

    5. 4:57PM: A pregnancy announcement by Carlin, before Josie gives birth, wouldn't be "A LOT earlier than they usually do". Carlin got married May 25 and Josie is due July 25. If Carlin's last cycle started May 14, and ovulation occured after she got married and she was lucky enough to get pregnant, she would be 10 weeks pregnant by July 23rd, before Josie's due date, and not tooooooo early to announce. Her announcement would only be two weeks earlier than most.

    6. I hope not. Josie already let her announce her engagement b4 Josie's wedding and let here wear her wedding gown for the music video. Josie is just too kind and we just love her.

    7. @ 4:24 p.m

      The things people think about...sigh Really none of their business!

    8. Carlin wants a baby asap!!
      She and Evan have already had much time for just them. Little Bros and sis chaperones don't listen or pay attention so they've gotten to know each other's hearts.
      Idk why but she doesn't have the confidence people think she has. She acts extroverted and many people misunderstand.
      There is another forum where people who have never met her just hate on her. It's sad.

  16. Oh yay! So happy for you Trace. You two look so adorable together!

  17. I hope they are in love. Trace has so much more confidence on his face. She is pretty..he will make some girl a happy life. Don't give up!

  18. I think this puts a lot of pressure on him. Just because they are “special friends” does not mean they will marry.

    1. Agree. Their goal with having special friends is to find a spouse and it won’t always be the first person. I wish they’d open up more on the subject of ended courtships and how or who decides to end it.

    2. I don’t like to use young people for my own viewing pleasure. Let their friendship develop—or not— in privacy and dignity

    3. 5:46, they shared with us about Nathan and Ashley's break-up, as well as the one with Zach years ago. I think they've shared as much with us as they care to.

  19. Wonderful news they look great together

  20. Look forward to seeing one of the bates son in a courtship. Happy for Trace.

  21. Wow, I hope she is as nice as she is pretty! They do make a beautiful looking couple. It will be great to see this unfold in the new season. Keep the fun information coming - it makes my day! He sure has grown up into a nice looking young man. I bet Whitney will enjoy a new sister-in-law. They are just such a wonderful family & I wish I lived close by. They are like old friends.

  22. Time 3:13pm Mon 6/17/19
    The girl Chancy has the same last name as my mom except it's a haitian last name. She is really pretty

  23. Chaney and Trace are a cute couple. God Bless.
    Joan,Marilyn and Marion

  24. They look nice together.

  25. Lovely couple. Greetings to you all from Manchester England

  26. Wow he wil be entering marriage soon! So happy for them.

  27. They are very cute together😊

  28. I guess every couple has dating and courting rules. Michael didn't touch her now husband until they were engaged, and that was hand holding and hugs. Trace has his arm around her waist already. LOL.

    1. No, they hugged before engagement. They did not hold hands before engagement. But if you watch the first season, she even says, "I have never hugged anyone like I hug Brandon."

  29. Just let them be friends with out thinking of marriage which may come sometine

  30. Can someone answer this question for me? Why is Trace not allow to say he has a girlfriend? Why does he have to wait until UPTV airs the episode?

  31. U Guys look wonderful together!!!!!!!! Happy for U 2!!!!!!!

  32. She looks just like Kendra of the Duggar wives. Are they related?

    1. She looks nothing like Kendra Caldwell Duggar.

    2. She looks like Kendra, and like the two sisters that married the two Bontrager brothers. They could all be related...or just look-alikes.

  33. This picture of these two are just adorable! It’s great to see any new couple look so happy. Whichever stage y’all are in now, may the Lord continue to lead and y’all follow.

  34. What is chaney’s Last name?

  35. I love this whole family! I so look forward to watching all they do together and their love for one another. Best show on TV! Go Bates family. A native New Yorker


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