
Monday, July 22, 2019

Josie's Delivery

Josie Balka welcomed daughter Willow Kristy Balka, on July 19th after a reportedly 36-hour labor. The new mom ,who turns 20 on August 4th, had support from her many family members. Some provided encouragement during labor, while others visited after the birth. Josie and Kelton's talented photographer friend Taryn Yager was present during labor and delivery and took these precious photos.

Josie and Kelton Balka
Josie Balka and Willow Balka
Josie Balka and Willow Balka

Josie Balka and Gil Bates
Josie Balka and Gil Bates
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Photos courtesy of, Josie and Kelton Balka


  1. Such a sweetheart. Beautiful girl.

  2. How precious. I know Josie and Kelton will be fantastic parents!

  3. Such wonderful pictures. Josie looks like a little girl talking to her dad. Then a grown-up new momma with sweet Willow on her chest. Such sweet pictures!! Those pictures are real treasures. May God continue to bless this family.

    1. Well, she's so young that she kind of is a little girl talking to her dad! Sweet little family.

    2. Josie is a bit of a little girl still. She is a teenager. But, she and Kelton will do just fine. They have love, support and faith. Blessings to them on this new journey:).

  4. What amazing photographs! I loved that they conveyed the effort, love, and emotions that go into delivery. The pictures are more honest than some of the ones I've seen where the mom looks so overdone with perfect hair and makeup. Josie conveyed a natural beauty of labor and delivery. She has never looked more gorgeous. (And the photo of her and her daddy touched my heart. Gill's smile says it all.)

    1. While make-up is fun to wear when dressed up and going out, young ladies like Josie have a natural beauty. She looks radiantly happy the way God made her! Perfect look for the perfect moment.

  5. I think Josie did great with her delivery! A lot for a 19 year old to be going through.. will be changing diapers for the next 20 years though.

    1. Yes, sad the women in these families never get to glow in careers, they are just baby makers, nappys etc
      Why can't they show how strong they are & do it all because the men are ignorant...but Congratulations young lady on your beautiful daughter.

    2. I guess so. Or maybe they will take a more modern approach and plan their family differently. Otherwise it may very well be for the next 25 years.

    3. I'm sure Willow will be potty trained a lot sooner than that.

    4. Have Josie and Kelton said they are leaving their family size up to the Lord? The married Bates have not done this, they’ve all left a gap between their children. I doubt she’ll be changing diapers for the next 20 years. Also, considering what happened to Kelton’s mom, I doubt he’d feel comfortable with Josie having babies that often.

    5. Isn't feminism funny. It demands that women should have a career, but won't accept a woman who chooses to find freedom in staying at home and raising a family...

    6. @2:24 Feminism stands for equality and opportunity, not blanket judgement of women's choices. Anyone claiming to be a feminist who demands women have careers or shames them for choosing motherhood is a false prophet. I'm a feminist and a stay at home mom by choice. I spent 8 years in higher education earning advanced degrees that I used before motherhood and that I may use again one day, but am so happy at home right now and am no less a feminist now than when I was working outside the home. While feminists continue their work advocating for women's rights in higher education and the workplace, much current feminist scholarship revolves around the immense value of women's often "invisible" and unpaid reproductive labor done within the home and family.

      I think it's wise that Josie has cosmetology skills under her belt to support her come a rainy day or to bring her additional fulfillment alongside her mothering.

    7. 5:51, women can "glow" in motherhood too. Motherhood is as valuable and important as a career. I'd say it's more important than a career actually. The hand that rocks the cradle rules the word.

    8. 2:24. I know, right? The SAHMers condemn a Mother who works outside the home, and Mom’s who work outside the home condemn women who choose to be home. We sure a a mean bunch toward each other. It’s sad.

    9. 2;24- I think you are listening to the wrong feminists if that’s the message you’re getting. I consider myself a feminist in that I firmly believe that a woman should have the training and means to support oneself. I was a SAHM, but I got an education first and an advanced degree. My career was established before I had kids. After being home with them until they started school, I was able to go back to work. I see a problem with some fundamentalist religions, in that they discourage women from anything other than being a wife and mother. A woman placed herself in a potentially precarious position by being solely dependent on a husband.

