
Saturday, June 1, 2019

Websters' 5-Year Photo Shoot

Last weekend, Alyssa and John Webster flew to Knoxville for Carlin and Evan's wedding. It was their fifth wedding anniversary, so they made the trip without their three daughters. In addition to wedding festivities and family time, the Websters squeezed in a photo shoot with friend and [very] talented photographer Taryn Yager.

Alyssa Webster and John Webster
John Webster and Alyssa Webster

Photos courtesy of, Alyssa and John Webster


  1. Beautiful couple!! Happy 5 years. Alyssa dresses so stylishly!! She could be a model!

  2. What is with the endless photo shoots?

    1. Agreed! So many pro photographers. In real life those things cost lots of money!

    2. It's about celebrating happy occasions and making memories. It's nice.

    3. I know, right? I don't see how they have time to do anything else.

    4. My parent always did a yearly family photo. It would include the whole fam as a group, parents together in one and then a group shot of us kids and then individually.
      Everyone has their traditions or what makes them happy.

      We never did school pict with that blue /brown background until high school. Always wanted a few wallets to exchange with friends!!

    5. I know, the Bates seem to have a photoshoot for every occasion.

    6. It's pretty normal to take photos of special and important events to remember later in life. Anniversary pics are just something most people do! And some people are just picture people, and there's nothing endless about that!

    7. I think you accidentally put "endless" instead of "sporadic."

    8. Some people really value pictures, and it’s a family friend who happens to be a photographer who does theirs. Why do you always feel the need to find something to complain about?

  3. Happy 5th Anniversary Alyssa and John

  4. The Bates girls are starting to appear vain.

    1. Why? And who are you to judge?

    2. Why are there no pictures of them helping the poor or orphans? If they have time for a photo shoot they have time for that.

    3. Some more than others, agree.

    4. 7:38, so they have to brag on themselves? Not everyone posts about how they help others, most people actually do that more quietly.

  5. Beautiful pictures! I hope that they enjoyed their special anniversary.

  6. What a beautiful couple! You can see the deep love they have for each other! I love to see eye contact between a married couple! And most important, they love the Lord together! A wonderful picture of Christ and the church!

  7. Beautiful couple. Wonderful they got to get away without their children and have a private anniversary. Alyssa looks lovely in that dress - we'd never know she has had three babies just by looking at her.

    All good wishes for a healthy, happy year.

  8. Awesome pictures!! Alyssa you look marvelous after having 3 children. I also had 3 children, but unfortunately I look like a busted can of biscuits;)

    1. Ha! I love your sense of humor, "biscuits!" That is more important than looking good in a little pink dress!

    2. Don't be too hard on yourself! :) plus, there's always the possibility to make a step in the right direction, whatever that is for you. :)

    3. I don’t like it when women use pregnancy as an excuse to *ahem* look like a “busted can of biscuits”. The body only requires about 500 extra calories a day during pregnancy. And, most ( I certainly know there are exceptions) women can safely exercise during pregnancy; in fact it’s healthy. I know women who run competitive races throughout pregnancy! Let’s stop blaming pregnancy for gluttony ladies!

    4. Haha, I know just what you mean, 1:51!!

    5. I so hate to see women dump on each other, like Anon 4:20 is doing. Where is it written that every woman must be thin? Did Christ say this? Why does she care so much if another woman is overweight?

    6. Anonymous @4:20pm. I am not blaming my pregnancies for my being overweight considering I had my last child 19 years ago. I am overweight because I enjoy food, am very happily married, and don't feel I need to look like what other people expect me too. I have absolutely no health problems besides depression from losing my 16 year old son 5 years ago and yes I have used food as a coping mechanism at times. By the way *ahem* the busted can of biscuits was just a joke. I am a 48 year old menopausal woman and I was very slim in my 20's and am still not considered obese, but my abdominal muscles are not the same due to several past surgeries. So *ahem* that was my remark about the biscuits. Someone makes a joke and you come on here like you know any of us and make some remark like you know our lives or lifestyle. I don't know how old you are or how many children you have had, but no need to lecture people on calorie requirements during pregnancy. I have been a L&D nurse for nearly 20 years and know all about it.

    7. @4:20. I so agree with you. I also understand the challenge it can be to find time to exercise with many littles, or even one. What my friends and I did was set up a spread sheet and rotated watching each other’s children so Mommy can go for a run, take a spin class, walk, whatever form of exercise she wanted. We set up 2 hour blocks of time so each Mommy could have 3 days a week of undivided time that was dedicated to fitness. It was great! We then would fellowship, swap healthy recipe ideas, and being Christian women would encourage each other with God’s Word. We are all now past the “littles” stage, but just thought I would pass this on as it was such a sweet season.

