
Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Baby Willow Coming Soon

Josie and Kelton Balka
Josie and Kelton Balka
Celebrating 4th of July in Downtown Knoxville

Josie Balka is just a couple weeks away from her July 25th due date! Older sisters Erin Paine and Tori Smith have a history of early deliveries, so if Josie follows in their footsteps, she and Kelton could be meeting their daughter any day now. Are you looking forward to seeing photos of Willow Balka? She is the 10th Bates grandchild, which is especially fitting because Josie is Gil and Kelly Bates' 10th child.

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Photo courtesy of Josie and Kelton Balka


  1. I will be so happy when Willow arrives safe and sound. Josie and Kelton will be great parents.

  2. I'm so happy we are spending all summer in our little lake bungalow so we have time to spend with Josie now,be with family and then love on babygirl :)
    God is so good

    1. Which lake are you talking about? Norris or Cove lake?

    2. Are you family or friends of the Bates?
      Either way I wish I could join y'all in your lake bungalow and hang out with Josie and the whole family. I'm such a huge fan of Josie!
      Is it anything like Erin and Chad's little home?

      Sorry if I'm being too nosy, I'm just excited cause you're livin my summer dream!!

    3. We live on Norris - but we do go to Cove lake state park for the best catfish dinner with live bluegrass and Gospel music!

      Faith, sweet name.
      Our bungalow is very similar to Erin's in size, age and the porch is one of my happy places!

      Aww Josie is a sweetheart.

      If you're ever in the area come to church Wed Eve. We usually all go out to eat after and everyone is like family :)

    4. I'm not the same religion as the Bates. Would I still be welcome to join y'all?
      I'm only a few hrs away.

    5. You just come as you are. We're all God's children. I wish I knew how to pm you without giving out my phone or email to the whole internet yikes!

    6. If you both email me, I would be happy to connect you :)


    7. You sound very upbeat and positive, M! A very friendly and lovely person I believe. Somebody I think I would like to meet someday! ( I live in TN also, a couple hrs west of you) - first anonymous :)

    8. Thank you 1st anonymous, you're so sweet!
      Plan a summer trip if you're able. I sent my email to Ellie

  3. Yes, I can't wait to see photos of Baby Willow. I am going to guess she'll arrive July 21st, and will weigh 6 lb 10 oz. I hope Josie has a good delivery.

  4. I enjoyed watching the bates.
    Sorry they are no longer on tv it was a good family show

    1. They're still on tv. Do you mean you're sorry the new season hasn't aired yet?

    2. Don't worry, the next season is coming up.

    3. They are still on TV...the next season will be out sometime in the fall probably.

    4. The show hasn't gone away. They're in between seasons.

    5. They are just between seasons.

  5. Oh, yes! I can't wait! I know she will be beautiful! ❤️

  6. How adorable is that? I have never seen such a cute picture of Josie!!

  7. I love the Bates family. I wish their program was an hour long. Can't wait for the new season!

  8. Congratulations!!!! Grandchildren are such a wonderful blessing.

  9. MO- With all this heat we've been having, I'm sure Josie will be more comfortable after she delivers. Prayers for a a safe delivery and healthy baby! God Bless! :o)

    1. its actually been one of the more comfortable and mild summers in TN in years. the tons of rain have made it not too bad...... I'm about 2 weeks behind josie in due date and thank the Lord everyday for our amazing weather so far!

  10. Josie you look RADIANT 😀💖

  11. Is Josie seeing an obstetrician or an unqualified midwife? Anyone know?

    1. There are also qualified midwives, get over yourself. Josie is free to use whomever she chooses and doesn’t need your approval or permission.

    2. Awesome answer Anonymous @12:58!

  12. I don’t know, but I would be quite sure Josie’s being looked after by a qualified doctor what with her husband’s mom having died right after child birth....

  13. Time 4:11AM Thurs 7/18/19
    Can't wait for their baby to be born.


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