
Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Whitney Reaches 20 Weeks

Whitney Bates has made it to the halfway mark in her pregnancy! She and Zach have not yet announced the gender, but according to the expectant mother, her little one has recently started kicking like crazy. Baby Bates is due in mid-November and will likely arrive around the same time as Erin Paine's fourth child (due in December). With Willow Balka due in four weeks, Gil and Kelly Bates will have 12 grandchildren by the end of 2019.

Whitney Bates pregnant
Whitney Bates, 20 weeks 3 days pregnant

Photo courtesy of Zach and Whitney Bates


  1. Erin is having her 4th baby and this isn’t Whitney’s third pregnancy- don’t forget her miscarriages, they matter too.

    1. Well then this isn’t Erin’s 4th baby either. She’s had several miscarriages. You should do your research before correcting people that you need correcting about.

    2. It looks like Ellie edited her post, so my comment may be unnecessary, but here goes:

      “I don't think anyone who knows about Erin's and Whitney's many miscarriages, is forgetting about them, by not including them in the number of children they will have when the new babies are born. Erin had 3 miscarriages before she had Carson, but I don’t think Erin or Chad would tell someone outside of their family: “Our new baby is our 7th pregnancy, but only our 4th child.” More likely, they would say “Our new baby is our 4th child, and we have 3 more babies in heaven that we’ll see one day.” Likewise, Whitney and Zach are more likely to say “Our new baby is our 3rd child, and we have 1 more baby in heaven” rather than saying “Our new baby is our 4th pregnancy, but only our 3rd child.”

      We know Erin had 3 miscarriages in their first year of marriage, because they shared that with us when they were getting testing to see if there was a medical problem that could be solved. There was!!! We only know about Whitney’s recent miscarriage, because she and Zach shared that with us. We don’t know everything about the Bates, so she may (or may not) have had an earlier miscarriage. One thing is certain, all of these babies expected in 2019 will be much loved by the Bates Family, and by all of their fans around the world!

  2. I am so happy to see Whitney doing so well. Gil and Kelly will be overflowing with grandchildren! I'm blessed with one and he's the light of our lives.

  3. Wow everyone is having babies in November but two. The Duggars are all having babies in November except Jessa and the Bates are all in November except Josie

  4. Duggar and Bates FanJune 26, 2019 at 9:19 PM

    Due Date then would be Nov 10. Can’t wait

    1. A November 10th due date can only be assumed if this picture of Whitney at 20w3d was actually taken yesterday. We don't know when the picture was taken, but when it was taken she was 20w3d. It could have been taken days ago.

  5. Hopefully she saved the baby clothes from both babies!

  6. Isn't Erin having her 4th child?
    Whitney looks great and very happy!
    congratulations to the family for all of the new additions

  7. She looks beautiful and yay halfway there.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. What a cute bump! Almost makes me want another baby. Lol. I'm so happy for them, though. Wishing Whitney all the best for the remainder of the pregnancy.

  10. I very happy to hear that your pregnancy is going well. Your an awesome Mom. I love to watch the show. Awesome family!!!!

  11. How is Willow Balka's child a grandchild for Gil and Kelly

    1. Josie Bates/balka is Gil and Kelly’s daughter, she is due with her baby girl willow in 4 weeks therefore a grandchild

    2. Willow Balka is the BABY that is due in 4 weeks. The Bates girl that is pregnant with Willow is Josie Bates Balka

    3. Willow is Jossie and Kelton's baby.

    4. Karpar: Willow will be the daughter of Josie (Bates) Balka, and therefore the granddaughter of Gil and Kelly Bates. The statement "Willow Balka due in four weeks" is awkward. It means that Josie Balka is due to give birth to her baby, Willow Balka, in 4 weeks. I hope this explanation helps, and doesn't make it more confusing.

    5. Willow is the name of Josie's baby that is due soon.

    6. Willow Balka hasn't even been born yet. Josie Balka, daughter of Gil & Kelly, is pregnant with a daughter that she has named Willow.

    7. Gil and Kelly’s daughter, Josie, is married to Kelton Balka. Their baby will be Willow Balka

  12. What about Whitney's real estate 'career'? With 3 children at home I doubt she has any listings. Please update us on that.

    1. Well, she obviously had child care figured out before she went into the business, and since she's not on bedrest, there's nothing keeping her from working while pregnant. She's listed as a realtor with her company, so she obviously still has a job with them.

    2. Since when are women in their 2nd trimester forbidden to have real estate listings? With the on-line business, she may decide to drop the real estate at some point, or continue with both part-time activities.

  13. You look radiant whitney 😎💕

  14. I think she's having a girl! So EXCITED for the whole family!!!

    1. I was thinking just the opposite, that she is having a boy! Isn't it funny how we get a feeling about what someone else's baby is going to be?! It happens to me all the time, and I'm usually you are probably right! :)

  15. I love the double belly hold.


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