    8. Ouch 4:20! The truth does hurt sometimes!

    9. 10:39. A derogatory statement about yourself hidden in humor is often a sign of unhappiness. . Your comment about humor being more important than “looking good in a little pink dress” is a hidden attempt to hide jealousy. It’s not one or the other. You can look good in a dress and have a sense of humor.

    10. 4:20, I’m definitely not arguing but I will say as someone who very easily drops off pregnancy weight, that isn’t the case for everyone, and it’s not always because of gluttony. Some women have to have csections which can have prolonged complications, some women end up having very bad tears which don’t allow you to fully exercise for quite some time, and there are many different complications that can cause you to gain more weight during pregnancy. I have a friend who gains almost 70 pounds each pregnancy (though she definitely doesn’t look like she’s gained that much, she’s always super small everywhere other than her belly), but not because she overeats, she’s actually a very healthy person. Of course some women totally abuse the fact that they’re pregnant to overeat, or never get around to exercising after they’ve had their baby, and then continue poor eating habits and say they stil have “baby weight” two years after their child has been born, but since we never know the full story I think it’s better not to judge.

    11. @4:20- I bet you're a bundle of cheer at Mommy and Me classes. It's a wonder women are willing to put their bodies through pregnancy and childbirth at all, considering they premanently change their bodies in many ways. Keeping weight off is easier for some people. Most women carry more than they'd like after having kids. Could be because they're too exhausted and don't have time for exercise like the celebrities who have personal chefs, trainers, and nannies. If you're fit and fabulous, great for you!

    12. Anonymous 4:20. You don't know if gluttony is the reason for anonymous 10:39 looking like a "busted can of biscuits". What if she has severe diastasis recti?W if she has pcos? Or maybe post partum depression contributed to weight gain? Some even gain weight while nursing. Not all women get back to pre pregnancy weight after having children. Gluttony isn't always the reason for that. Just saying.

    13. 4.20 pm, you're right. What about the "eating for two" myth? It's so wrong! First of all, you're not eating for two, you're eating for one (yourself) and one who's the size of a fruit.
      Plus, if anything, during pregnancy you should be ealthier than usual!

    14. anon@4:20 I don't like it when women put down other women for what they view as their shortcomings.

    15. Sadly we are now at a point in our society where “biscuit” bodies are to be celebrated, and trim “looks pretty in a pink dress after 3 babies” is criticized. To much “body positivity” and not enough accountability. As a Mother of several children I understand the challenge of gaining pregnancy weight/lose pregnancy weight/ just to gain back pregnancy weight cycle. It can be daunting. But, it is doable to regain a level of attractiveness and fitness level that is pleasing to you and your husband.

    16. @4:20pm. Wow...just wow!!

    17. 4:20, I hope you look like a super model because your comment was rather self-righteous if you aren't perfect yourself. Some things about a women's body DO permanently change after a baby whether or not you eat perfectly, and not every pregnant woman who doesn't look like a model after birth is a glutton either.

    18. This is 4:20. I knew my comment wouldn’t be popular because women don’t like accountability. I am not a super model because I’m to short and old now. I am fit and trim. I’ve had a lot of babies. No, the weight didn’t fall off and I needed surgery to repair my diastasis recti..spit the abdominal muscles. I’m also hypothyroid requiring meds for the rest of my life. The reality is we are now living in a time when our children are not expected to have the same life span we do because of overeating and lack of exercise. Children are getting type 2 diabetes younger and younger. We are not setting a good example. The joke about looking like a can of biscuits may be funny, and I’m truly happy this person is in a loving marriage, but that doesn’t mean it’s healthy. The goal isn’t to look like a supermodel. I’m talking about fitness not thinness. But, being overweight, especially as we age has real detrimental costs. So, continue to be angry and throw insults my way. It’s OK. I don’t take it personally because I understand the place it’s coming from. I do wish health for everyone.

    19. 2:42- Funny, I don't see any comments here that are criticizing Alyssa's trim figure. The only negative ones are those directed at women who struggle with being overweight after they've had kids. What should be celebrated is what's inside a person, not the outer packaging.

    20. 7:21- It's so easy to be a keyboard psychologist, isn't it?!

    21. I absolutely LOVE June 3 - 12:30 a.m.! You are so *ahem*...refreshing! We could all use more friends like you!!!

    22. 1:24. Exactly. I’m an older woman, and what I see today amongst young Mothers is sad. They, including Christian women, glory in their “body positivity” which is nothing more than indulgence. Now before I get tarred and feathered as 4:20 did, I get not every body is the same. We could go into a host of reasons why. But, if women are truly honest most use pregnancy as an excuse to eat whatever and how much they want. When I had my children many decades ago you never heard of 40 or 50 pound weight gains. Now 50 pounds seems to be the norm. This line of comments started because Alyssa, a young Mother of 3 looks amazing! She’s fit. She’s trim. She’s attractive. So of course the green eyed monster came roaring out. The hard truth is most women, again including Christian women, don’t like hard truths. Gluttony is a sin.

