
Friday, July 12, 2019

More Farm Pics

As we shared earlier this week, a good portion of the Bates family spent Independence Day in South Carolina at Papa Bill and Mama Jane's farm. Here are a few more snapshots from their mini vacation.

Michael Keilen and Kade Smith
Michael Keilen and Kade Smith
Michael and Brandon Keilen
Michael and Brandon Keilen
Bradley Bates, Brooklyn Paine, Kaci Bates, Judson Bates
Bradley Bates, Brooklyn Paine, Kaci Bates, Judson Bates
Mama Jane Bates and Everly Paine
Mama Jane Bates and Everly Paine

Photos courtesy of


  1. They are amazing and truly kind people ❤️
    Papa Bill always keeps us laughing too!

  2. Does anyone find it atrange that Brandon and Michael havent adopted

    1. No. Not everyone feels adoption is for them.

    2. No, I don't find it strange at all given how long they have been married and that they first sought answers to their infertility.
      The adoption process can take years and is emotionally and financially intensive. They may be still determining what course they want to take: domestic or foreign adoption, if they do choose domestic adoption - whether to choose a private Christian agency or to go through the state's foster to adopt program.
      Michael has said they're open to adoption, but they may not be ready or are in the process of getting as financially secure as possible. Brandon and Michael may even be going through the process now.
      The amount of time they take comes down to what they want and feel is best for their lives.

    3. No. How and when they choose to grow their family is personal to them. It’s none of our business or concern. They look pretty content as a family of two right now. God bless.

    4. Honestly, yes. If the goal is to be a parent then it shouldn't matter if the child biological or adopted. Biology doesn't make a family.

    5. No. It takes money and time to adopt.

    6. Be patient and hold on to your hat :)

    7. So did you ever think that they are still trying or that they maybe discussing other options? It's very insensitive of you to think that they are not taking that route. Also as an adoptive parent of a 2 yr old, the adoption process takes a while. Our adoption was through the state as foster parents first and then went to adoption. It's a process whether its private or through foster care system.

    8. not at all. they are both focusing on their careers right now

    9. No, I don’t find it strange. It’s not for everyone to adopt. Nowadays there are so many kids with FAS or something down that line, and not everyone is cut out to care for high care kids. And not just that, when your dream is so strong to be pregnant, then it’s really hard to give up your dream to have your own kids... I’m not at all saying that Michaela wouldn’t be a great mom to adopted kids. I’m just saying, that adopting isn’t for everyone, no matter the reason. Maybe even financial, who knows, cuz adoption nowadays is stupidly expensive!!! You hafta wonder how badly they actually want those kids to find homes!!!

    10. No. It’s not our business.

    11. They just relocated to TN so maybe they are signing up with an agency in that state. Plus, I've read that Michaela is going to nurses training so that keeps her busy, I'm sure. But really, it isn't anyone's business but their own.

    12. Ever thought it's not any ones business

    13. Maybe her sisters could help her get a baby.

    14. Adopting a baby is SUCH A LONG PROCESS. A very EXPENSIVE PROCESS. Maybe it’s something they will consider more now that they’re closer to her family. She said she moved closer home to go to nursing school. And don’t have to worry about the “biological clock” if adopting. And the way approvals are, you’re a lot more likely to be given a baby in this country if you’re 40 rather than 30.

    15. 12:43; I am an adoptive mother. I can assure you that my kids are my own and I wouldn’t love them any more if I’d given birth to them. FYI, at some point a couple had to decide what’s most important to them, biology or parenting and loving a child.

    16. 12:43- If someone isn’t up to caring for a high needs child, they should reconsider having any children at all, biological or not. Just because you conceive and give birth does not mean there are guarantees that the child won’t have problems.

    17. 10:07 Upfront adoption costs are expensive, however there is a sizeable tax credit. If you had federal tax liability, the maximum you could claim in 2018 was $13,810 per child. Example 1 — A couple finalized the adoption of two children from China and had $25,000 in legal, travel, and agency fees between 2016 and 2018. They can claim $25,000 (not the full $27,620 they might have been eligible for had their expenses been higher). They are able to claim the credit with their 2018 taxes because the adoption finalized in 2018.
      The tax credit made our adoption process possible for us- all of our expenses were covered by it, we just had to wait until tax time to be reimbursed.

    18. 12:43- There's a sizable tax credit that covers most adoption expenses. Also, it is my opinion that the people who are vehemently opposed to abortion and fight to take away a woman's choice in the matter should be the first in line to adopt the many kids who currently languish in foster care. If they are truly about compassion for the helpless, it should count for the living as well as the unborn.

    19. We don't know what their intentions are at this point. They'll share any news they have if and when the time comes. Sheesh.

    20. None of ur business.. but maybe she not want adoption for now since shes been said want have baby inside her just like her sisters n whitney does

  3. michaela is absolutely glowing in the picture with brandon! such a cute couple

    1. She's glowing more than usual in the pic with Kade too...

    2. Maybe she's excited about going to nursing school.

  4. All nice photos, especially Jane & Everly as well as Michaella & Brandon

  5. Thank You for the photos.
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  6. No, they will when and if they are ready! It's not our business.

  7. Absolutely Love Your Family! God Bless You All!

  8. I cannot wait for the next season. What a blessing and I am so happy for Michaella and Brandon

    1. Happy for them? Is there something you know?

  9. You all have wonderful familys ,I love watching your show the lovely family 💖 times and the baby's are so very cute.God Bless 🙏💞🙏

  10. I love the Bates family . This is an amazing family Gil and Kelly Jo has .Would love to meet them some time . God bless

  11. Happy and beautiful family. Thank you for sharing your picture's. Can't wait for the new season of The Bates.

  12. I would love to meet the Bates family. I would love to be where they are with their faith. They all are a breath of fresh air. They have so much love to give!!! I would love to meet them.