    10. 5:14- Being a SAHM is a temporary thing. Kids grow up and leave home. Then what? I was so glad to have an education and career to come back to after I spent time at home with my kids!

    11. Motherhood done right takes immense strength.

    12. 5:14, Sure, motherhood is important, but it's a temporary career, in that the kids grow up and leave home. Then what?

    13. To SAHM is a temporary career is, in my humble opinion, pretty disingenuous. If someone only stays at home until their first child enters school, perhaps. However, if they stay home throughout the teenage years for more than one child, they might have a 20 year "temporary" career. Yes, I agree that everyone should have a skill to call upon if necessary, such as being widowed, or even just to help with family finances, but I don't think it is fair to disparage it as temporary.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. The look on Josie's face when she first held Willow says it all. The moment of pure, unconditional love of a mother for her child. Nothing can compete.

  8. We are so happy to hear that little Willow is safely here and even early! Congratulations to dear Josie and Kelton and both families. God bless all of you.

  9. I like the black and white images, very beautiful.

  10. These photos are so beautiful! I wish i did the same for the birth of my children, it's a great idea. Congratulations to Josie and Kelton :)


  11. I love the photos of the love that they have for each other the baby is blessed to be a part of the Bates family I love you all

  12. Congratulations on your baby girl. Y'all will make great parents

  13. Beautiful moments captured forever! Enjoy every minute, don't blink!

  14. Congratulations. Great pictures. Cant wait for the new season. Love you all.

  15. Congratulations on your new precious arrival. May y'all enjoy your little blessing from God.

  16. Beautiful pictures. It is wonderful to capture these moments in time. Congratulations Josie and Kelton. Willow is adorable.

  17. Such beautiful shots!!

  18. Congrats Josie and Kelton baby Willow is so adorable and beautiful like her Mother. very beautiful family

  19. MO- I've been enjoying the re-runs of The Bates on UPTV. It's fun to see the family waiting for Whitney's first baby, Erin breaking the news she's pregnant again, and all the kids spreading the news about Erin's pregnancy. Just to think that Josie is married with a new baby and so many more to come... Things have sure changed. :o)

  20. I know I'm different from most people and also that the Bateses are much closer to their family than others might be, but my goodness that seems like an awful lot of people in the room. Hospital rooms aren't that large so it seems like it would be awfully crowded. Perhaps they were visiting after the delivery and not all there at one time. But, ultimately, if it is what Josie and Kelton wants, it is good.

    1. Kathy, Alyssa Webster has her babies in a birth center with only Gil and Kelly visiting while she is there less than 1 day.
      Then family goes down to FL a bit later.
      That seems like your comfort level as well?
      As you stated, If it is what the new parents want, it's all good.

  21. oh josie and kelton! i am soooooooooo excited for your family enjoy these moments of life they fly by quick!

  22. I have the utmost respect for the Bates family. Josie is the so cute and lively. God bless this little family as they face a world that is not friendly to women who choose to be stay at mom's. As Christians we should stand with family's who choose to live a loving and close relationship with family and friends. My prayers are with Josie and Kelton.

    1. 3:43- I was a SAHM for quite a few years. I never felt that the world was unfriendly to me. I was glad that I had a graduate degree and a professional career I could go back to once my kids started school. I don't think any woman should expect a man to support her financially forever. It just makes good sense to have some job training and the means to suppport oneself should it be necessary. There are no guarantees in life and you might outlive your spouse.

    2. anon@3:43; The reality is that being a stay at home mom is a temporary position. Gil and Kelly have had the good sense to encourage their daughters to persue some kind of post-secondary training or college. Even though they'll all likely stay at home with their kids while they're young, they have some creditials that will help them find employment if and when the time comes. While the TV show is likely a welcome addition to their finances, I doubt it will be a permanent deal.

    3. I am a sahm and the world treats me just fine!

  23. I was a lawyer in Los Angeles. Anyone I knew who was able to be a SAHM was considered very blessed.


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