    23. Wow! The hens are clucking today! All these women mad because someone spoke truth.

    24. I love June 3 12:30 too! *Ahem* there are times when some people need to take their foot out of their mouths and button their lips. You are perfect just the way you are "busted biscuits" and all and I'm sure your hubby loves you too!

    25. Whoah... did this get blown out of proportion! The OP@1:21 was simply making a self depricating remark about herself! What I find incredibly sad is that women are so quick to turn on each other in an effort to somehow feel better about themselves. For all the Perfect Patty's making condescending comments directed at "Biscuits", or anyone who doesn't measure up to your package standards, try working on your own issues. It's a sure bet you have plenty.

    26. Totally agree with you, 4:20, both times you spoke! Lifelong unhealthy food habits and lack of proper exercise creates a body that American culture accepted as normal. Sad to see those kids who can not enjoy all that they ought to being kids. Good stewardship of one's body is a lot of times neglected, and gluttony has long become an accepted sin.

    27. 2:41- If American culture has accepted obesity as normal, why is it still the one condition where it's ok to ridicule and make fun of?
      BTW, anyone who is truly obese or has a food addiction/eating disorder has underlying wounds, hurt, or mental illness that can't just be fixed by losing weight or exercising. You can't fix the outside until you take care of the inside. Try reading about the lives of Karen Carpenter, the singer, and Louie Anderson, the comedian. They're quite eye-opening.

    28. 7:12 - nobody makes fun of obese people on this site, and you don't have to be obese to still not be a good steward of your body that God gave you. There are tons of other addictions and sins that humans like to indulge in, no doubt. Overeating is not any worse, or better. Like I said, it has been widely accepted among evangelical Christians. Yet we are called to be good stewards of all our resources, that was my point. You are right about taking care of the inside first. I think it is sad that the evangelical culture embraced lifestyles that do not glorify God.

    29. Btw 7:12, the only joke here was originally made by "biscuit" person about her own self.

  9. Alyssa is just beautiful. She always has such pretty clothes. John could use a new suit though, his looks too baggy and out of style.

    1. I agree, while Alyssa is always very trendy, I guess John doesn't have a great sense of style!

  10. This family seems to love having their pictures taken!

    1. Or love having memories captured beautifully.

    2. Good for them. I wish I had taken more pictures when my children were young.

    3. When my kids were young, I couldnt afford to hire a photographer every three months!

  11. I think people admire Alyssa’s thinness far more than anything else about her

    1. Yes. It’s part of our culture. Being thin is attractive.

    2. I thought it was for wearing pants.

    3. Because that's what she wants people to admire about her,I'm sorry but she does appear a little superficial,always posing in photos with pretty chlothes or in front of her lovely home,at a Bates questions video a year ago Alyssa and John were asked what they wished for and they answered flashy cars and lots of money,her parents are'nt as materialistic as her,they are only interested in family,that's what makes them happy,seeing their children happy,but then Kelly is one in a million such a selfless woman,not many people would have willingly accepted all the sacrifices she has done for her family but I admit her kids are great that they frequently show their appreciation for her.

    4. 5:17. I don’t think you are sorry at all for assuming unkind things about Alyssa. And, Gil and Kelly Jo clearly wanted materialistic things for their family because they have a reality tv show. The truth is women automatically don’t like Alyssa because of the way she looks. Women will automatically like Kelly Jo because of the way she looks. Mrs. Claus will always be less threatening than Mrs. America.

  12. so nice that they got away for their anniversary but It seems surprising that the children weren't at the wedding. I would assume Carlin would want all the children in the family picture.

    1. I guess not!

    2. Not necessary for Alyssa's babies to be at the wedding. I know they have been at other weddings but they make plenty pictures. Really to young to attend weddings. Most likely the girls were better off at home with baby sitters. Alyssa and John need time to just be with each other. Hopefully they will have many happy years together.

  13. Wow, so many comments about her weight.

    1. Alyssa looks great. Jealousy is alive and well. Every single one of us would rather look like Alyssa than “Biscuits”.

    2. What's the matter? Are you jealous?

  14. LOL!!! 1:51 You're not alone!

  15. Wow...these comments regarding Alyssa's weight just show how much pressure women feel from other women and society in general to look a certain way. No one makes such a big deal when it comes to men.

    1. Men don’t give birth, no one is saying anything rude, they’re just saying that Alyssa looks great.

  16. Isn't John's weight so great after five years of a happy marriage, what is his secret?!

    1. John hasn’t had three babies, Alyssa has that’s the only reason people are commenting on it. She looks great and I doubt she’s offended by compliments lol

    2. Tbh he isn't exactly in tip top shape!

    3. 11:55AM: It`s his baggy suit that makes him look bigger than he is. When he has jeans and a tshirt on, it`s obvious that he`s in very good shape.

    4. No, actually he's tall but not exactly in a great shape, even with jeans.


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