    1. I would love to meet them to I have watch their showdontdont have cab long e so iiIcant see their show

  13. MO- Love the picture of Mama Jane and Everly. Little Everly is such a cutie! I can't tell if her eye color is brown or blue... they look brown to me and I love her dark hair. Her face is so precious. :o)

  14. KADE IS THE CUTEST BABY EVER!!!!! 100%!!!!!!!!!!

  15. If someone is truly ready to love a child unconditionally, it shouldn't matter where the child comes from. There are thousands of children of all ages just waiting for their forever home. Why do people only want newborns is beyond me. Love all children. And adopting older children is easier than you think.

    1. Wendy- If having a biological child is a top priority for someone, they are likely not the best person to be adopting any child. Every child does deserve to be loved unconditionally.

  16. I hope Xfinity and the up channel can resulve there issues so I can get the channel again

  17. I just love this family and look forward to each new season!We live in the same area, so mayb one day I will run into someone! I would never intrude on them though. I pray the new season brings as much happiness for them as the show does me. More people need to use their examples! Nothing like the Dugger family!!!

  18. Thanks in support of sharing such a good opinion, paragraph is
    nice, thats why i have read it fully

  19. Ilove there family.sending love and prayers to all.

  20. Why don’t they use surrogate one of her sisters could a baby or 2 for them

    1. I fail to understand why "fans" are so impatient regarding the Keilens' efforts to become parents and insist on a play-by-play. It's a very personal matter. Trust them enough to give news if and when they have it.

    2. Yes, no one in their position wants to be pestered about something like this. Let them be, and assume that they will share with us when there is something to share.

    3. I think it’s just because everyone is excited for them if they get pregnant. Putting your life and story on tv doesn’t really make things private anymore.

    4. The only fertility problem they have shared is she might have blocked tubes. Surrogacy is not necessary for blocked tubes and surrogacy would still require ivf treatment. Some Christians are opposed to ivf for several reasons including the process could cause embryos to be harmed or destroyed. I do not think they will go either route.

    5. 9:23, maybe none of her sisters WANT to be a surrogate for her. I doubt they would even be ok with that. If Michael is that desperate to have a baby, they can just as easily adopt, as having a surrogate costs just as much (even more really, as you can get an adoption tax credit) as adopting.

    6. anon@8:02 I don't think that even reality TV show families should be expected to live their lives with the intention of providing excitement for fans, that includes getting pregnant.

  21. Is Michel stil in the IVF proces? I pray for her. It is hard.

    1. I don't recall that IVF was ever mentioned. She is starting nursing school.

    2. They never planned to do IVF, they were just trying to figure out what was wrong.

  22. The Bates Family makes me wanna be a better person! And should do the same for everyone who lives this show!

  23. Ellie,Is there an update on Michaela and Brandon, and an update on Carlin and Evan.

    1. What kind of update on Carlin and Evan? If you are thinking she should be pregnant, perhaps they have chosen not to have a honeymoon pregnancy. Not everyone wants to get pregnant the instant they are married. I'm sure when they have news, they will share it in their own time.

    2. Update on Carlin and Evan's home decorating their new home.

    3. if you must know, I was referring to an update on their home decorating process.


    4. Okay. So many people ask if she's pregnant, I thought it was a valid comment. Sorry if I offended you.

  24. Baby Kade is soooo adorable! 🤗

  25. It doesn't take long to adopt if you go through your local social Services. Theirs so many kids in foster care. When its right for the Kellens then the heavenly father will reveal it to them
    I've had friends who couldn't conceive and they adopted 6 months latee she got pregame. So theygot a double blessing. Love the BATES FAMILY 💖🤗

    1. Unknown- It seems everybody has a story about friends who couldn't have biological children, they adopted and low and behold- got pregnant. I remember hearing this myself when going through infertility. No one, I repeat- No one, should adopt a child with the idea that they'll somehow miraculously conceive. What child wants to believe that their highest worth is to help their parents achieve their real goal of having “a child of their own”?

    2. It can be a very difficult process. Sometimes kids are taken back away and given back to their biological parents. I have seen friends go through that heartbreak. Not everyone is willing to risk having their hearts broken again. There can also be attachment issues.

    3. 11:03- Life inherently comes with risks. Even if you have biological children, there are no guarantees that they won't have physical problems, delays, or other issues. They can also disappoint you in ways you can't imagine. Yes, it's possible that when adopting the process can fall through for one reason or another. However, those instances are not common. We hear about them because they are so heartbreaking. My husband and I have two grown children, whom we adopted from Korea as infants. Had we not taken a leap of faith so long ago, we would have missed out on having two amazing and loving children who have given us boundless joy. I wouldn't trade them for anything, including children who share my DNA.

    4. 11:03, there’s a difference between fostering children where the intent is them returning to their biological parents, and adopting a child through the state who’s parent’s rights have already been terminated. There are THOUSANDS of children waiting for parents.

  26. Michael needs to adopt children! She clearly loves kids and there are SO many kids in the foster care system that need good homes.

    1. Maybe she'll find nursing to be the way for her to satisfy and use her nurturing skills. Michael only 'needs' to do what is right for her, not anyone else.

  27. Is it me or is Michaela just glowing?

    1. Maybe it's a new facial wash or beauty mask.

    2. No she looks like a pregnancy glow. Just like she looks more happy. It’s the picture with her and Brandon

    3. She definitely looks very happy for whatever reason.


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